Forum Post: Sales profit cap will cure our economic woes.
Posted 12 years ago on April 23, 2012, 9:23 a.m. EST by FriendlyObserverB
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It may be a tough pill to swallow for the middleman, but for everyone else a sales profit cap will have magical results.
Sales profit cap will increase the consumer dollar value !
So if I want to paint your house, what would the cap be?
There wouldn't be a cap ? The price would be negotiable.
Then can I have an example of what your post is talking about?
are you working for the UN?
This is the absolute best economic solution. Cap on sales profit will create a rising tide and refloat the whole economy. It's a miracle cure.
Link? Any proof? Any idea of businesses with infettered profits? Care to list them?
When they sent Neil Armstrong to the moon, did he ask for a "link" ? anyproof it could be done .. or done before ?
Did Wilbur and Orville need "links" ?
They orbited the earth first. They sent unmanned craft first. Nixon tried price cntrs and they failed.
You have another EPIC FAIL.
Why did Nixon try , if everything in Capitalism is so great ? ..seems it wasn't so great afterall , and they were looking for a solution.. but price controls just wasn't quite the right answer .. though very close..
They dont work. they are profit caps and they fail.
try again
Give me one example of Nixon's price control..
elaborate.. what did Nixon do with gasoline ?
no, you elaborate. which companies are charging excess mark up. You can google search nixon price controls quite easy. i cant find any links to excessive mark ups on essential living items. Your turn.
well brought up nixon and gasoline .. was it a percentage cap between buy and sell ? I know there was a rent control attempted in new york many years ago .. , another example of the government trying to solve the problem of poverty.. and equality/fairness .. these examples are dotted throughout history .. just as many other improvements were attempted and followed by failure only until they finally got it right.. as mentioned , wilbur and orville .. had a history to look back upon .. of attempts at flight .. but should they have given up only because their predecessors were unsuccessful ?
Can you pease help me understand yourvresearch into the corpratinsnthat are over charging. It would be greatly appreciated.
I would like to know about Nixon's gasoline price control ?
Just google it. Are you going to help me understand how you know the mark ups are exorbitant. I would very much appreciate it.
Are you really trying to understand ?
Unfettered profits have caused money shortage.
Why is Sears bankrupt, why is Montgomery Wards gone?
Because the capitalist freemarket is a failure.
That makes no sense. Could you elaborate please? If middle men make unfettered profits, how can they go bankrupt? They should be flush with cash, per YOU.
Capitalism has failed.
Well kinda - it has definitely been allowed to run wild - kind of like a young very young child in a candy store. Capitalism can be made healthy for all, but it needs to be ruled by society and needs to work for the good of all society. It can not be allowed to continue to grab-up every thing in sight with no concern for the consequences to others.
Sorry your basic statement is of coarse correct as it stands today.
That's exactly right. Capitalism is a " take as much as you can" system. They took so much they left a barren ruins in their wake. We need some regulation.
We had the regulation until they bought legislation to repeal Glass-Stegal and we do still have laws on the books which so far have not been prosecuted.
Much to get accomplished. Fighting greed and corruption is more than a full time job.
Fighting greed and corruption is an honor.
I like the attitude.
No it hasnt. Food is dirt cheap. Gasoline is dirt cheap. Clothing is dirt cheap.
Socialism, caps on profits, and dollar coins are fails. Epic fails.
Nearly ten percent unemployment, millions of foreclosed homes, students deep in debt. Government deep in debt, taxes on the rise, interest rates on the rise, and seven walnuts have all the wealth. Capitalism failed.
The system did not fail, it was the people within.
Who are the seven walnuts?
..use your imagination !
In your comparison, it sounds to me like the price of dirt has gone way up.
Lets try to be truthful. Gas is cheap, as are basic foods and clothing. Now the clothing is cheap because most is made overseas but the others are cheap due to innovations.
Are you saying cheap, cheap?
Or comparatively cheap?
I can recall gas at $0.17.9. And oil barons still got filthy rich.
If you're at minimum wage and part time, working through college $4.00 gas is anything but cheap.
