Forum Post: satirize the the choking the govenment.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 11:06 p.m. EST by skipper36
from Columbia, SC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
i see cars go by and as they go blow their horn to show support. as a bottom up and lateral organism using social networking tools to expand and signs as a visual. one thing pols hate and always have is to be satirized and ridiculed. imagine grover norquist the no new taxes maven as a puppeteer using a long and curly whip to keep the 240 odd republican house mouses locked up in the no new taxes pen. there is one larger house mouse in the pen speaker boner with a sign that says jobs! jobs! jobs! allwe think of is jobs, and occupy norquist's office and occupy each of the little house mouses home office. with neat signs, of course. this would, if done right, turn the pols into a laughingstock. and nothing flays the hide of apol more and faster than being laughed at. skipper 36