Forum Post: school is slavery
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 21, 2012, 7:21 p.m. EST by human6
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
its forced labor without pay
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 21, 2012, 7:21 p.m. EST by human6
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
its forced labor without pay
Your education frees you, it shows you the light. And, the knowledge you gain is one thing in life that nobody can ever take away from you.
What light? How does it free me? I have the internet, where I can watch a youtube video on philosophy and at the same time debate you on the necessity of school, both of which teach me more than i have in ever learned in school
Yes, you can learn in many different ways but there is no substitute for a good teacher with a solid curriculum to work with.
What light? The light to guide your way through the world. The light that brings you to the truth. It's very freeing once you understand why the world is the way it is and why your own circumstance is the way it is. Very freeing.
You seem to think kids hate to learn, have you ever met a 5 year old, he's learned so much, then he goes to school, and he ends up hating learning.
LOL! I totally get what you are saying and I'm so against the way they force young kids to learn academics when they are very little. It is ridiculous and they do make many kids hate school. It is shameful. However, when you are older it's very worthwhile to have an instructor guide you along a good curriculum.
Yes it is but it shouldn't be forced on anyone at any time.
I agree with you there. We have made education, at least for the majority, a tiresome failure. That is convienant for the powers that be. But it would be a mistake to conclude that therfore education is bad. Education isn't bad; what's bad is the way we approach it. The first criteria for educating a kid is that the kid wants to be there. " You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." That simple realization would be the first step toward recreating education in America.
Yes, school isn't bad because it educates its bad because it gives education a bad name
Because education is one hell of a lot more valuable than people in this country have a tendency to treat it as, and self-education is incredibly difficult to pull off and usually resorted to in cases where organized education is unavailable for some reason. I should know; my mom pulled me out and homeschooled me until I made it to high school because the neighborhood school was badly broken.
Calling out your school system for tossing you or your children in a holding tank without ever providing them with the essential skills to move on and do well in life or for treating you as expendable and burning you out is perfectly acceptable, and those are both serious problems (the former in minority and low-income areas across this country, hence why I was homeschooled until I got into Bronx Science, and the latter in certain high-powered elementary schools), and if you were doing that I'd be at your side from the start.
However, the incredible arrogance reflected in the idea that all you need to do to learn is hang out on the Internet all day and that education is in and of itself bad news really pisses me off, and probably pisses off a lot of other people as well. The Internet is great for certain things, but it's really only good for learning if you already have a strong, well-rounded volume of factual knowledge and very good critical thinking and research skills, all of which come from some form of formalized schooling (private, public, Mom and Dad, whatever). Otherwise all you are is arrogant and gullible more than anything else.
On an immediate level, our society is running critically short on scientists, engineers, and skilled tradesmen (which means the pay for those careers is quite comfortable and the job security is strong). None of those career paths is quick or easy, and all of them require a good deal of advanced training for you to be any good at them whatsoever. If you can't make it through middle or high school without bitching about how school is slavery then where do you expect to get the discipline to make it through an advanced course of study of any of the sorts that will serve you or society down the line?
Finally, on a much larger level, the only thing that makes a democracy work is an educated citizenry; if people have no clue what's actually going on or why things matter then they're not in any position to make decisions for themselves and if this continues over the long term then you're stuck having to choose between an autocracy and an idiocracy. Deciding that you don't need to be educated means that you've basically abdicated your rights to those who are, and that to me is one of the dumbest decisions a man can make.
No education is not bad, most schools aren't educational, they give education a bad name. Kids love to learn and they stop loving it when they get to school
I understand the distaste you have for school. I remember when I was young and my teacher was teaching us about the Geneva convention, and I made it known how stupid it seemed to make war humane. instead of instructing me on the history of war and the consequences of in humane war, trench warfare, she humiliated me for questioning the common sense of the era. My point is that teachers, like most people, want it their way and don't take kindly to children questioning the wisdom of the establishment, which in my opinion is not teaching but indoctrination. but after having many jobs and working under people with the same characteristics as my teacher, I have come to the conclusion that the best education is the education you get living your life. Most instructors, especially in grade school, are just good little Americans who question nothing and hold their education up as a quality that makes them superior to others. With this said, I believe a college education, at least the one I got, is a gift of freedom. Like beautifulworld said, It is liberating learning how we got to where we are, not because of evil but because of self interests. Life makes a lot more sense after I got my education, so when it comes to the whole education experience, it is like anything else; you have to take the good with the bad and keep on keeping on.
