Forum Post: Sanctions on China
Posted 10 years ago on Jan. 4, 2015, 7:39 p.m. EST by elf3
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We slap our little sanctions on nations who have little power and build up and trade with our most powerful adversaries...the same adversaries who build up the nations we put sanctions on. China does not demand an end to the cruel treatment of North Korean Citizens...why would they...they do the same to their own. In fact they have sold their citizenry to powerful rich men and multinational corporations. The Chinese citizens are slaves to an aristocratic global world order. One can only assume they continue to provide for the North Korean regime...because they border their nation and in the event of war they want them on their side. A great opportunity was missed on the release of the movie The Interview and that was a public relations opportunity to decry the inhumane conditions and treatment of the North Korean people. I suppose a slap on the wrist is better than nothing, but given we know China will still support them isn't it time we denounce China for supporting them? Well of course we will not because our corporate world order likes their Chinese slaves...and so we remain hush and while North Korea has shown how effective propaganda can be...we sit on our pens and our talking heads and politicians remain unspoken...barely a while The Interview became a sensation and story ...the story of the oppressed and starving North Koreans remains untold....I heard more about their "Dear Leader" than I have about the masses of starving children who live in the streets or are born into labor camps and tortured for "crimes" of family members. Shame on us...shame on China. Shame on us for our refusal to sanction China for their support of North Korea's regime.
Why does it seem everytime i post on here about human rights it is ignored? Unless it pertains to living in the hood cop free or forgiveness of student loans. I get it is all about you?
China is a state on the Dark Side which stole our Light to give to Lucifer but we have Traitors and their minions galore in the U.S. who worm their ways around in our Lighthouse of the Covenant. The battle must go on, starting with an internal Purge.
Human rights is an embarrassing topic at best and a taboo topic at worst (perhaps capital punishment even for non-capital states) for All rulers, especially for the tyrannical ones who fear for their lusty holds on the control rods of Power.
State sovereignty figures into the default non-interference policy but some belong to Lucifer so the battle must go on whenever there is a breach of our U.S. sovereignty. We must obtain what is our right - for we are the Children of Liberty. Born free, Die free!
i don't trust my local news station and politicians to tell me about the atrocities of some other guy
communication is such that i could check myself
I think the people who have hijacked our govt want our society to resemble China's in 35 years. Then North Korea's in 70 years.
The U.S. Govt imposed sanctions on N Korea for unproven allegations of corporate computer hacking. Global corporations have become so powerful they now use our govt for thug protection.