Forum Post: Saving Our Nation - A new form of workforce
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 12:05 p.m. EST by solarfuzzy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have been thinking about this for some time, and have written a paper called "Saving Our Nation." I would like to share it all with you, but there's a limit on post size. Here's a small portion:
What's the solution?
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." - Albert Einstein
What we can do is modify our thinking, and our methods of approaching these problems. We can shift our paradigm - the mechanism is already in place waiting to be activated.
Where do we start?
We need a new branch of service men and women. The military has provided an excellent beta test for the structure necessary to solve all of these problems. We need one that is non-militant. It can consolidate and shift our resources expenditure into providing jobs for the general populace in return for voluntary civil service. It can assure education, food, medical and dental, as well as housing for those that join.
What would they do?
Rebuild America. Build the national infrastructure necessary to support alternative energy sources. Clean up the country. Build our future.
This would begin to rebuild the faith of the American people in a government long divided in bickering. It would create jobs and educate people how to do them. It would provide the basic security necessary to begin the self-actualization of every American- which is what we need. We need to create our solution by creating extraordinary citizens.
If you want to change the world, you start with yourself. Then you become something other people and countries strive to be like. Then, then you can change the world.
You can read more of this paper at:
I wasn't aware that California was doing something like that. I know that the Civilian Conservation Corps worked well and was very popular shortly after the great depression, but was shut down by congress about a decade after it began.
I was thinking something more like the military in structure - which is socialist - but it is able to be successful even so because it is voluntary and lies within a capitalist society, leaving us free to chose which we prefer to live in.
You would volunteer, have a recruiter/counselor help you find a job you would like/are able to do, and then are trained to do it. In compensation, you receive medical, dental, housing allowance, food, education benefits, potential retirement, and basic pay which is paid by rank, and caps out.
If most anyone can join as long as they are able to perform a job, we could all but do away with welfare and medicare. It would create massive amounts of jobs. We are unable to maintain or upgrade our sewers, electric grid, bridges, dams, etc. at the rate they are degrading. This is also where this would be different from the Conservation Corps - more focus on technical/structural rennovation than conserving natural parks.
Government doesn't have to pay for it, but as Government is the controller of the public taxes, and the work this new group would be doing would be for the public good, then I think it should.
OWS is creating a type of riot tat is tearing apart our ntion and it led by people that have no motivation to make money themselves. The system of gov and business is working, not perfectly but it works.... It has created a nation tat is greater than any other.....
The State of California already has something built on this model the "California Conservation Corp." Their moto is something like "hard work, low pay, and long hours." Its participants are mostly young people who don't have a lot of oportunity. I think for that demographic it s a very good thing as it teaches them the value of hard work and develops a good work ethic and skills as well has helps then with their eduction.
As for it being used for building infrastructure and such I think their is a possiblity something similar would work. My only concern as I also beleive it is important for our country to remain a democratic republic and my fear is that it would become socialist. I am a Government employee and I'm strongly considering becomeing a Union Steward so its not that I'm against Government employment. However working for Government I see how the system is abused and used by some who want to get paid and not actually do their jobs or do the least they can get away with.
So there needs IMO to be a way to accomplish this and make the many other changes our government needs without becoming socialist.
I agree that as our nations government is today this would likely be an abject failure. For this to work IMO fundamental political, bureaucratic, and ecomonic transformation will have to come first. Which IMO cannot happen with our current politicians and bureaucrats as I don't believe that if the changes that are necessary really happened any of those currently in office would be willing to remain as IMO they are all in it for themselves and care nothing about the people. IMO everything that comes out of their mounths for public consumption is rhetoric they beleive those who will support them want to hear.
The State of California already has something built on this kind of model "The California Conservation Corp." Their moto is something like hard work, low pay, and long hours." Its participants are mostly young people who don't have a lot of oportunity in life. I think for that demographic it s a very good thing as it teaches them the value of hard work and develops a good work ethic.
As for it being used for building infrastructure and such I think their is a possiblity. My only concern as I also beleive it is important for our country to remain a democratic republic and my fear is that it would become socialist. I a a tate Government employee and I'm strongly considering becomeing a Union Steward so its not that I'm against Government employment. However working for Government I see how the system is abused and used by some who want to get paid and not actually do their jobs also or do the least they can get away with.
So there needs in my opion to be a way to do this and make the many other changes our government needs without becoming socialist.
I agree that as our nations government is today this would likely be an abject failure. For this to work IMO fundamental political, bureaucratic, and ecomonic transformation will have to come first. Which IMO cannot happen with our current politicians and bureaucrats as I don't believe that if the changes that are necessary really happened any of those currently in office would be willing to remain as IMO they are all in their for themselves and care nothing about the people. IMO everything that comes out of their mounths for public consumption is rhetoric they beleive those who will support them want to hear.
And this would be government funded. Sorry. It would be a massive failure.
Totally added you to my favorites... It was "nothingness" that got me.
I'm in a hurry right now, but we share similar ideas. below is a copy of an earlier reply I made here at the forums. Also, thank you to both you and your husband for your military service. Since it's very difficult for most people to suddenly burn their credit cards and risk eviction/homelessness by quitting their mortgage the majority might seriously consider doing it SLOWLY. Recall the recent announcement that 7% on Italy's debt was considered 'unsustainable' likewise, the interest on your credit cards and/or mortgage should never exceed that either and one way to 'correct' the problem is definitely to go 'off the grid' in terms of traditional financial instruments. There are individuals and groups which offer 'private money' and these range from your own immediate family and friends, the private home seller willing to 'carry financing' at lower qualifying rates to what are known as portfolio lenders which can have qualifying guidelines (at their discretion) that meet or beat standard lending guidelines with a bit more flexibility depending on the amount of risk they are willing to incurr.
For the last 10+ years I personally have weaned myself from all credit cards, husband has been off of credit cards for the last 8 years and we rent: our current debt to income ratio for housing is around 35% and general living expenses including auto insurance approaches and fluctuates to 65% which we are constantly trying our best to keep closer to 50% through discount shopping/coupon usage.
For businesses we are of the opinion that small business owners which comprise a good percentage of US productivity might want to consider several measures that the largest companies (ie:mega-nationals/multi-nationals) do not:-Bypass Wall Street: Read more here, this was found by looking up Diamond Organics a company recommended for organic foods from
-Community Outreach that replaces government provided social programs. In experiencing the inefficiencies of public assistance programs I can easily see the possibilities of small to large PRIVATELY owned businesses coordinating a nationwide effort to train, feed, clothe and medically assist the nation's displaced/unemployed/unemployable populations. Yes, there are private foundations which do these things but due to their individuality those who are among the nation's displaced/unemployed/disabled/unemployable not infrequently are unaware of them and more likely rely on the inefficient public programs that require considerable paperwork, red tape and excessive time/waiting lines.