You just gave a rant on the beauty of indoctrination.
How so? Complaining that your school is systemically inadequate or dysfunctional is perfectly acceptable, and usually indicates that something should have been done a long time ago. I'm not against that (in fact that's the very reason I was homeschooled until I got into Bronx Science). What I don't like is the idea that traditional education is bad or useless, because if it's provided properly (especially early on) it's the best gift you can receive.
A good education was my ticket from the ranks of the working poor to the rolls of MIT, and seeking one out and/or raising a stink when the one provided can't cut it makes a tremendous positive difference if enough people do it as a group, both for you and for those who come after you. If the system won't do what you need, then leave it, and that's fine too, but there's a major difference between that and decrying the whole idea of formal education as comparable to slave labor.
Oddly enough, high school was both my best and my worst experience, and in many ways they were both the same experience. The work was difficult, the administration turned out to be fairly autocratic and abusive to students and faculty alike (and the principal and I had our own personal disagreement early on that made it about twice as hairy as it would have been otherwise). I lost count of the number of times I wanted to walk out for good and set the damn place on fire as I left, but in the end I made it out at the top of my class, and as hard as it was to deal with the crap that was flying through I did more than enough growing up from learning to parry it that in the end it was more than worth it.
My point is that sometimes the things that help us grow the most aren't the most fun or the most interesting, and learning to deal with adversity and parry general bullshit are life skills that will go a long way for a long time. The other thing to consider is that talking about a situation such as a bully or a learning disorder that can make a regular school experience unnecessarily brutal for a kid would be one thing, and in a case like that I'd be sympathizing with him in a flash, but that's completely different from attacking an entire concept from an unjustified high horse.
Education is different from indoctrination. The hard sciences are typically educating students. The social "sciences", I am not so sure"
It really depends; social sciences aren't necessarily as technically or logically sound as the hard sciences are, and it's true that different schools of thought with completely different ideas of what's going on and why will often flourish (which as you suggest does lend itself to a particular breed of sophistry and idiocy that it would do well to get rid of). That said, at the end of the day critical thinking, logic, and oratory skills can be taught formally, and often enough aren't really discovered organically on their own, which I suppose is the core of my disagreement with the OP. Any decent education can and does force students to develop those skills, and as far as I'm concerned that's really what matters.
But the public education union employee racket is NOT about 'edoocation', its about indoctrination.
As anybody knows, if you want to EDOOCATE your kids, then HOME-SCHOOL.
End of story.
Change is coming and nobody can stop it. Freedom is a gonner. Tyranny is lapping at the shore. Live with it.
So what would you do if the plug was pulled and you had no internet - which by the way is full of half truths?
I would hang with my freinds and trade my knowledge for my knowledge, I would go to the library, I would explore my world, more than I already do.
Yes but you first must "learn" how to learn and that is what is supposed to be taugh in school.
Now, can you really agree that if you never had exposure to school and were never taught by anyone how to read, write, communicate and learn how to count you could do it on your own?
I don't think so.
If someone outside of school had not discovered something school would not have anything to teach
who taught you to read?
A better question, did school teach the people who invented reading?
stupid question from a stupid person.
calling me stupid and not refuting my point are signs that you can't defend your position.
you have no point to refute. YOU did not answer my question,.......who taught you to read?
My mom
that's what i thought you would say.
Why I was home schooled until age 6 then went to a school that was a war-zone were kids with extreme anger went on rampages for no reason, i left when a kid beat me down with a chair.
inner city , democrat contolled ?
No, it was sped and yes
Education is a funny thing. I remember being taught that the slaves from Africa were brought here to work, and start families because they didn't mind the heat. Germans under naziism were taught the phony Aryian supremacy bullshit line. And Jews were less then dogs.
Where did you go to school, Kirby? I was never taught any of that. I think the curriculum has gotten better in many places, though not all places.
