Forum Post: Santorum Dropping Out Because of $$$....Why is $$$ so Important
Posted 12 years ago on April 11, 2012, 7:03 p.m. EST by hchc
from Tampa, FL
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Its simple. Very few in this country that vote can think for themselves.
They only vote for one of two choices they see on the TV, regardless of how hard the person and/or party has screwed them.
There are people in their 60's that have been getting screwed by the same party their entire life. Doesnt matter to them though. Its not about thinking. Its about following orders via the TV.
"That guy is evil...(vote for the opposite)."
"Sure, we (insert one of two parties) have totally gone against most of our campaign promises, but hey, give us another shot"
The really funny thing is the people that fund and own these two parties know it doesnt matter which one gets elected. All it means is its a different route to get what they want.
Gotta keep the people believing, right?
yep, if nobody knows about them, nobody votes for them. Kind of like if i was to sell a really good soda, better than Pepsi, i wouldnt make as much money, because i couldn't advertize as much. this isn't a terrible thing, unless the money comes in large chunks from corporations, in effect buying candidates, and getting favorable legislation in return. for example, due to exessive lobbying from food companies, high fructose corn syrup is now called "corn sugar". Why? because nobody knows that "corn sugar" is bad for you.
The TV runs this country. If he/she isn't on TV, then no one votes for them.
The people are too lazy to do their own research.
Agreed. I blame the American school system for effectively destroying our critical thinking abilities, although the TV has done its fair share of the damage. Farnsworth, who originally was so excited about the prospects of the invention he helped create (he originally believed television would educate the masses and bring humanity together), was well aware near the end of his life that television had become "the biggest time-waster in the history of mankind." Kind of reminds me of Dr Gatling. And the law of unintended consequences.
@ 'gno(sis)' : I append an interesting recent article that also speaks to your important point :
fiat lux ...
@ shadz: you, sir, ARE an 'information clearinghouse.' Will check out Chomsky's article this evening. Thanks, etc.!
Yeah I watched the CSPAN on that "TV" for many years, before I knew which way was up.
if thats the case then how did all the pre invention of t.v ( and radio) presidents get elected?
Im not sure what the propaganda method was then.
Newspapers and probably a larger emphasis on speaking engagements along the major rail lines.
Santorum is out due to his commit in a public speech where he called Obama a Government N.
Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum speaking in Janesville, Wisconsin, 27 March 2012. Video: YouTube
This went viral and his election campaign is over. Watch it.
Its hard to believe that even a presidential candidate still has this chip on his shoulder. Shows what he really thought about obama
It was always going to be Romney. Anyone who thinks this primary nonsense means anything needs to look at some mass media tactics.
And it was always going to be Obama beating Romney in Nov. The bankers and military already have their perfect face in Obama. No need to change it.
watch it. Santorum was going up in polls every day. If this was primary nonsense then it would have been used against him.
Like OWS protesters being abused, it did not make the news.
Its all rigged. Anything short of Romney stabbing someone in a drunken bar fight, and Mittens had it all along.
The Tampa debate was overwhemingly Ron Paul supporters over all others combined. Same with the primary voting day. He finished dead last.
Its a scam. Obama beats Romney in Nov, and the wars and spending and corruption keep moving along. Until the people see this, expect more of the same.
This guy obviously missed the teabagger threads.
sorry shooz thought you knew:
Since That guy dropped out the wrong wingers have been pushing the hell out of the absolutely no difference angle. Along with don't vote at all angle.
I was just poking them back.
Hence Obama needing to raise 1B or whatever amount he needs.
If he actually represented us, he wouldnt need any money.
If the people actually thought for themselves, it wouldnt matter if they saw tons of Romney ads on TV.
How insulting to say that people cannot think, I know that often they do not, like when voting for a third party, but to say that they can’t is going too far, IMHO.
You can insult some of the people some of the time....
But they won't always recognize it. I always believe people when they say they can't. When they say they can, they should have the opportunity to show that they can. When they have the opportunity to do so and they don't, it gets like the determination of functional illiteracy.
So, maybe they are functionally unable to think (reach rational conclusions when considering facts). Of course what they have to consider is such a mix of fraudulent chatter along with the facts, one measure of the ability to think is the ability to choose what will be considered for processing through logic. Gotta believe that's where the process breaks down for many.
I think I understand, it’s like asking FOX viewers to make wise choices.
Interesting perspective.
You got it. The fire hose they are drinking from is serving a cheap tea, so diluted with dirty water, they really don't have a chance.
If you try to take them seriously, you have an impossible job of dragging them through vetting every "fact. Most people might expect that their primary source might make a mistake here or their. But it quickly starts sounding like a personal attack on them when you challenge almost all of their facts as wrong, even before you will start arguing what they mean and what solutions would look like.
Who has time for this kind of exercise and what is the payoff? Would you try it with a North Korean? There isn't much difference, in principle, is there?
I am too old to waste that kind of time.
I agree no need to blame the victim.
I am a fool.
I have been destroying their talking points for thirty years, but like John the Baptist no one has heard.
Does this make me crazy, to think I might make a difference, most likely.
Well, I think there are ways to make a difference and if the "debate" clarified your own thinking, all was not lost. But, if you see fingers in their ears and hear "lalalalala..... " ain't gonna work.
I think time spent with those who are open to facts, reason, and action are the best place to make your investments. Make the willing more effective.
As fir the others, maybe you just didn't immerse them for long enough?
no I won't sway them, but I hope to at least help others to defend themselves, this morning a guy pulled the "redistribution" thing out, when really all we are asking is that the guys who sent these people to Washington, to borrow the money, step up now and pay the bill their guys ran up, but you never hear it explained that way, paying rich people back their bonds with money you get from their taxes, doesn't redistrbute anything, taking money from working people either promised or through taxes to pay back rich peop[le on bonds, that is redistrbution.
But you would have never said that in the first place, so I get your point, it is where "we" are going, just cleaning the place out a little first, but maybe I should moveon
When they put a burr under you saddle blanket and you feel the need, go for it. I was just suggesting that you might want to moderate your expectations. You are right re redistribution. There has been a whole lot of redistribution going on, but what has gone up sure hasn't come down, yet.
I like Elizabeth Warren's reminder that nobody gets rich by themselves.They depend so much on the support of the commons that a whole lot of poor and middle class people have contributed to, in many ways.
Why do people on both sides disparage others by saying they "vote against their own interests" or maybe they aren't thinking if they vote third party? Could it be that some people just have principles, even if their actions might work against them? People who jump into a raging river to save a drowning victim have a good chance of drowning themselves, yet they do it anyway. Why? It's not in their best interests and you could say that they're not thinking. People who vote third party or independent might believe that the rest of society are non-thinking lemmings for continuing to return staid and corrupted politicians to office year after year. They're probably right.
I have a princaple to be truthful, I carry that into the voting booth and do what's best for the country, that is really not hard to figure out, if I want to make myself feel good I buy some ice cream, rather than vote third party and let some republican stick the states hand where it don't belong
^willing to bomb others to keep the dollar up
What we need is no money politics
Your right money controls our political system what we need is no money politics
Have you done any research on the minimum voter turnout (condoning consent) is actually required for the election to be valid?