Forum Post: Occupy Rush Limbaugh
Posted 13 years ago on March 2, 2012, 6:03 p.m. EST by sencha
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is an updated list of Rush Limbaugh's sponsors. They continue to drop! Keep the pressure on: We cannot tolerate the oppression of women on public airways.
Polycom: 1-800-POLYCOM,
A Place for Mom: 877-666-3239,,
LifeLock: 1-800-543-3562,,
Mission Pharmacal: 210-696-8400
Robert Steinberg: 1-888-891-2200,
Grashopper Mowers: 620-345-8621,
Insperity: 1-888-808-8842,
Equity Now: 1-800-692-LEND,
YMT Vacations: 1-800-922-9000,
American Bullion: 1-800-326-9598,
American Forces Network: They receive tax payer money and air Rush Limbaugh.
File a complaint with the FCC: In New York, NY, Rush airs at 12 P.M. on WABC, frequency 770. His comments began on February 29.
You can also contact WABC directly:
He is syndicated by Clear Channel Communication. Demand they take him off the air:,
Lowry Mays, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer:
Mark Mays President and Chief Operating Officer:
Randall Mays, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer:
Lisa Dollinger, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communication Public Relations:
Many lists currently circulating have expired sponsors. I've spent several hours making this as up-to-date as possible. Please let me know if you find any inaccuracies. Thank you.
Appeals for a boycott of sponsors of Rush Limbaugh’s radio program appear to be paying off.
Mattress retailer Sleep Train was the first to drop Limbaugh’s program after he called law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” for testifying against allowing employers to opt out of providing birth control under employees’ health insurance.
That firm is now being joined by other companies that appear to be wary of the negative publicity surrounding the Fluke affair. Sleep Train tweeted on Friday, “Recent comments by Rush Limbaugh do not align w/our values, so we made decision to immediately suspend all advertising on that program.”
Maybe Rushbo, the truth slayer, time has come. Time to get the babbling hate spewing idiot off the AIRWAVES.
His foul stench precedes him!
"Truth slayer" ... I like that.
This just in: A Statement from David Friend, CEO of Carbonite:
“No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady. Mr. Limbaugh, with his highly personal attacks on Miss Fluke, overstepped any reasonable bounds of decency. Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.”
Good job, sencha! TY
fantastic work thank you
Pro Flowers is now "slut" Flowers at least till they pull, this one should be easy, thanks for doing this!
There is a storm brewing at their Facebook page:
3,700 comments on their last post! Love it.
I'll be there...
Excellent and Effective. I sent an email to David Friend. Hope he enjoys my outrage and disgust against Rush Limpballs lambasting the airwaves with usual brand of hate.
Good Post! Great Work!
glad to hear!
Also this came up on FB: Quicken Loans Suspends Advertising on Limbaugh -
Email Response: Due to Rush Limbaugh’s continued inflammatory comments along with the valuable feedback we have received from our clients and team members ¬Quicken Loans has suspended all advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program.
Kelley S. Zaske Client Relations Team 1-800-863-4332
Carbonite emailed this to a friend about an hour ago: Carbonite response to Rush complaints
Hello, Over the past two days we have received a tremendous amount of feedback on Rush Limbaugh’s recent comments. I too am offended and very concerned about his comments. Limbaugh’s remarks have us rethinking our future use of talk radio.
We use more than 40 talk show hosts to help get the Carbonite message out to the public. The nature of talk radio is that from time to time listeners are offended by a host and ask that we pull our advertising. This goes for conservatives like Limbaugh and progressives like Stephanie Miller and Ed Shultz. We even get customers who demand that we pull the plug on NPR. As an advertiser, we do not have control over a show’s editorial content or what they say on air. Carbonite does not endorse the opinions of the shows or their hosts.
However, the outcry over Limbaugh is the worst we’ve ever seen. I have scheduled a face-to-face meeting next week with Limbaugh during which I will impress upon him that his comments were offensive to many of our customers and employees alike.
Please know your voice has been heard and that we are taking this matter very seriously.
Regards, Dave
sounds to me as if Dave still needs more convincing! A sit down means nothing... They ll wrap their lips arond some fat cigars and tell sexist jokes? I am not a customer, and had never considered using their service. Wish I had just so I could quit!
Good deal.
I wonder what a sit down meeting with Mr. Limbaugh is like...
I was kind of thinking the same thing. Ewww how unsavory would that be.
This is bullshit. You must have connected with a Leftist freak,if it is even real.
Rushbo does something like this every two years to recruit more angry hate filled fans to his base as others leave as they have had their fill.