That $5.00 pizza? Some would question it's nutritional value, but that's not cheap anymore either. Pile on some veggie toppings for a little nutrition and it's way more NOT cheap.
So yeah, c'mon. Let's be a little truthful.
I dont understand your argument. Everything is expensive to a poor person. That appears to be a strawman argument. An Ipad is ridiculously expensive to a minimum wage person. A McDonalds burget was $.19c when the minimum wage was $1.35. A double cheeseburger is$1.00 to a $7.35 minimum.
When gas was 19c, my parents home cost $11000. Now that home is $450000.
I am sorry but your point is not clear.
So in your world, students are poor people?
You know in this wonderful economy some adults have to take such work too. Like it or not.
Instead of playing numerical games? Look at reality.
I have no idea whether a student is poor or not. My guess is some are and some arent. How this relates to the topic at hand escapes me.
Why do you not elaborate on your point? You just changed direction and constructed another strawman.
I'm still trying to figure out what you mean by "cheap".
You've been clear as mud so far.
Relative to all other things, gas is cheap, food is cheap, clothes are cheap.
Gosh you're evasive. Relative to what?
The price of diamonds?
His idea of living would land us all in the hospital. $10 shoes to the podiatrist, Costco hotdogs to the cardiologist, etc etc.
Interest rates on charge cards. But not for long if fossil fuel is not regulated. Well probably even then as few will have cash.
rent / loan payment
Bottled water, beer, wine, baseball tickets, etc, etc, etc. Gasoline has to be cracked from oil, which is drilled fro 5000 feet below the earth, trucked or shipped, refined, re trucked or shipped and pumped to your car for $4 a gallon. Drinking water costs more. You can buy a nice pair of shoes for $10, which is what it cost 50 years ago. Paint(cheap) is $10 gallon and it is just water and colorings. You can buy eggs for $1.25 a dozen. You can buy a hot dog and coke at Costco for $1.50. 2 whole packaged pizzas at Costco cost $5.
Now your turn.
Did it dawn on you yet, that all that other stuff is overpriced?
I tried. You arent interested in intelligent debate.
You're a regular shrink are you?
A clairvoyant?
All the stuff you said about me, is just wrong.
Are you taking a course in creative writing?
Or just creative bullshitting?
Either way? It needs more Bigfoot...................:)
i think i know you exactly. A person who simply criticizes nonstop has something stunting his/ her humanity. I would bet money you have struggles with women. Something is going on, no one mentally healthy is as negative as you.
I hope whatever it is, i hope you can find your center. Right you are lost to yourself. I might suggest volunteering at a homeless center. It can be upifting.
I can't help if you are confused, and confusing.
Perhaps you shouldn't use a term like "cheap" unless you understand it.
I'll stay out of "your" posts, when they start making sense.
Until then? Don't let 'em get posted over there in the new comments column.
I figured you out. Reading your posts, i see a lot if anger and bitterness in you. You struggle with women most assuredly, you are likely single or divorced. You have some intellect and early in life you had a decent career arc and then something happened that caused your arc to flatten, then decline. The rules were changed and your personality did not allow you to adapt. This place represents a welcoming atmosphere, your anger and bitterness is applauded, but we both know that in real life, in people flesh and blood your anger is rejected. Women find you particularly repulsive, and it eats at you, because it wasnt always that way, but your bitterness and anger has you locked in your own private hell, friendless. This site is your "Cheers" and each time you are complimented here you feel a sense of vindication, but you know, always, you live a small inconsequential life. No could be as angry or bitter unless their life has them frustrated, mostly due to your own failings. I hope you find peace, but it wont find you, you are so hateful.
Then you admit that you're not very good at trying?
If it's already dawned on you? Then why did you make the initial statement?
What was the point?
I am done. Go play your silly games elsewhere. And please be decent by staying out of my posts and do not reply. Please. You arent a serious person.
and other clothes are inherited
wow dude your such a goon go read a book
What is a "sales profit" exactly?
What is a "consumer dollar value"?
Does the middleman lose his job and collect money from the government?