Minneapolis suburbs. That was elementary school in 1965 or 66. I remember looking at the pictures in the textbook, and it looked so okay. Like they were happy. My great uncle was a photographer for the Chicago sun-times way back. I don't remember ever meeting him, but he took photos of me and one of my brothers when we were like 2 or 3, before the civil rights act of 1964. It's a black and white photo, of me sitting on the floor with some toys scattered about, and a big magazine, probably Life or Look, open on the floor too. You can just make out the title of the article, entitled "Are Negroes Ready For Equality?" We've a sad history, when it comes to this kind of thing. My mom told me she remembers him taking all kinds of time to set up these photographs, and they were so excited because they didn't have any money for a photographer.
Wow. That's really interesting. I'm a little younger than you so maybe things were different for me. Plus I went to school in NYC so probably a little more progressive in the 1970's than MN in 60's. It is really creepy to think of how our nation was just such a short time ago. And, today, we still have so many problems.
To quote everyone's favorite mystic "Education means leading out, which is not the same thing as stuffing in."
Personally I'm grateful for my education, it comes in handy and the college scene wasn't a bad experience. Not for everyone though.
That's ok but it should not be mandatory
Defiantly not. I took technical degrees that I doubt I could have learned as well on my own; but I also put off college until I was 22 because I was quite content buying books and teaching myself things before that. If you have smart friends who can hold a conversation, and you can read, ya really don't need praise/criticism from some pretentious academic for your understanding of anything.
I'll give credit to business school tho, there is probably a lot of the stuff that someone could learn on your own, even finance, but there is a lot of value in being placed in an intensive fast paced program where you are forced to deal with 5 people you've never met and put together an A+ project worth 50% of your mark in a really short span of time.
I was originally a bit annoyed I had to go to business school to get a shot at a managerial type position, like it was just a stupid hoop to jump through, and in some respect it was, but there was also lot of value in the experience itself.
I'm not against school just the mandatory slavery we call education we have in the "civilized" world
Don't go if you hate it so much, I mean, where do you seriously expect all this money to come from? The magical money fairy :)
That's what all money is, magical paper powered by the belief in its value.
Well, I'm all for rational ideas in this context. Maybe free college, or at least increased Pell Grants and expansion of our state university systems. Maybe our approach to teaching needs to be improved. Some degree of student loan forgiveness certainly isn't a bad idea (within reason I guess). But the idea that intellectual enlightenment isn't its own reward, is alien to me (and quite frankly, I think it should be vigorously rejected by everyone). Unfortunately, this is just more evidence of how anti-intellectual our culture has become. The idea that by learning, you're doing someone else a favor, is absurd.
Education frees the mind, it doesn't enslave it; and anyone who thinks the opposite is true, clearly has much more "learning" to do (oh shit ... was that a rhyme) :)
I'm not against school, just privatize them and take them underground.
The pay is the education you receive.
Stop whining and do your homework. You can go out and play when it's done. Maybe even have some ice cream. Yum!
Yes! Thank you! Sometimes, society requires things of the individual. They pay you back, they always do. During 1940s Germany, the pay was food in exchange for labor. There are times when you can be forced to engage in economic activity. Some work is compulsory, like making radios and rockets for the Germans. Thank the establishment for all the hard work they do for you!
This OP is a CHILD. He is not yet 18 years old. He must attend school, public, private parochial or home school. Slaves weren't allowed to go to school. The fear was that they might actually demand freedom. Yeah, school is fascistic.
Apparently you managed to escape learning how to think there.
It is in the interest of a democracy to have an educated electorate. It is in the interest of any enlightened society to educate its children. If he stops whining and actually applies himself, he might have enough skills to make a good living and not become a wage slave. Ignorance is slavery.
You clearly enjoy the shackles and wish to share them
The social contract is bullshit, it boils down to i have the right to rob you. Taxation is theft. Society is a horrible myth.
Yes, you display the complete selfishness and lack of understanding larger issues of a child. That might be appropriate, given that you are actually a child.
However, society exists. It has interests that supersede yours whether you like it not. Whether it is bullshit or not takes nothing away from the fact that it's true.
And you are too young, and too much of a snot-nosed little brat to realize that what you learn in school will be to YOUR advantage. And you're to much of an ungrateful little shit to realize that kids your age all over the world DREAM of being able to go to school - they would do ANYTHING to have what you are bitching about - but are denied that opportunity. You are a spoiled, ungrateful, little prick. You act like someone in his terrible twos, throwing a never-ending tantrum, instead of a teenager trying to make a future for himself.
