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Forum Post: SB Independent Letter

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 9:57 p.m. EST by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


"During the past two months, the Occupy Wall Street movement has been promoted by the Main Street Media as a grassroots protest by some kids victimized by college debt who are mad at the rich and corporations. The truth is much more dark and dangerous.

OWS is an attempt to create chaos. Supporters include Communist Party USA, Black Panthers, Marxist Student Union, Hezbollah, Ayatollah Khamenei, George Soros, Louis Farrakhan and Nation of Islam, Hugo Chavez, and Service Employees International Union. At the top of the list is President Obama.

The group’s website reports its link to the violent uprisings in Europe and the Middle East. Why would Obama endorse this destructive movement? Is it a campaign tactic to divert attention from his failed policies? Does it expose his Saul Alinsky connections?

A Chicago native who began agitating class warfare in the 1930s, Alinsky was a hero for Obama, who followed in his footsteps. Alinsky wrote Rules for Radicals, which advocated destruction of existing laws, society, financial and property systems in America. His revolution happens through disruption and chaos and the Have-Nots taking from the Haves. He laughs at a moral code and amasses power by criminal acts: lying, riots, murder.

President Obama taught the Alinsky model for revolution for several years: In 1986, he was hired to organize residents of South Chicago to go against the establishment. The OWS is a dream-come-true for Alinsky believers and amoral revolutionaries."

During my lifetime, the far right wing pundits and foot soldiers have never ceased to amaze me with their gall and capriciousness, and their knack and hobby for chronic habitual lying, trolling, and using their own free speech for the express purpose of exploring the grey area just before slander and libel.

On every issue, they are ignorant, detached from reality, speaking a riddled full of nonsense special language all their own, operating inside of an obvious cult lead group think, repeating nonsense they have merely been programmed with, and operating clearly as enemies to the public and to the public welfare even while attempting demonically to claim the moral high ground.

It is long past time to stand up to the liars, con artists, pundits, and duped mental zombots of the far right, and their spin doctoring and propaganda filth machine.

Occupy movement was started as an in joke and never really expected to actually become real, in symbolic arguments made by adbusters. These were then acted upon by a very small group of awakened people who are truly lucid and then joined in by so many others. It may not have been purely grass roots, the question of whether or not it was initially astro turfed is a question that can't be objectively answered. What can be answered is the simple fact that it IS NOW a grass roots movement, using open source direct democracy, and consensus process, to not only address the issues but do so in a way that does not presume an initial bias but instead, a new global conversation.

Hearing the same old uncanned third rate troll attacks is doubly pathetic then when in truth the Occupy movement is the genuine article. They have pitched and held space and made room for the big tent and held that tent open. They have allowed all the voices in but made sure to bring a sense of neutral moderation to them all, and yes, we have embraced marxists and republicans and capitalists and socialists- but this movement is not for them, it is not theirs, and we will not go the route of and ISM. More than anything Occupy movement is REAL. It is paging the public, listening, thinking, scratching its head and actually going to find out what the real world actually thinks; Instead of merely ascribing to political agencies whatever is politically convenient.

What is sad is to see this degenerate trolling lifted to the position of being published in a News Paper. There are legitamate complaints and problems with the movement, and I have my own personal long list I like to bring out at the national Site as often as is warranted.

But The real question here, is what is meant by "Dangerous"? Dangerous, as in, "Mad as hell and not going to take it any more"? Dangerous as in "Awake"? Dangerous as in "The slaves ain't buying into the faked corporate oligarchy casino any more and are in open revolt"? Sure, I suppose you could call that dangerous, If by "Danger" you mean a real threat to the stupid, evil, fascist, corrupt, infantile, primitive system which such zombot politicos represent. Yeah, your old troll game of noise and lies and nonsense is going the way of the Dinos- thats Dangerous to your con scam, dangerous to the evil political parties and dangerous to the "control" of the oligarchy.

But what you MEAN by "Danger" is something else. You expect to call up the grim spectre of 20 coded buzz words and whip all the faithful into a frenzy; A frenzy of righteous indignation fueld entirely by noxious noise.

