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Forum Post: same verse

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 4:11 a.m. EST by ittehgir (0) from Bayonne, NJ
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“When it comes to politicians, you know all of them if you know one! They’re all about getting and keeping power while helping no one. A politician is like Santa Clause, better yet, like a fake pope, selling fake hope like dope to the masses that are walking thru life on a thin rope and are just trying to cope and climb life’s steep slope. The whole thing is the epitome of human pollution! The only solution and the only resolution is a mental and spiritual evolution that leads to a worldwide revolution. We are all one people singing different parts of one verse, the same verse, the UNIverse----so we must not listen to national lies and be nationalized. And if it’s not the truth, then we must not rationalize and tell ourselves rational lies! Because it’s an urgency; an emergency, for us to emerge and see thru our real eyes, so we’ll realize the real lies! Only then, will we have the insight to see pass the things in sight and pass the words in cite; and we’ll see how they use information or lack of to keep us in formation. Further, we’ll see the mockery and the hypocrisy in the fake democracy and the fact that most governments are not for the people and by the people, they just hide the evil and buy the people; they’re like fake prophets making profits of the mind controlled puppets! Realizing this evil in action is the first step to elevating us from inaction and motivating us to change the world thru thought and action.” Righetti Joseph.



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