Do you homework and shut up.
Lets look at it this way, if i took away all the people would society exist?
If I took away society would the individual still exist?
The individual is real society is a myth.
Look at it this way, if you took all the people away, you would die. After all, there would be no one to complain to.
That's right. Society is people. If you got rid of people, people wouldn't exist. How brilliant! If we got rid of you, you wouldn't exist, and there would be a bit less self-entitled whining to listen to. Because you live amongst other people - aka society - , your behavior is restricted. You can't do all sorts of things to them. But you get a whole lot of things from them. You are so pissed, however, that you might have to do things that you don't want to, like learn math or science or English, that you are completely blind to the investment an entire community is making for your potential success. You are ungrateful for everything you are being given - and given not due to anything you've earned, but simply because you are breathing - just because you resent having to make an effort of any sort.
And that's why you are being called a spoiled brat.
I can't hurt you or your property because you own yourself, you believe that society owns the individual. I believe the individual owns himself.
Your welcome to your opinion just don't force it on me
Ownership is not the issue. Participation is. You may not hurt me or my property because it is illegal to do so (besides, I would kick your ass). It was made illegal by, guess who? the society in which you live.
That's what laws are. they are agreement by society, formalized by elected representatives, and enforced by the mechanism the PEOPLE have decided will do so.
Don't like it? Move to an island and live by yourself. No one will mind if you remain an ignorant, developmentally arrested child there.
No it is illegal to hurt you because of natural law, not anything else. You force me to participate by banning secession.
government has the same right to make rules as a business, over its employees and land. Land would be area it buys or it gets, that means you can be a citizen and your house can be government territory and pay taxes but don't force me to.
Why can't I kick the cops ass when he tries to make me go to school, morality is the same for everyone even government officials
You have no idea what you're talking bout. You have swallowed the Libertartian CoolAid. And I doubt you even believe in that crap. You just don't want to learn anything by doing your homework, and are using a bullshit moronic , ah;f baked, political philosophy to distract from the fact that you are an ungrateful, lazy, brat who just hates school. Well, too fucking bad. You still have to go.
Please refute my points, instead of giving me an ad hominum attack
I have refuted every point you have made,and you have ignored it every time. There is no reason to continue. You are mad because you have to do homework. You don't see the value of school. You argue legal matters as if you attended law school, which you haven't , (and which you never will attend if you don't first graduate from high school) yet are arrogant enough to think you are an expert.
Maybe, if someone doesn't bitch-slap you to death first, you will gain enough ife experience to realize that your present stance is based on utter ignorance and arrogance.
Until then, I am NOT your teacher. You have plenty of them where you are, but are so pissed that you won't ask THEM. That is what school is for, not an internet forum.
I refuted your points about participation by saying: government has the same right to make rules as a business, over its employees and land. Land would be area it buys or it gets, that means you can be a citizen and your house can be government territory and pay taxes but don't force me to.
your response: You have no idea what you're talking bout. You have swallowed the Libertartian CoolAid. And I doubt you even believe in that crap.
That was not a refutation of my point about participation. That was an ad hominum attack on me not my positions
You haven't had an argument since you showed up. You're more into running around in circles. Off you go, wee one.
Go to school.
not an argument
I didn't ask for the state to "educate" me, they just used the threat of violence on me and my family, and besides its not education its brainwashing to not see the gun in the room (government)
That's a variation on "I never asked to be born! Waaaahhh!"
Stop being a spoiled little brat. Just because you are still too ignorant to know how education is helping you doesn't mean it isn't for your benefit. You sound like an 8 year old.
You would not even be able to write your complaint here if school didn't teach you to read and write.
If you want to complain do it to Mommy or Daddy. OWS isn't your parent.
I know! He's being such a brat! The establishment knows SO much better what is good for him! Sometimes you must be a slave!
human6 - You are a fucking idiot.
You would be lucky to have SFB.
Does your mom wish she could enact retroactive birth-control in your case????????
I'm sound like an 8 year old, I'm not the one who's stomping around and calling his opponent and idiot. I made a legitimate point and you respond by insulting me, wow, and I thought i could get honest debate out of this.