The TRUTH is much more enlightened, and promising. Its long past time to evolve, and we can do this in an evolutionary and non violent manner. The truth is that we are non violent, we value democracy, we value the system enough not to call for merely chaotically toppling it, and we are clear and present with the process of making real change in a pragmatic and egalitarian manner that is fair and just for everyone.

The TRUTH is that the author of this bit is clearly writing an opinion HIT peice, on a topic which she is ignorant of.

Alinsky has NOTHING to do with the occupy movement, and the leaders of the movement are the people who SHOW UP AT GA.

Obama has NOTHING to do with the Occupy movement, as is mostly considered by it merely one more pawn and stooge for the corporate oligarchy, who on multiple levels ahs committed treason against any reasonable public trust, due to either his own negligent ignorance on assorted topics, or due to his intentionally and willfully lying about such subjects; Really the only question is; Which? Did obama know he was lying when he repeated the con scam that coal and oil are cheaper than green fuels? Did he know he was lying when he called biofuels green or renewable? Did he know he was setting the USA up for DOOM when he authorized 50 new nuclear power stations? Is he that STUPID? or Just that EVIL? In the end? WE STOPPED CARING WHICH, and WE JUST WANT TO TOSS THE GARBAGE OUT.

Yeah, I know that has you terrified and ready to scream yourself hoarse, because its not going to be a republican, and its not going to be a democrat, and you are sooo attached to the masters tits that you will fight to the death to protect them.

The Occupy movement is in fact the worst nightmare for all such isms. Because the public is going to wake up and start cleaning house, and marxism, socialism, republicanism, capitalism, anarchism, atheism, Christian fascism, Zionist Fascism, IslamoFascism, and all the rest is not going to trip us up, we are marching straight through the nonsense, and as we do so the great culture wars of lies and spin and divide and conquer dumble down are going to crack and shatter.

There is no place left for you to hide, and no place left for them. The light is coming, and it will scour and it will cook and it will rend apart the knots and it will demand its own justice.

For my entire life the sun of the meme overse has been hidden behind perpetual dark clouds of smoke and mirrors and lies which have clogged this civilization until it is burning down from dysfunction. But you can't hold back the dawn forever. My entire life a dam of stupid evil con scammers and their dupes have held back the truth, in order to lie to the public and get the slaves to fight against their own better interests. The dam is surging, the flood waters are flowing, and snap and crackle and pop, the dam is breaking. Change is coming, and neither you nor alinsky nor obama nor all the kings horses and all the kings men will be able to put con scam corporate oligarchy "Capitalism" back together again.

Nobody can hold back the dawn. You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people all of the time, but its been a few decades, and people are tired of being fooled.

So go crawl under whatever trollish rock you spawned from, and stop being an evil person. Stop lying to the public in order to promote an agenda which is fascist, stop lying to the public and make beleiving you even know what you are talking about,. Stop lying to the public, and stop trying to make the world go your way. News. Your stupid evil fascist worldview and your old control mechanisms are not going to work any more. Your time has past, and your ideology is a dead cult walking.

In the end, history will record that humanity rose and woke up and changed the course of civilization and stepped back away from the precipice which stupid ignorant evil divide and conquer con scam pwns and dupes like yourself has brought us to.

In the end, the madness stops, and we won't be listening to YOUR "side" or "theirs".

We will forge a new direction, based on truth, and knowledge, and love, and compassion, and light, And all of your trolling will only serve to indict you, and prove to everyone that no matter what moral high ground you THINK you have, the mote truly is in your own eye; Not OURS.

Until you wake up and stop being evil; We will work and fight FOR YOU.

This is YOUR future we are trying to save here, along with everyone elses. Grow a spine, Grow an Intellect, Grow some manners, Grow some ethos, Grow some morality yourself. You are in no position to pass moral judgements, you don't even have the first clue what you are even talking about.



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[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

i'm quoting a troll and ripping their trollnoise down...