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Forum Post: Sarah Fox Murder Case -- possibly NYC OWS can help stop a serial killer !

Posted 12 years ago on July 12, 2012, 8:35 a.m. EST by OccNoVi (415)
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THURSDAY UPDATE ::::: We are still getting a 1-hour news recycle on a connection of Occupy Wall Street with a brutal 2004 murder here in New York. That is unfortunate corporatist politics.

-- Fact remains that there is a chance that a long-time serial murder woman-killer has gotten himself tied in with OWS Direct Action.

-- A practical certainty connects the DNA of a woman-killer to a specific heavy chain that OWS Direct Action people used in March for a subway action.

The Sarah Fox murder, connected here, goes back to 2004 when a female jogger, then 21, was attacked in Inwood Hill Park, stripped naked, beaten, and strangled. The body was brutalized. People who kill strangers like that don't just do it once.

She was a Juilliard student. After the murder NYPD turned out 250 recruits to search the park for any trace of Ms. Fox. They found her clothing and her CD player.

DNA was found that did not match her DNA.

Now a chain used to lock open a subway entrance at an OWS protest site has yielded DNA that matches what was found on the Sarah Fox CD player.

Here is a video of the people who used the chain:

-- http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/31/masked-figures-invite-riders-at-3-subway-stations-to-ride-free/

If you are on the video, contact a lawyer. Get protection as you come forward. Offer assistance. (The chain episode was nickel-and-dime. We're talking about stopping a serial killer.)

First thing is a worry that the woman-killer is active in OWS Direct Action and thus a threat to Occupy women.

That's a no-brainer. Let's protect OWS women, first priority.

Second, if you are active personally with OWS Direct Action then you might be able to help out. NYPD aren't interested in the Open Subway stunt. Putting the woman-killer off the streets is the big community project.

See a lawyer first, then help.

-- The subway protest connected to the DNA bearing the chain was at Beverly Road subway station in East Flatbush on March 28, 2012.

If OWS can help solve the Sarah Fox murder, then "Yeah, Team !!"

OWS people could very easily have bought the chain from Sarah Fox's killer.

We talked to the Prosecutor’s office yesterday. They are on top of it. There’s no reason to question the tech operation at the Medical Examiner’s Office. (It’s not Houston and it’s not New Orleans.)

– Earlier in the day, Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner’s office, said all employees there were screened as possible sources of the DNA.

-- All of them were ruled out as the source of possible contamination. (And they were already in the main DNA database.)

– The crime-scene detective who handled the chain has been ruled out.

That 2004 DNA sample was entered in 2004. Not reprocessed recently.

Advice is simple: if you know something, talk to a lawyer first and then help New York City take a savage woman-killer off the streets. You have to project from what is known that Sarah Fox was not his only victim — from the treatment of Fox’s body and clothing, he’s more likely than not a rage-driven serial killer.

Men Who Hate Women — you betcha. So where'd that chain come from ? It's worth taking out a serial killer if we can answer that question.



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[-] 1 points by OccNoVi (415) 12 years ago

Top Priority -----------

Any connection of this heavy chain with a man named Dimitry Sheinman ?


Strange character. "Person of interest" from the 2004 Sarah Fox killing.

[-] 1 points by OccNoVi (415) 12 years ago

NY Times article has this sentence:

"One person familiar with the investigation said that the DNA came from a supervisor in the Police Department’s laboratory, which is also involved in such testing. "

That is flatly impossible. That DNA was already in the DNA database and would already have been matched to the Sarah Fox sample DNA from her CD player.

These matches are done by computer, not by techies pouring over paper sheets.

-- A state-level database is known as a State DNA index system (SDIS). It contains forensic profiles from local laboratories in that state, plus forensic profiles analyzed by the state laboratory itself. The state database also contains DNA profiles of convicted offenders. Finally, DNA profiles from the states feed into the National DNA Index System (NDIS).

-- To find matches quickly and easily in the various databases, the FBI developed a technology platform known as the Combined DNA Index System, or CODIS. The CODIS software permits laboratories throughout the country to share and compare DNA data. It also automatically searches for matches. The system conducts a weekly search of the NDIS database, and, if it finds a match, notifies the laboratory that originally submitted the DNA profile. These random matches of DNA from a crime scene and the national database are known as "cold hits," and they are becoming increasingly important. Some states have logged thousands of cold hits in the last 20 years, making it possible to link otherwise unknown suspects to crimes.

All lab personnel are in the SDIS and NDIS systems.