Education is helping me, school just isn't education it's memorization. Want to know how I'm learning? I've got an internet connection, I have a nook, and I have the ability to experiment and study the world.
Funny how school (teachers) taught you that...
School, if you break it down, is preparation for the world. You learn to work with others, to cooperate even when you'd rather not, to adjust to the presence of differing groups, gain or loose social status, and as a fringe benefit you just might learn to do useless things like read and math.
Yep, school is slave labor...while you whine, millions of others eagerly await the coming of the next day of attendance so they can participate in all of the above and more.
My first school was a statists idea of anarchy, a bunch of wannabe gangbangers locked in a building with little control, a kid beat me over the head with a chair. No I didn't learn in school. My next school was a crap heap were you got locked in a room and guy got arrested for slamming a kids head into a desk and almost put Kyle in coma, they didn't fire him.
I think your lying and I call bullshit.
I tend to agree...Makes me wonder what movies this guy/gal is watching...
I think it's called the Faux Privatization for Suckers: An Inside Hand Job!
I can't prove I'm not so I won't try to
You aren't capable of addressing the issues in education either. Thus far, you have already proven what you represent.
Which is?
End standardized testing and inclusion and no privatization of public education. End Zero Tolerance policies. There are also private schools and homeschooling available if public schools scare you.
I don't represent that, except for standard tests, but I support creating alternative knowledge sources that aren't reliant on government intervention
You support the privatization of public education. Period. I know what you represent.
I also support abolition of the state by the creation of mutual aid societies and voluntary associations
You are right. Let's do away with all schools.
thx, do you know where the nyc GA meets
Why? Running away from home?
Yes! Birth control! Kill the nonconformists!!! Zeig Heil!
work is like school with longer hours
Not always, I make money with dogs, that's not anything like school
Scool is slavery ?? This was my opinion when I was 15 years old. Now, 25 years later I find myself privileged that I could go to scool. Slavery is when you don’t earn anything, on scool you earn a lot, you earn knowledge. And this knowledge is an investment for the rest of your life. You can be paid in many ways, with real money, or with knowledge. And with this knowledge you can earn more money. So scool/education always pays of and therefore it is not slavery.
Slaves were given food and a place to stay, how could they think to call themselves slaves.
School doesn't educate you, it teaches you useless facts you vomit onto a paper, the things you need but don't learn are: critical thinking, logic, rhetoric, philosophy, debate, art, invention, music, real history, political science, gardening. All these things are not taught because they are don't serve the goal of school, to mold the student into a good little slave of the political tax farmers.
i dont see how you think its labor.. its only labor for stupid kids that find it difficult.. then of course they have to labor to get by. but for the ones of average intelligence they dont teach anything that takes that much effot to understand.
I'm using labor literally to mean any form of work. Its not really education its just vomiting out facts on a peace of paper, not real education.
I get a tremendous kick out of the fact that this person's views are not respected by "tolerant" people, instead, when they support an idea that is out of the mainstream, they are ostracized, bullied and attacked. It's very interesting from a psychological standpoint, all of these people don't want to believe the fact that they were force-fed half-truths the first 18 years of their life. See also: The Painted Crow.
Bahahahahahaha. You either knew in advance or failed to catch his earlier words.
Knew what in advance? Are you hitting the pipe again? Find some friends, please, for the sake of everyone else on the forum. You right-wing trolls are not welcome among us tolerant folks.
Hit the pipe? Never. Not after what I saw what it did to you. Now hurry and go log back in as someone else. :D
Why do you think I have several accounts? Could this be self hatred... I wonder... All of your comments seem to have two votes... Do you need affirmation that bad? I'll start up voting your comments if you want. That way, you'll have three accounts helping yourself. And, it's never quite the same if you can come back at a zing with the classic "No, that's YOU!" response. It helps if you can come up with another, even better zing, but I guess that question is already answered.
"Why do you think I have several accounts? "
'Cause your a dick. That's why. Vote 'em up, Thrassy.
The NCAA certainly treats collegiant athletes like slaves.
Education is important...however, there can sometimes be problems with our current education system, and this starts with society itself..and this can turn students off from learning if they feel the people running it are not doing the right thing for students...
