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Forum Post: Running List of Ideas to Promote the General Welfare

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 4:14 p.m. EST by infonomics (393)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Here, I would like to initiate a running list of ideas that might promote the general welfare of all. When I speak of ideas, I am referring more to creativity than the same old platitudinous thinking so common among us. For example, to substitute Ron Lawl for Obama or Rick Perry for Newt Gingrich are not creative ideas; no, they are the same old tripe implementations of an exhausted mind.

As you ponder your ideas do not be apprehensive about criticism. Remember, even the experts make foolish statements; to wit:

From the book Experts Speak

"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home." --President of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977

We don't need you. You haven't got through college yet. (Hewlett-Packard executive, responding to Apple Computer founders Steve Jobs' and Steve Wozniak's attempts to interest the company in the "personal computer" they had designed, 1976. )

640K [memory] ought to be enough for anybody. Attributed to Bill Gates, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft, 1981

We don't need you. You haven't got through college yet. (Hewlett-Packard executive, responding to Apple Computer founders Steve Jobs' and Steve Wozniak's attempts to interest the company in the "personal computer" they had designed, 1976. )

640K [memory] ought to be enough for anybody. Attributed to Bill Gates, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft, 1981 [I have 12 meg on my machine now.]

You ain't goin' nowhere, son. You ought to go back to drivin' a truck. -- Jim Denny, Manager of "Grand Ole Opry", to Elvis Presley, 1954

Gentlemen, you have come sixty days too late. The depression is over. (It was just getting started.) -- Herbert Hoover, June 1930

Include only the general mention of your idea here, then link to a specific discussion in your own post when you have time to expand on it.

Lastly, small people and their exhausted minds will attack ideas because they are a perceived threat to their beloved status quo, which usually means homo barely erectus. So, get them in digital form and let's make the world a better place. I will initiate the process:

  1. Plural executive in the executive branch.

  2. Direct online democracy.

  3. National online employment agency of the people, by the people, for the people

  4. OWS Inc., a holding company for ownership in the basic needs industries. As an owner, OWS reps would serve on the boards of these industries.

  5. National online educational of the people, by the people, for the people. All disciplines served. The envy of the world. No entry limitations.

  6. A website that displays in table form the non-classified contracts of the federal government.

  7. A website funded by the federal government permitting the public to voice complaints, present ideas, etc.

  8. Switch the roles of the GAO auditors and the outside independent auditors. GAO would audit corporate America and the outside CPA's would audit the government. I'll explain the why's of this in my detail.

  9. Whistle-blowing site.

  10. Encourage employers with tax breaks, if necessary, to hire office-at-home people. Office-at-home employees could compete better since they have less expenses. They could increase their competitive edge if they are willing to convert to nocturnal. For example, let's say if an employer needed a project completed over night, they could call upon this nocturnal base.

  11. A website monitoring lobbyists, manned by the people.

  12. Petition the federal government to hire independent contractors (the unemployed, the underemployed) to read and abridge books for digital form so they can be available freely for the public. (I've been doing this for years on my own.)

  13. Encourage the retrenching/retiring baby boomers to give back with worthwhile online courses for the young (actually anyone).

  14. Online news service for the people and by the people. Talk about an unemployment fixer. A rep in every county, for example. Funding from ads, contributions, etc.

  15. National online employment agency by the people and for the people.

  16. Zendog did not like my criticism of the Post Office because he viewed its demise as an effort of to privatize mail. OK, fine. What precludes OWS from implementing its own ePost Office, run by the people, for the people? Expensive? You bet but capitalization did not stop Fred Smith's Fedex. Money does not stop progress but the lack of good ideas does. You submit a good idea to investors and they will support it. And oh what a job creator !

You're up now. Go for it.



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 13 years ago

First and foremost, get money out of politics. Right now, many of these bozo-brains are more concerned about a pledge they signed to Grover Norquist defending the interests of corporations and the wealthy than to the oath of office they took and their responsibility to their constituents.

Once the government is returned to the people, the general welfare of its citizens will prevail.

[-] 1 points by Algee (182) 13 years ago

Focus less on money and bring the value of people back into the equation of life. I am not saying that we give up economics, but we need to start putting people over profits.


[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

Interest free loans for homes, education, and transportation.

[-] 1 points by infonomics (393) 13 years ago

If we can get education online, maybe education will be free of debt. For example, as a CPA/Financial Analyst/Flash programmer/Web designer, I would gladly submit my courses for next to nothing, if anything at all. More to the point, once a central large scale education is online, just watch as competing tuition will plummet.

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

True, but if teaching was going to be your livelihood, wouldn't you want to be able to make a living at it?

[-] 1 points by infonomics (393) 13 years ago

Pandorak is correct. Also, sometimes people have other motives. Some people will giveaway something just to get their name recognized for something else. For example, I would give away accounting and Flash classes to promote my upcoming website. Sometimes the motive is not readily apparent. For example, why does Yale and MIT give open source courses? Incidentally, have you ever seen the code that MIT gives away? What's at work there? Very good code for free. Indeed, the entire geek community is like that.

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

I do see your point. Yes the open source projects are a great thing. Everyone works together on something, and then everyone benefits.

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

I think infonomics is taking into consideration the old MacDonald's theme, pennies add up quickly when there is enough volume.

So assuming a credit course was equal to $10 online, and infonomics had 100,000 subscribers....

[-] 1 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

ok, I see. I think it is a pretty good idea. Wouldn't there still be role for institutional universities?

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

There would have to be, some things simply can not be done remotely or learned remotely. However, institutional universities would be in a reduced role.
