Forum Post: Saecula Nova
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 6, 2011, 8:20 p.m. EST by MerchantofLight
from Chicago, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Saecula Nova Harrison Max Pfingsten
The new age upon us will return us to the forgotten promise that we all once knew True to ourselves and true to the world from dank dusty shelves our flag is unfurled Not a carpet, nor cover no shield for whats wrong but a zeal to discover new ways to be strong A pennant of penance a banner of right an immortal remembrance of the need to unite Too long has our nation allowed vicious strife and misinformation to govern our life Too long have men hidden neath our noble flag just to drag it through midden and leave it a rag Too long we've let others tell us what was wrong when, my sisters and brothers we've known all along With all of our problems the one left unspoken is the tool that we use to fix problems is broken Our government's rotten wanting light and fresh air Leaders have forgotten why we first put them there We're far too complacent in this self absorbed age When this country was nascent it was born out of rage It was rage at injustice at tyrannies reign Yet those whom we trusted have done it again With eloquence, not common sense they try to make it sound like it was not incompetence that ran this ship aground With feigned enthusiasm they shout and hoop and holler in hopes that we'll ignore the corp'rate lipstick on their collar With sly smug self assurance they plunge us into debt and make our health insurance impossible to get Not because they're powerless or there's too much on the docket but because special interests have got them in their pocket
What we want is nothing new its something true yes really true It is that promise that we knew Not satisfied to be lied to that many for the sake of few should suffer in the way they do At Last a light illuminates the darkness of their deeds and we can all seek candidates more suited to our needs What joy, what rapture, to believe that change lies round the bend our sorry plight we shall relieve and bring war to an end Shout ye mothers! Cry out ye children! Stand up all ye deprived! For by your shouts, your cries of pain our nation is revived For now that we are hurt we see the error of our ways We've had our just desserts now we can taste a better day Where there's mystery there's hope or so the saying goes but in the light, we gain insight on whats before our nose This is a Democracy. The Demos, thats is us, has invested the Kratos, that is power, with our trust. That trust has been cheated so much that we're numb and before we're defeated we quickly succumb to the power of fear or whatever persuades us that those who would harm us are trying to aid us But just as our first love may seem so unreal when seen in the light of how jaded we feel yet e'en the most callused of hearts will move when it feels those old feelings of romance again So too we as citizens, by trust united all long to feel that our devotion's requited and now that we've found it, with honest ardor we can begin loving our country once more.