Forum Post: Saint; Papal; Reagan
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:09 p.m. EST by 99Kentucky
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I just Love watching all of these Pundit References to Ronald Reagan; by those whose piety is so self severe that by all appearances he should be Canonized. It would be much simpler to refer to him as Saint Reagan or even Pope Reagan. But the facts are much to the contrary. Reagan raised the National Debt 17 times while in office. Gave us "Trickle Down" Reaganomics - Trickle down it did; and lets not forget Iran Contra and Ollie who stood before Congress and Lied while in a Uniform that connotes the age old Standard of: "I shall not Lie, Cheat or Steal; or accept those that do" at least that is what i was taught at West Point. And stricken with Alzheimer's; the last Two Years of his Presidency, he didn't know if he was in Washington or California. that was a nice little tid bit to conceal. Yet he continues to be revered as an immortal, that everyone should strive to become. Well, not this Prior Military Officer! No Thank You!!
And guess who is a BIG FAN of Saint Ronald?
If you don't believe me, just google "Obama Reagan"