However... it is still very important to understand the differences..some learning is going to be memorizing in order to know what the references are, and this is good and necessary... then there is a lot of reasoning aspects that should be stressed clearly, in order to draw independent conclusions on important areas, but this may not often happen enough...
However, ultimately, you should definitely try to excel as much as possible in public education, there are good teachers, gravitate to them, they are in the same situation..., outside knowledge will always be available too... so don't leave yourself short on public education, it can limit you if you don't try to excel.... try to help fix the system, by learning as much as you can, to climb to the opportunities to make the changes... avoid being confused into turning away from schooling, just make it work for you... the harder you try now, the more you will be able to change things by opportunities thru education, you may not otherwise have...
When younger we tend to be idealistic, which is a positive thing, however, the downside is that there are a lot of people in the world, that are not very idealistic at all... and these are the attitudes we will end up often having to deal with... excelling in education is one way to overcome this as it can open opportunities for you thru education, for interesting and progressive options...
Again, you should excel in education, otherwise you can become held back and fall in with others whose attitudes that are not very idealistic, who may be able to then control your options even more, from lack of opportunity, if you avoid education...and u don't want that...
Schooling can sometimes be difficult... so seek out those teachers and other students who want to help, and stick with them... you can do this...
You understand what I'm saying right...? Ok, so then go study and do well... peace...
I don't think it should be reformed, it is immoral and wrong, its funded by the extortion of money and will always serve the interests of the 1% brainwashing children, we need private alternatives and anarchistic free schools
First of all, centralization of resources or centralization of learning is not bad by itself...
Although some educational approaches are questionable, we should see there are people who are trying to help in the system, but for it to work for you in more ideal ways, you probably will need to seek out those in the system who can help you...
Structure can be helpful to learning, in building new ways, and even in creative endeavors, and should not just simply be dismissed...
It is probably best to try as much as possible to excel, and avoid ideas which do not encourage you to excel... seek out those who can help, to push each other forward...
Sometimes in order to really learn, we need others who can help us expand our thinking and steer each other in the right direction, and away from mistakes or narrow assumptions... seek these people out, don't simply categorize things so you miss important opportunities...there is nothing noble in limiting yourself, regardless if you believe that you are not...
That is what objectivity is for, to keep an open-mind so we do not get ourselves stuck by limiting our perspectives... use education and resources to expand your learning and reasoning...
Definitely filter out the questionable things when learning, but part of that is to not dismiss ideas or efforts that can be good and useful! very important...
Thinking positive is also important, even though can sometimes be hard... cynicism is not automatically accurate... seeking out others who can help and motivate you is a very important piece... keep pushing yourself forward to important opportunities...
I wish you luck and success...
I think it should be reformed as well. End standardized testing and inclusion and no privatization of public education. End Zero Tolerance policies. There are also private schools and homeschooling available if public schools scare you.
I learn by talking to my freinds and living not by school
The internet is the largest anarchic free school in the world
Because it is on the internet does not make it true. The first rule you learn in research. End standardized testing and inclusion and no privatization of public education. End Zero Tolerance policies. There are also private schools and homeschooling available if public schools scare you.
Yes I know how to tell BS from real stuff
But if private schools don't get the mafias seal of approval they can't exist
That is a lie.
mafia= state
Almost to a T. They are the perfect extortionists.
No, the state and wall street are playing us for fools, the state leads half of us to the right hunting it, while wall street leads half of us left hunting it. At night they sneak into both our homes and steal our stuff.
Speak for yourself.
WallStreet=mafia! Even Capone was jealous of the rackets they operate.
The state and wall street are just 2 branches of the same tree, the tree of authoritarianism and slavery. The root of the tree is the control of the people with patriotism, fear and propaganda
Well, I guess that's what you get to believe, when you hate the thought of an education.
Your BS alarms are defective.
School is not education, it is memorization, education, is debate, invention, reading, discussion, creation, and so many other things not in school
Considering you got that last thing wrong, as well as professing to a belief in an illusion.
All that memorization, just might do you some good.
'Cause that other stuff doesn't seem to be working out for you.
But if private schools don't get the mafias seal of approval they can't exist
^^^That is a lie. You just don't become accredited. You can exist. Kids can attend.
I didn't know that, I had heard differently
Sure you did.
Your mother is calling you.
I can't prove that I didn't and you don't trust me so it doesn't really matter.
