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Forum Post: School Lunch

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 11:08 a.m. EST by d40mom (0)
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Until Monday, I observed Occupy from afar. But my frustration boiled over when I read that Congress has sacked the USDA's proposals for healthy school lunches. While I've realized for awhile that currently Congress is for the rich and corporations, this decision took it to a new level - choosing the healthy profits for food manufacturers over healthy children. And it is no secret that this decision will disproportionately affect children in poor areas that rely on school meals for their nutrition. Lobbyists for the frozen food industry counts this as a victory. I've been encouraged to stop buying frozen foods and not support this industry.



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[-] 1 points by realtorinorlando (2) from Longwood, FL 13 years ago

My 10 year old boy only gets recess one day a week for 30 minutes and I send his lunch everyday. When I lived in Sao Paulo Brazil, the lunches were fresh and beautiful and the kids got an hour! If they added rice and beans to our school menus, which are very cheap, it would help the poor kids much. I am lucky enough that I can afford to send a lunch box with my little boy. The school lunches are a lot of processed crap. Heck if they would let me, locally, I would go in and organize some volunteers to cook some real food. Whenever I suggest anything like that with the school reps, they look at me like I have 3 heads.

[-] 1 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

The politicians have become absolutely shameless. There's an impunity now that you usually only see in 3rd-world dictatorships.

[-] 1 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

Agreed this is outrageous.

[-] 1 points by bobkevin (13) 13 years ago

i'm all for the kids on this one. i'm still a teenager but i understand that my parents worked really hard to get me where i am now, healthy as a horse and i would love for the younger group to have the opportunity to get where i am as well, healthier that i had ever been. rich or poor.

[-] 1 points by gestopomillyy (1695) 13 years ago

im glad you realize how things really operate welcome

[-] 1 points by bobkevin (13) 13 years ago

this is very unfortunate especially for the kids because now they have in a small percentage been included in all this mess. parents have motivation to put in more effort into getting the message across.