Forum Post: Santa Barbara legal Summary
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 2:09 p.m. EST by gawdoftruth
from Santa Barbara, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
De la guerra plaza is not a park, it is an easement.
this can be found by checking the original blue prints.
it is only called a park in order to control and regulate it and to steal public space back from the public in order to prohibit otherwise lawful public assembly.
This has been known by the city attorney and the police the whole time and they have simply consistantly lied about the facts.
They put up signs to call it a park and designate it as such and provide rules as park- which incidentally were an acccidental confession that ; A; citations issued earlier were not valid because there were not signs posted in the first place. B; The city knew it was lying about this and moved to cover the lie.
They then took down the signs- because they knew they had been caught lying and that their further use of signs was in fact and is in fact an absolute fraud upon the public- even while the public KNOWS the truth.
When confronted with these facts, officers have continued to lie openly, about this and evertyhing else; including the simple fact that they are doing selective enforcement "this is not selective enforcement."
They also simply deny knowing the facts when obviously they do know the facts, this is clearly shown in their body language, and it is quite obvious that they do know after being told and after signs have gone up and come down that in fact it is not a park- but an easement.
The police are thus operating extra legally, outside of the laws, in accord with a lying city attorney, to limit free assembly and free speech in a manner that is patently fascistic, illegal, controlling, and demonstrative of the very problems with corruption which we are pointing out- and utterly corrupted government which uses the police as caste warrior thugs; turning them into little more than brown shirt intimidation and bully squads operating against the law in order to perpetuate and carry out a caste war.
This is paradoxically mostly not the fault of the police, who are being forced to do this in order to keep their jobs.
However, the police swore oaths to serve and protect, not bully, lie, cheat, assault, and act as caste warriors and professional oppressors.
Good God Man, what were you thinking? Santa Barbara is a bastion of criminal bankers.
You now need lawyers willing to go the distance. For free. Really, best of luck.
honestly? i was thinking wiki, 1001 sub forums. the kids decided to occupy. What can i do but support them? Even the ACLU here is in the pocket of the masons. Its a tuff crowd to play to but.. so far.. at least nobody in SB has actually been assaulted by the police.. so we seem to be having an easier time in most senses than most occupies. The police feel caught in the middle and are trying to be good here. I don't fear for my physical safety when they show... even when it was last night two of us standing up to face 3 cars, one bike, one truck, and 7 officers.
Thx. It is almost as if you need lawyers to assist in planning, so as to avoid such oddities as the zoning of de la guerra plaza.
I hope you guys don't get too over-inundated with legal bills. Police in SB are trained well in risk management, thus highly polite and difficult to sue. I hope NY sends help to ya.
seriously, if they had done their homework before the occupy, we could have met the police once and one time only and dismissed them completely and forever. the laws are clear- and their lies are transparent once you know the truth. We could have occupied in theory with not one citation or arrest- if we had done the legal homework FIRST.... it seems that this is the chronic problem in every single aspect and field for the occupy movement. gross ignorance and gross negligence multiplied by anarchist rebel without a clue= fighting the system mindlessly and hurting instead of smartly and thus winning.
gross ignorance and gross negligence multiplied by anarchist rebel without a clue= fighting the system mindlessly and hurting instead of smartly and thus winning.
I think this process will gradually evolve to a point where we coalesce around some fundamental changes to our society. We're going through a birthing process which is painful. But the joy of our creation will be well worth celebrating!
thanks... thats warmer than fighting the trolls off. if you were in my shoes you'd be looking at the work of a paradigm shift which still hasn't started yet.
very frustrating when people do not listen to VERY SOUND advice.
like asking for 1001 sub forums and a wiki on this site. thats gone super critical now. if it doesn not happen within the next week OWS will fracture into rival gangs and the energy will be lost with infighting.
only organization can save them from this. but still no wiki. still no real pass at 1001 sub forums.
I see a paradigm shift - I said that on my FB page when news of OWS first surfaced. I think what you see here on the forums is not representative of those that are in the "inner circle.
thats a fine point to make. I still have my social needs backed up and waiting for clear reception over here, which means 20 textbooks i want to write with the folks relative to building a political platform.
Sun Tzu?
:) well, i suppose a little bit of him and this and that. Chinese Game theory... gotta love it..
Tough game. War.
His treatise is universal and well constructed, when used for nonviolence it is just as essential. Planning and preparation are not to be discounted.
<12>. We are thus calling on the police to stop being evil, stop lying, stop the make believe, stop being pawns and tools for the caste wars, and join us in solidarity in standing up not only for what is true and right but for what is actually also legal- instead of becoming the actual criminals in aiding and abetting the criminal overcaste.
<13>. If the cities oligarchs and power players think this can play any other way, they have not put their fingers to the wind. Every time they deny the constituional rights of protesters to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression, they are proving themselves to be evil pawns, proving that our rights are mere fictions, proving absolute corruption, and proving to the next generation that there is no justice, no moral authority, no integrity, and no truth in our government and none at all with the police or with the caste war centered for proffit court system.
