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Forum Post: Russell Brand & Alec Baldwin at Zuccotti Park

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:15 p.m. EST by Marc526 (44) from Lodi, NJ
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They believe in us but what role do they play?



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[-] 1 points by powertothepeople68 (1) 13 years ago

My, my, my....I guess this cause does not need any more help...everything's done, all taken care of...so no new warm bodies needed, particularly not those who would help to bring more attention to an evolving movement. How about, "come back anytime, come back everyday and bring those cameras." Self-serving works both ways.

[-] 1 points by FreedomIZALie (3) 13 years ago

Send in the clowns

[-] 1 points by Marc526 (44) from Lodi, NJ 13 years ago

I read this comment from "Tmz" : Do you think you're a hero because you braved the rain for a couple of hours while the papparazzi and journalists were all around?? Hey, all of you Occupy Wall St. protesters...ask Russell Brand if he'll give you a job because your unemployed and have student loans to pay and are qualified for a job, any job working for him. See where he is then! See if he's a available then. Just like Oprah and any other self serving celebrity, it's all about making themselves look good in public and helping their image. Making themselves look generous and compassionate when they wouldn't even waste 2 seconds if they weren't benefiting from it in some way or another. They're exploiting you for publicity to make themselves seem sympathetic and hoping for higher ratings on the likability and popular scale. Go home RB! Back to your posh penthouse with your hot wife and $1000 bottle of champagne. You effin' hero!!

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Well put. They'll be countless politicians, celebs and who knows what riding the coattails of OWS for their own selfish, personal gains. Kanye, Rosanne Barr. It's only just begun. Even Gorbechov and the Pope have climbed on the bandwagon.

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

Just some spoiled lefties coming to co-opt the movement. Just because they are famous and claim to give a shit doesn't mean that they do. These are two clowns who have made no bones about what political party they support and are most likely acting as emissaries for the Dem party. When the rich and famous come to support you, they are also coming to take attention from you.