Rush is college dropout who despises those who can think things through (critical thinkers) for themselves by listening to reason (based on facts).
There's plenty of these anger filled types around, ripe for the Rushbo message of blaming others their personal failures in life. Angry at those who make it so hard for them and only turn their pockets out if they manage to require anything of value. They want to blame someone, portraying the victim, the government keeps them down. Not them, it everyone elses fault. It's why their so angry!!!
Rushbo and all like him, can go to hell! I will help!
I think he is just feeding of the adage, "even bad press is good press".
This is really is his plan to keep the big $$$ contracts coming in and continuing his raking in the millions as he spews his hate over the Air Waves. Rushbo is ALL about the money. Personally, I don't think he cares much except himself and his new trophy wife.
Follow the chatter:
This page seems to get another 1,000 followers by the hour.
New sponsors added!
This just in: Statement from Proflowers
At ProFlowers, our mission is to delight our customers with fresh and long lasting flowers, and that is our singular focus each and every day. We do not base our advertising decisions to align with any particular political view or opinion as our employees and customers are as diverse as the USA. Mr. Limbaugh’s recent comments went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company. As such, ProFlowers has suspended advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program.
The scoffer adds his odious dribble from his hanging tongue to the exchange, for bread crumbs at the feet of the 1% anytime.
Hey, he said he "sincerely " apologized. Repeat he actually used the word. Who could doubt a person's sincerity about a thing like this? Especially, when he changed the subject almost immediately to "sneakers" that just reeks of sincerity don't you think ?
And the facts that re ranted about it and repeated the slander for at least two days before realizing that his sponsors were dropping him like someone else's jock straps might have some connection with what he was ranting about, well anyone could reasonably believe that was just a coincidence. But, while he was taking the Viagra, that his insurance pays for, something clicked in his mind and he thought, "You know, that young woman was probably as sincere as I am about the plight of her friend and other young women who believe their employers could include the contraceptive coverage just as they do my Viagra, because it actually saves costs due to unwanted pregnancy, while my cherished Viagra actually increases the likelihood and therefore the cost of unwanted pregnancies and of abortions. So, I think i'll apologize, no make that, "sincerely" apologize. And then I will think of some other underhanded way to kick the shit out of her and the rest of the feminazis."
After a "sincere" apology I could never, ever boycott advertisers who have been bringing me a never ending stream of excellence in broadcasting(EIB), could I? Here you stop gagging right now, you hear? You're gonna clean that up. Now stop it.
Additional sponsors of Rush that can be seen on his web site:
Tax Resolution Service
LearCapital (precious metals investors)
Hillsdale College
What about this site giving Carbonite some free advertising if they boycott Rush?
Tax Resolution & Lear are added!
I'm a little confused about HIllsdale College: I'm not sure they advertise him, but that he promotes them. And they gave him an award.
Anyhow, from what I can read this will probably make their allegiance even tighter. They are extreme right.
I'd welcome any other information you have.
I actually saw the Hillsdale ad on Rush's site but now I do not see it. However, if you go to Hillsdale's site [] , you will see a questionaire that ask how did you first learn of Imprimis (a course)? and one of the selection is Rush Limbaugh as well as Sean Hannity and others.
Your call. Anyway, thanks for second guessing me, as I certainly do not wish to promote libel or slander.
Awesome. Now I know where to shop. Thx.
Rush Limbaugh is an ass clown and makes real issues into a joke on his radio show.
Pretty selective outrage. When will the calls for boycotts start for entertainers and radio stations that really make their living,27-7, berating and advocating violence against women?:
Yes we "select" to express outrage against those who are attempting to steal our democracy by inflaming bullshit.
So advocating violence against women is ok as long as it does not offend our politics?
What's the matter you upset that not enough people are upset at who you're upset at? Write the post make your case, quit whining..
Pointing out Limbaugh misogyny in the face of a daily barrage by rap artists spewing unspeakable promotion of violence against women is like complaining about poor wait service for Jews in the Auschwitz cafeteria.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
And Limbaugh is doing so in order to effect NATIONAL POLICY, not make bad music.
Makes what he's doing a hell of a lot more disgusting and dangerous.
The 24-7 broadcast of racist and vile advocacy of violence against against women by the rap music corporations on public airwaves gives license to opportunists like Limbaugh, Maher, and Imus to push the envelope.
We sit back and say nothing about rap and then get all upset about Limbaugh? We look like hypocrites and the issue is dismissed. Look at the other posts on this site related to this issue.
You didn't understand my reply, did you?
