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Forum Post: Santorum Thrashing Obama in the Battle of the Band Endorsements

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 15, 2012, 2:54 p.m. EST by jerseydevil (-11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Rick Santorum was endorsed by Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine Wednesday, the same day President Obama has the Foo Fighters fundraising for him in Los Angeles. Who wins this battle of the bands' endorsements? You'd think Obama, because the Foo Fighters were once pretty popular and people still remember them. But you're wrong. The Foo Fighters got so "alternative" one of their songs was used as the theme for the sentimental NBC dramedy Ed. Medadeth, on the other hand -- they're like the classical composers of thrash metal. Mustaine is widely-considered one of the greatest metal guitarists of all time.


Dave: "I'm just hoping that whatever is in the White House next year is a Republican. I can't bear to watch what's happened to our great country. Everybody's got their head in the sand. Everybody in the industry is like, 'Oh, Obama's doing such a great job...' I don't think so. Not from what I see.

"Earlier in the election, I was completely oblivious as to who Rick Santorum was, but when the dude went home to be with his daughter when she was sick, that was very commendable. Also, just watching how he hasn't gotten into doing these horrible, horrible attack ads like Mitt Romney's done against Newt Gingrich, and then the volume at which Newt has gone back at Romney... You know, I think Santorum has some presidential qualities, and I'm hoping that if it does come down to it, we'll see a Republican in the White House... and that it's Rick Santorum."

Glad to see Dave came to the same realization we all have,the Democrats are destroying the country.



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[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Dave, Dave, Dave.....................:(

When will they learn to shut up and play?

[-] -1 points by jerseydevil (-11) 12 years ago

Did you say the same thing for the Dixie Chicks or Kanya West?

[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I have had a more than twenty year relationship with Dave. It has been beautiful primarily because he doesn't know about it and, secondly, I can turn him on and off at will. In twenty years he has managed not to ask me two questions:

  1. Where are you going?
  2. When will you be home?

It's worked out swell.

When his politics override his music and I cannot hear the music anymore then I will have to kick him to the curb, just like I eventually had to do with Ted Nugent.

I am a thrash, heavy metal, blues and jazz girl. I don't own any Dixie Chicks or Kanya West CDs. I do own Megadeth CDs.

[-] -1 points by jerseydevil (-11) 12 years ago

Nice to know we both like a lot of the same music,but I was asking if you thought the same about Maines and West when they vocalized their politics instead of just performing music? Regardless of your dislike of their music.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I don't remember Kanye West saying anything political. If he did then I wasn't paying attention. I don't have a problem with what Maines said. I think the media took something and spun it into overtime for lack of anything better to do. I don't dislike their music. I'm pretty sure that in retrospect, she would have rethought that. I just don't like 2.5 minute songs that will be easily replaced by another 2.5 minute song in 3 minutes and I won't remember the name of it. I don't feel anything.

Here is the deal. Having musicians and actors endorse a product has been going on forever. I don't pay attention to most of it unless I am left no choice. Like my life so interacts with whatever they are supporting and it becomes painfully obvious that they really have no clue.

[-] -1 points by jerseydevil (-11) 12 years ago

Kanye West was with Michael Myers on the Katrina disaster fundraiser and he went off and said "Bush Doesn't Care About Black People"-


[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

oh, yeah, YEAH!! I remember now. Then Bush said that the was devastated and that he was only ever about responsibility. Then Kanye West said something to the effect of there needs to be better communication.

"Dave Mustaine has issued the following statement to clarify reports that he has endorsed Rick Santorum for president: "Contrary to how some people have interpreted my words, I have not endorsed any presidential candidate. What I did say was that I hope to see a Republican in the White House. I've seen good qualities in all the candidates but by no means have made my choice yet. I respect the fact that Santorum took time off from his campaign to be with his sick daughter, but I never used the word 'endorse.'"

[-] 2 points by ARod1993 (2420) 12 years ago

First of all, you and Mustaine have things badly wrong when it comes to what the country needs right now. The last thing the country needs is a president who will continue destroying the government's revenue stream in the hopes that businesses that are quite happy with how things are will take the money and put it to use. The last thing this country needs right now is another hate-monger who can't keep himself out of people's bedrooms. And the absolute last thing this country could ever use is those two personas combined in one candidate. Unfortunately for the country, that about sums up most of the Republican presidential field.

Some might be more strident about the former set of issues (Romney and Paul) while some might be more strident about the latter (Santorum hands down) but at the end of the day I'd be ashamed to address any of them as Mr. President. Incidentally, if the primary deciding factor in for whom you vote is the opinion of a celebrity guitarist then that doesn't particularly reflect well on your intelligence.

[-] -1 points by jerseydevil (-11) 12 years ago

You have no cred on making a case against an intrusive,overreaching big Government. Your pal Obama is writing the book on that.

Your post is a joke. You don't know WTF you're talking about when it comes to Conservatives and Santorum.

[-] 1 points by toukarin (488) 12 years ago

Presidential candidates whose capability is being judged on their ability to get themselves endorsed by people in a profession where the most natural cause of death seems to be a drug overdose...

Not sure what to say to that...


[-] 1 points by nightwindrc (13) 12 years ago

The quiet war has begun with silent weapons And the new slavery is to keep the people Poor and stupid. "Novus, Ordo, Seclorum"

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 12 years ago

Fortunately, i dont look at celebrity endorsements to decide who is a candidte i will support. How ever, once they thrust their political opionis out into public, i will happily boycott them when I disagree...

[-] 1 points by guru401 (228) 12 years ago

If Dave Mustaine thinks there is an actual difference between Democrats and Republicans, then he needs to educate himself.

[-] -1 points by hellbells (-2) 12 years ago

Cool post,if only more musicians were not liberals.