Your mother is calling you.
The entire system is based on violence, every law ends at the barrel of a gun, get a fine, don't go to court, you get forced to court go to court, resist the police get shot.
"I don't have any thing to say to your arguments! So I will say that you are done because I don't have any friends and any human interaction is welcome at this point! Yes We Can! Baa-aaah!"
LOL. You were done a week ago. Your jig is up.
Would that be the lady with the soft voice and kind lips? Oh, wait, I think that is your mom.
He, like you, doesn't have any arguments. You whine and that's it.
No, not quite. But, thanks for playing.
Fact!!! Obummer cannot give a speech without the aid of his teleprompter
Your mother is calling you too.
Why do some of you regard what are a healthy, normal reactions to the enforced states of physical & psychological captivity entailed in compulsory "education" as some type of defective, infantile raving?
Seems to me that "mature", sensitive, & aware people would give more time & thought to ideas that object to our system(s) of "education" as being infantile itself - limited & limiting - an ignorant breaking of the individual into a machinelike existence, & to be begun at a young age. Is this what you regard as the the cultivation of an advanced, enlightened civilization?
When will people become more aware? And begin regarding these states of enforced captivity as responsible for many of the worst problems we now face in our world, largely as the result of a mechanistic view of life?
There is a relationship, IMO, between human captivity & our compulsion to keep animals, nature, & the environment more & more captive & controlled. I'd say that what we consider school/education is more a reflection of our misguided (& disastrous) approach to the treatment of all living things as pieces of machinery, to be ground down into standardized units by force & fear.
What good sense those who object to this process have!
thx for saying what i'm trying to say better than i ever could
....... and you are dumb because it helping me make have a better living
If its so great why does it have to be mandatory
because the government want a society where 100% people can read and write.
It also makes for a more balanced society
look up the prussian model of education
im enjoying my school alot thank you
Sure, and you are welcome to enjoy it. But wouldn't you enjoy it more if the kids who didn't want to be there didn't have to be? Do you really think they are learning anything?
fine then let them not have school but no school no well fare they are not furthering man success int this universe and should be viewed as free loaders. Education = power now
Please look at both of those so you can have both sides of the debate, because teachers aren't going to give you the negatives of school. That goes against common sense
i look at it and see no reason to relate it to the conversation since it does not bring any new data into the conversation
and school sucks podcast
Here we go.
no, Mandatory attendance is slavery.
School is not.
Your "pay" is your degree. Your degree serves as proof that you've satisfied the all requirements for graduation from the school you attended. It isn't slavery. Who is forcing you to perform the "labor" of learning?
So it would be okay for me to put a gun to your head and force you to work for me if I paid you?
No one put a gun to your head to go to learn anything. Until the age of 16 (in most states, so far as I'm aware) children are required to attend school. The child isn't actually required to learn.
Isn't that the truth - "children aren't actually required to learn" That's explains why the younger high school graduates can't read and write, let alone be able to speak proper english.
Steve, that's it in a nutshell. The educational system in many areas of the country permit this sort of thing. These children are herded through the system and teachers, school administrators and parents allow it to happen. For far too long, far too many kids have graduated - actually graduated - and are essentially, functionally illiterate. But enough digression.
let's not bring up the awkward state laws and written in
Ok. I won't if you won't. Deal? :-)
Sure, the kids that don't want to be in school aren't learning anything, but why not make them be there anyway so they can disrupt the lessons, bully and ostracize the kids who do want to learn, and take resources away from the classrooms by lowering the per-student funding? Makes total sense to me.
Fine, don't go to school and stay a dumbass. That will allow you to be manipulated even more.
I learn, school isn't learning, its brainwashing, I don't need school, I have access to the largest wealth of information in human history, and lots of porn lol
Talk to us in 15-20 years and tell me how much you know. At your age, there is not a thing that the rest of us could tell you. How could you know what you need to know when you have not even been around the corner to see what lies ahead. Go for it. Good luck.
