Forum Post: Sanitation Documentation: A response to charges of sanitation violations
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:26 p.m. EST by tehmorp
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Because sanitation seems to be a major charge when a city is trying to oppose an Occupation, I would really like to see a collection of video documentation specifically of sanitation procedures from different Occupations. It could include interviews with Sanitation working groups, walks through the encampment to show a basically clean area, etc. I found a couple for Occupy Wall Street, but I haven't found one for, say, Occupy Oakland.
This might also be helpful for places where there really are sanitation problems, to make some of the slackers more aware of the need to get their act together.
I'm not under any impression this would mean that charge wouldn't be made anymore, but the people who aren't at an Occupation should be allowed to see that (if) it's not a legitimate complaint. I'm going to try to instigate this at my local Occupation, but we're small and mostly beloved by our city, so I think this would be more useful for larger groups.