Forum Post: Running Scared
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 1:40 p.m. EST by AMCD
from Antioch, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OWS must have their opponents, whomever they are, running scared.
The number of Ron Paul supporters, anti OWS and outright Trolls posting on here has turned this Public Forum into a shouting match with a lot of name calling an character assassination.
The only reason for that is they are scared. Scared that the American public has woken up and seeing how the corruption of politics by business interests have denied us of our rights. There is little to no justice in America for the average American.
It is depressing to see all the negative comments. But I take heart that the personal attacks in this forum show that those that oppose OWS feel the need to overwhelm the forum.
That can only mean they are scared.
OWS. Keep up the good work. We shall prevail.
Use those arrows friends!!
I can find several other reasons non-OWS supporters are on these forums besides "That can only mean they are scared."
for entertainment
trying to understand the liberal mindset better
simply to argue
trying to understand the OWS movement as a whole
because it is like watching a train wreck, you just cannot take your eyes off it
re>trying to understand the liberal mindset better So you are admitting this movement is backed by the left wing? See the problem here is it is not suppose to be. You are part of the problem.
I know, it is human nature to talk in absolutes. They MUST be on here because they are scared.
I am actually pointing it out to be argumentative. Yet, that does prove there is another reason to be on the forums.
I did not say that is why I was on this forum, however, from some of the posts, it appears others are engaging in that very topic.
In addition, I did not say THE MOVEMENT was backed by the left wing, but the forums are clearly crawling with left wing liberals.
You obviously fail to acknowledge that there might possibly be any other reason besides SCARED for non-supporters to be on these forums. A little narrow minded.
So, why are you here? You must either be a supporter or scared, right?
I cam to this movement thining it was not in support of the Democrtas or Republicans. Then find it is backed by George Soros via his funded groups like moveon.or, and adwatch. Then allow SEIU and other Unions to control it. I am going home today we have lost and Geor Soros has won. What a waste of 2 weeks.
I am sorry you feel like you wasted 2 weeks.
With no clear leadership, I think that opened the door for ANY leadership.
First off CNN? Really? what does this have to do with corruption in wall street? and if CNN are all for the people, Why are they not Inside the trade floor asking questions ? or showing 24 live video like the Iraq invasion?
CNN had a piece where they implied that OWS was leaderless and contentless but that they were tapping into the Foreclosure anger to get some traction until they finally reveal their intention to bring back the failed theories of communism. Any thoughts?
A body has a million cells, only ten are cancerous, but you still have the cancer cells to CUT OUT. not everyone in government is corrupt just the ones the 1% need to get the job done. and now we must remove our cancer.
plasma, i won my eviction case , ive got proof of corruption, how about a good old fashion check wash wells fargo did to assign first lien mortgage? Enron ? vice president that was head of oil ? why would you come to this sight anyway and show your non support ? the truth is right in front of you. truthful people see it, while the devil has the rest blinded.
The devil is said to be the accuser of good men. He stood before God in the book of Job and told God that Job would curse him, if only he hurt Job.
And look at these protesters, accusing people left and right who they've never met. Men who they've never known. All because they knew more success -- and greater failures -- than the protesters.
Really, maybe you better look at your own actions before you accuse other people.
Maybe you should put down the bible and pick up a real book.
Change your ways.
We live in a free country, I am merely expressing my freedom :-) The problem with people like yourself is you want to change others and force your agenda on them, but its never going to happen, because we live in a FREE society!
So please, go force your religious/political views on people who care.
how can you accuse them of not having been effected in some way by the way they made their money ? have you asked each one of the protesters? come on man, really? And as far as religion goes, just go to the friendly illumina web sight and tell me that it was not in their plan by demonic ways to get the job done.
Jello Biafra also mentioned that the truthers, and elements of the Lyndon Larouch cult are trying to make inroads. Don't let em. If this movement is not seen as mainstream it dies.
Yes he did, but also in spoken words ,we must all see our own truth in our own lives, not someone else's life. fine line. But he also said tomorrow your homeless, but tonight is a blast.
You say there is "corruption of politics by business interests."
What corruption of politics by business interests? Corruption means offering or accepting money in exchange for official acts. What corruption? Who is corrupt?
And you say you are denied of your rights. But isn't it really the case that you are not successful, that that's why you're claiming that someone else has denied you your rights? Because you don't want others to see you the way you see yourself, as a failure?
Seriously, how can you not see the corruption of politics by business interests?
If you can't admit that our government is corrupt, and that corruption comes from business concerns, then we don't have anything to discuss.
But I did see that instead of argue facts you attack my character. Nice, you proved my point exactly.
I absolutely did attack your character, you slandered and defamed members of business and public citizens serving in government by saying they are corrupt. If you don't want to have your character attacked, try growing one.
LOL. Your hypocrisy is infinite. And it's only slander and defamation if I were to name names. You cannot slander or defame corporations in general.
But you can't argue the truth. Facts are facts no matter what you believe in.