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Forum Post: Russia Today

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 9:54 p.m. EST by mimthefree (192) from Biggar, Scotland
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

ever wonder why Russia Today tells more truth than all the American Networks?

Maybe they know exactly what's going on in the USA because it's very similar to what happened before the collapse of the USSR?

Just wondering....

Anyways, www.rt.com for the honest mainstream media.



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[-] 2 points by pissedoffconstructionworker (602) 13 years ago

I've always enjoyed the blatant schadenfruende (sp.?) of RT's coverage of American news.

[-] 0 points by Fedup10 (228) 13 years ago

Russia is in an economic boom compared to it's past. They celebrate the success of so many of their citizens who have become very wealthy. Moscow has more billionaires than NYC. They enjoy a flat tax across the board at 15 percent. No progressive tax like the USA. The middle class is growing and thriving and climbing the ladder of success and opportunity the country has created.