The problem is consistency.
Complaining about Limbaugh's misogyny in the face of prepetual radio broadcasts advocating violence against women is like complaining about poor wait service for Jews in the Auschwitz cafeteria.
First of all, your analogy is offensive beyond measure.
Second, you are conflating issues. Rap is nothing more than "entertainment". I personally don't relate to it. The misogyny is disgraceful. But Rap "musicians" are not on a national stage vetting presidential candidates or trying to influence national policy.
Yes, misogyny is bad all around. But comparing rap to Limbaugh in terms of either motivation or effect is like comparing throwing a bullet to shooting a gun. The issue is POWER: POLITICAL POWER. Not distasteful "music".
Limbaugh hides behind the entertainment excuse as well. Excusing rappers makes it difficult to object to other entertainers like Limbaugh, Maher, and Imus .
You don't think that corporations that make billions off off the backs of women don't have political power? They get invited to the White House.
Limbaugh use the idea of being an entertainer as a cover only. He has political influence, and de facto POWER.
Get it? Its about POWER!
Do you think OWS in general or me in particular are in FAVOR of corporate power? You haven't gotten that message yet? Hello? Is anybody home? WTF do think OWS is about?
Can we live without the profanity?
Not when it comes to trolls.
Insults are even less productive than expletives.
OK, Just as soon as we toss all the poison tongued mini-Limbaughs off the air ways. TV and radio.
Until then? I guess it's anything goes.
Chris Brown is not the only one that gets a pass.
Roman Polanski rapes a 13 year old girl, is convicted, then jumps bail and flees to France (he can do that because he's rich). Are his peers in the film industry outraged? No, in 2002 they give him an Oscar, W Goldberg says it was not rape, Zanussi calls the 13 year old a prostitute, and Anne Applebaum wants him pardoned for humanitarian reasons.
I agree with the goal but not the strategy. Limbaugh is getting beat up by the free market. He had to apologize because his sponsors are bailing.
The same thing should happen to others that advocate violence against women. Unfortunately we look the other way.
A rap singer that makes money from degrading women, beats and puts a woman in the hospital, and is not siting in prison. No, he gets a prime time solo at the Grammy's, and then a standing ovation. Where is the outrage? It is selective.
Rap Music Production Corporations make billions of dollars. They advocate violence against women and others while having significant political influence. They host fund-raisers for the White House.
You really are a dissembling idiot.
Rap musicians host fund raiser to help enact, as national policy, the misogyny in their lyrics? Are you psychotic? And do you really think that everyone else is a stupid as you and are willing to fall for your false equivalences?
Do you eat with that lying mouth?
The Music Corporations make money selling their music. They care little about the damage that it does to women. They just want to make money.
They raise money for politicians with the expectation that in return for their efforts the same politicians will make it easy for them to continue to make money unencumbered by regulation. It is the same motivation that any corp has in making political contributions and is in fact why they frequently give to both sides. They hedge their bets.
Now the (R)epelican'ts want to control artists too?
Now that's fascism.
The point is that selective outrage gets us nowhere. The complaint lacks credibility unless we are consistent.
When the banks overflow and the town floods what merit is there in bemoaning the twig thrown in the river while ignoring the logjam?
So your case should be an easy one I look forward to the post, maybe you could start it off talking about what a jerk Rush is and then go on to talk about these other people.
Big fan of Tipper Gore then?
I prefer Zappa........:)
Ever since she dumped Al, yes.
and while we are at it, middle east oil. They oppress women even more!!!
Do you know how radio works? Rush's ratings will increase dramatically as a result of Obama stooping so low as to call this poor girl on the phone. His sponsors will love the increased listenership.
The real story is the POTUS reacting to a talk show host? Unbelievable. Obama has made history again, this is the one of the lowest political moves I've ever witnessed.
Not just any talk show host. Probably the most offensive destructive and dangerous talk show host that ever was.
I'm sure there are plenty of other sponsors who will jump at the chance to be on his show.....its the American way. if you don't want to promote your products on his show, go elsewhere.
Good, hopefully they can jump in right away. :D
They can be rejected as well.
What manufactured outrage and bullshit. You Leftists are always looking for something to new to protest.
I am not replying to this from a place on the right or left of your perceived pole; I am responding to this as a human being.
Rush said nothing wrong,you're pissed because you Leftists are always looking to take down Rush. Ever since he began you Leftists have been trying,you haven't succeeded yet. What does that tell you?