Using the age card means you don't have a real argument, that's a logical fallacy
My point is that actually experiencing life gives validity to what one knows. You just got out of the gate. People in my position in life, know what school is and is not. You are worried about being brainwashed, conditioned to be something that you do not want to be. You are an individual and will be able to filter what is being offered at school over time. Things that you think you do not need to know now will possibly have value to you in the future. Just me having to explain that to you makes my point. You really are unaware of what you do not know and need to know. Whether you like it or not, school offers opportunities and keeps our communities strong. Nothing is a perfect fit. I hated school more than you could imagine. I even took tech classes, so that I could focus on only what I wanted to know. Later, I went to college and now understand the value of a well rounded exposure to education. Even after that, I did not know anything. Life has a funny way of beating that into your head over time. If you can open your mind to what is being said to you, then you might save yourself a lot of wasted energy. Or you could follow what most teenagers (including myself) do, think you know everything and forget to turn on your ears. I know that your ego makes it hard to take. Never the less, good luck. At least you are trying to have discussions, which is more than most people period.
I have the internet, the largest repository of knowledge in human history, and your saying I need school?
Ahhhh the internet, the biggest compilation of fact and fiction ever put together in the history of humankind. Information needs to be tempered with wisdom. Wisdom takes time and guidance. There are skills that the internet will not force you to learn. You may not even know what skills those are if it were not for your parents, teachers and mentors to guide you. Look, school can really suck. But it forces you to deal with ALL things, not just the ones that are pleasant to you. Just because you disagree with a point of view or a teaching method does not mean you should not learn it. I spent two years at a christian college. I went there on a sports scholarship. I did not gel well with the religious teachings there, but it sure did not hurt me to learn it. Would I have done that on my own back then...definitely not. But learning those types of things will allow you to be more well rounded and actually have something of value to add to a situation when the time comes. The saying, "The older I get the less I realize that I know", stands so true. Though I have three degrees, I wish that I would have pushed even harder on myself at times. The reason, because I know what I know now.
You know what part of school is the most educational, the playground and the free market of info. I learned allot about physics from my friend and he go knowledge about anarchist theory. I read, and kids love to learn until they get to school
School by no means is perfect. Far from it. However, very rare is the case that a self taught student moves forward in life and finds success. It does happen and you may be that exception. But, playing the odds on this in society can be disastrous. Society needs to have some expectation of it's citizens. Achieving the best education that you can, especially when it is offered by society, is an obligation of each of us. Your original statement is that "School is slavery and offers no pay." The pay is your education that allows you to be self reliant and possibly pay if forward to others. That is the pay. As far as anarchist theory, remember, anarchy expects the strongest to survive. Not to fun if you are not one of the strongest. Education among other things encourages being the strongest. Ironic that a structured society would help you survive in anarchy. Keep on thinking and good luck to you and your walk.
I'm not saying self taught students, private schools and community information markets
The innertubes is also the largest repository of BS ever created, this side of FLAKESnews.
Stay in school, or be a fool. that is your "choice".
No i'll get arrested, and I can tell BS (both the by product of bovine digestion and the leather and whip kind, both of which are very common on the internet) from real shit
It would be good if you learned the definition of the word arrogant.
It is forced until you reach a certain age depending on the state you live in.
Some people chose to home school where you don't have to go to a building for 6 hours a day.
So quit and deliver pizza.
Your point is that school is needed, that is an is statement we are talking about ethics so we need an ought statement.
Their ought not to be a government monopoly on education that brainwashes kids not seeing the gun in the room (government).
I can't quit until i turn 18 so I'm going to subvert school and learn on my own until then
Boo hoo. Gotta do homework, Gotta do math. snif Can I get a cookie?
Look, child, would you know how to write what you are writing if you hadn't been "forced at the point of a gun? to attend school?
Government has no monopoly on education, it can only demand you have one. You can go to private school or be home schooled. That's up to your parents, not the big bad gub'ment.
It is your life do what you want.Can't hack school quit but do not try to live off Mommy and Daddy.Just move out and be all grown up.
I learn allot from living and from going on REPUDABLE internet sites that i can learn from you want links I'll give you them
Quit. I'll toss you a coin and a French Fry next time I see ya. Or maybe you will be the next Bill Gates.
I'm an agorist, so neither
Labor? You're too weird to spend time with.
Looks like you were "freed" slave, and never attended one human6.
You ignorant asshole
Pot calling the kettle black?
OUCH.... What a rapier like wit. "Pot calling kettle black"...... man where do you come up with such incredible bits of wisdom? Can we quote you on that one.