<14>. The gig is up. Every time they act as criminals the waking population SEES this and it only FUELS the revolution. The ONLY sane response given this is to de-escalate because sooner or later there will not be enough cops working as caste thugs to contain everyone, sooner or later all that happens is the athority account runs deeper into the red as they prove they do not have integrity, do not have honesty, do not care for justice, and do not serve nor protect the people. Every lie and every cheat and every assault only awakens the population and angers them to righteous indignation against criminal injustice.
<15>. De la guerra plaza has in the past been used to demonstrate against police corruption and caste warfare against the homeless and those protesters eventually won out, for many years after de la gueurra plaza was used by the homeless, but slowly corruption and the caste wars have again operated to erase the truth and send those past gains into a memory hole.
<16>. De la guerra plaza is an easement with a propane tank serving three buildings, it is patently illegal for a park to contain propane tanks.
<17>. Lie lie lie lie endless lies. When confronted with this truth, an officer told us it was park number 37 or 38 pr whatever. No. Thats the block number, he was looking at the blue prints in some meeting somewhere and failed to grasp somehow that the number was the number of the block- or is just lying and hoping we don't do our homework.
<18>. We call for all police and city officials to join us in the plaza and to join us to work for social economic justice.
<19>. We are quite certain otherwise that every ticket and citation we get is for these reasons both patently illegal and grounds for a counter suit against the city of SB for harassment, fraud, lying, false arrest, and conspiracy to commit multiple felonies.
<20>. I will be occupying the plaza. PLEASE come give me MORE fuel for a class action lawsuit.
<21> any further harrassment by the city attorney will be viewed by us as just cause to call for the resignation and prosecution of the city attorney for lying not only to the public but in criminally misleading the police department.
<22> We again wish to extend our warmest invitation to the police and city officials to join us in an open source and democratic exploration of our societies problems. Please come be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Thank you.
Let us know how we can support you!
we need legal help, so far the lawyers we have are obviously afraid to dynamically confront the system and are taking things on case by case basis after citation, not willing to try to put together a legal case for the occupation.I'm posting this here tho because i think a lot of occupies are facing similar issues. everyone needs to know that if they only study up, the old laws are there hidden underneath- they just have to find them, yank back the veil, and then know their stuff as they confront the police and make the argument that it is the police and city governments that are acting in a criminal manner. This is more or less true of all occupies. they are supressing freedom of speech and freedom of assembly and they have to bend and twist and distort assorted laws to do that.Figure out what the truth is by doing your homework. Last night was quite precious. i earned a second citation but the police more or less had their tails between their legs the whole time because they know we know, they know we know they are lying, they know we have caught them red handed trying to cover up that lie first by posting signs that are irrelevant and illegal and then by taking those same signs down a day later. USE the "system" against itself- don't be mindless anarchists... grasp that some parts of the system aer viable enough to be used and get all the traction you can out of it. I fully expect all of the occupies to follow suit, to organize deep legal battles and show that the police MUST protect and serve the PEOPLE- not the 1 percents criminal enterprise.
Great Work. Keep up the fight! I think we do need to attract strong legal minds to the movement and choose our battles. It would be hard to cover everything, but someone should be able to recognize that taken collectively all of the police actions could be held accountable in one legal case. Wish I was an attorney, I'd do everything I could to help you.
yeah. whats needed is a wiki, so that people facing similar issues can find them via the wikis inherent semantic organization. once again. fundamental problem of this forum. all of those occupies won;t find this. see the problem? we need a wiki as an emergency 3 weeks ago. Now i have to fight off trolls as i go with giant blurbs like these.
put down the ron and back away slowly or i kill your memes.
stop listening to exxon oil and republicanism and use your brain. i LOVE ron paul hes my one and only NOT EVIL republican i know of. the road to hell can still be paved with his good intentions. STFU WTF? This is about getting rid of ALL the republicans and ALL of the Democrats. If you are not on board for REAL change and want to land us a half mad science denying oligarch just crazy enough for them to control and just stupid enough to try republican economics- you are nuts.
You know i am all for ending the fed. HOW we do that is more important than merely doing it because the civilization is one organism and its econmic systems are organs. Play doctor like a mad fucking half genius insane brilliant wingnut republican... and your patient would expect to do as well as a 5 year old trying to do real live surgery after being smoked up on crack. You are not and he is not a system doctor. I am. And all you or he has for us is mor eentropy; not hard solutions. Now STFU and start working for a new party inside of OWS. I want YOU to tell me what office YOU are going to run for. GROK?
And let me be loud and clear over here. i love ron. but if you ron paulians don;t get the clue quick i will be forced to END him from THIS space. Don't call the lightning. just take Ron back out of OWS and i won't cook his campaign alive with fire from the sky. GROK?
I got no beef with ron. i love ron. STFU and get ron out of my court or i will take his platform by line item and SORT the genius from the WINGNUT. LIVE.!/prometheus.pan!/prometheus.pan?sk=photos!/note.php?note_id=10150438889880833!/note.php?note_id=10150409084095833!/note.php?note_id=10150398121910833
follow the bread crumb trail. follow the white Rabi T. i am performing an exorcism. please excuse the dust.