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Forum Post: Save the Americans | Save the Whales

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 7 a.m. EST by thejunkie (50)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You [America] have only one problem and it is not Wall Street or the Rich or the Banks or the Government or any of the institutions or individuals you now wish to blame.

Your problem which is leaving people without a home or food to eat, which is causing global destruction, war and poverty starts with yourselves. Look a little bit deeper and you will find your lifelong friend and the quality which shapes your society and culture 'Greed' and 'Ego'.

It does not take a genius to see that you are addicted to the product that comes from Banking and Wall Street. You want the Movies, Junk Food, Technology, Fashion, Travel & all other useless and equally destructive forms of 'Greed' and 'Ego', but you do not want to face it's consequences.

Just like a Heroin Junkie you blame everyone around you for your suffering, but want to continue using the Drug, so you do. Now you cry because the suffering has become so much and the Drug dealers do not seem to care. You want them to supply you with cheaper Drugs and fair distribution, claiming that this will solve the problem of your suffering, but never facing your addiction born from 'Greed and 'Ego'.

You have become numb to any form of wisdom and real intelligence, basing your life upon products and squandering, bought from the very same people you now blame. You create Hollywood movies depicting yourselves, celebrating the very things you now lack of, the Drugs that keep you going, that destroy your societies and creates suffering and yet you still not realize.

Tomorrow you will be back to producing, selling and buying useless garbage in all it's forms, celebrating it through media, social networks etc. until you reach the point of no return and your societies finally disintegrate, just like a Heroin Junkie finally reaches his end, where his body can not sustain the damage he causes through the use of the Drug.

I support you in your efforts, but do not see you succeeding without realizing that you are the ones buying the Drug, that you are the ones supporting the Drug and that you are the ones that will finally be the cause of your own destruction. Money is not sustainable and never will be, if you have not realized this yet, then you probably never will. Money will always have the same effect [War, Violence, Greed, Suffering, Destruction].

I hope you have enjoyed reading this on your newly acquired iPad, while sipping on your favorite from Starbucks, dressed in your most comfortable Levis, getting ready to indulge in a Mac Royal [Triple Cheese] with extra Chips.

Lotsa Love




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