It tells me that neither you nor Rush actually listened to the lady's statement or you both willfully lied about what she said. That is for openers. In case you forgot, lieing is wrong which he certainly did. Tell me you have watched her testimony, then tell me again what she said that corresponds to what Rush said that she said. Then we will know what category you fit into regarding lieing.
After we get through that we will entertain what leads you to any conclusions regarding her sexual habits. And then we will get to name falling and defamation of character.
That you need to learn better grammar.
Cute dodge,that's easier then trying to refute my post isn't it.
Rush is a big fat liar. Everybody knows it now.
Did you miss the memo?
In reply to your post, I don't consider myself a "Leftist" and have never petitioned or boycotted Rush Limbaugh or his advertisers before.
I wasn't replying to you sencha.
I'm on board for anything that blunts that blowhards BS.
I've been boycotting him for decades.
Happy to hear! I was replying to another comment. Thanks for joining in.
I may have posted in the wrong place because I get lost in the ripple effect here ... :)
And you spend your time doing what? What was your username last week? Gosh, we're sure gonna miss you round here. How long was that subscription for? I'll see if we can get your money back. Can't imagine someone promising you an audience that would take you serious. I guess we could learn some valuable lessons from you about good faith, sincerity, and a commitment to dig out the truth even when it shows you are wrong. But I guess we just can't afford it. Leave your business card on the way out.
Thank you WTF. We will call you if we are interested. Bye.
Oppression of women on public airwaves? So Limbaugh can take away your birth control and outlaw abortions?
He was celebrated in the GOP House caucus as producing "the Rush Limbaugh House of Represensibles." they are so afraid of him that they can never criticize him, drug abuse, doctor shopping, married, divorce, married, divorce, married, divorce, stop me if you have heard this one, married. Married four times and no children, no telling how much extra-curricular sex and guess what? NO children. Exactly none.
And he never used Viagra, I mean contraception? Who is kidding whom? Asperin? Honest, they were just massaging my ego, Hipocrisy in broadcasting.
All that power and no accountability. Of course he could take it away. He is the Rush, after all. Where is No Talk Show Left Behind and the SAP test?
Poor oaf thinks ladies take a pill with or after sex. More sex more pills. If he was married to a woman wouldn't she know that isn't how it works? Oh, they are smarter than you and they listen to NPR.
And he can take away birth control how?
He claims to be all powerful and if the controlling party in the House acknowledges it, I guess it must be true. You wouldn't disagree with the Rush and the controlling party would you? The GOP is working on just that in every state with a GOP governor, as well. So, you think he some kind of entertainer whose rants can be dismissed?
I honestly don't care what Limbaugh says. Or the republicrats. But the Left has the power right now. This whole thing is a stupid distraction from the real issues.
Now you are on the right track. The issue is that regular people like you and me are effectively disenfranchised by the rich and powerful including those who control the media propaganda machines.
If every adult citizen could be heard equally, I believe, though imperfect, we/they would be doing a better job of governing than we are getting now.
If you're not familiar with his comments, an edited version is here:
edited version? What are you, a 12 year old catholic girl? I heard it live, it wasn't any worse than what you hear on Jersey shore, which I'm sure you're quite familiar with.
I said it was edited because it is a compilation of two shows.
I am frankly bemused about being called a 12-year-old-Catholic girl and someone who must watch Jersey Shore. What on earth does that mean in the spectrum of insults?
My apologies
And how can he or his listeners take away your birth control ?
I am the Rush, the great and powerful, look upon my works oh ye mighty and despair.
Either he is all powerful and can control events, or he is just an entertainer and shouldn't be held accountable. I report, you decide.
Hint : He favors number 1 with occasional retreats to number 2.
Still not an answer.
There is this thing they call politics. Alone you are just a citizen. With money or a microphone you actual power. With money and a microphone..
Hey no with Citizens United, Rush could contribute all he wants, and I am sure he is such a true believer I am sure, his life his fortune and his sacred honor, will all be on the line this time. And he is so modest/
Now do you get it? Good, I knew that you could,
I have answered you on another comment. He/they want to make contraception illegal and it will be enforced with a smaller less intrusive government.
Like any of the greedy corrupt the all powerful ooze is of coarse going to look to bail out or be bailed out.
There is this thing they call politics. Alone you are just a citizen. With money or a microphone you actual power. With money and a microphone..
Hey no with Citizens United, Rush could contribute all he wants, and I am sure he is such a true believer I am sure, his life his fortune and his sacred honor, will all be on the line this time. And he is so modest/
Now do you get it? Good, I knew that you could,
Was that meant for me or for BullShit ( I mean BlackSun )?
I never said he could.