Forum Post: Rules of War
Posted 12 years ago on March 26, 2012, 10:59 p.m. EST by RedSkyMorning
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Following the Great War wwl all western powers decided conflicts MUST be decided diplomaticatically because the cost of ear had become too great. The only legitimate use of ones army in the defense of your country. The bush and Obama and un war doctrines are a clear violation.
The war on terror , is in defense of your country .. USA was violently attacked .. the war on terror is justified right to the letter.
We were attacked by a handful of violent and angry men. Why invade an entire country of millions for the actions of a few dozen? Most of the highjackers were Saudi Arabians. Should we attack Saudi Arabia as well? Iraq was violently attacked. So are they justified right to the letter when they attacked American troops?
Iraq was not attacked , just the military regime .. not the innocent civilians .. IMHO, the iraq dictator should have been ousted long long ago .. he was horrible and cruel .. I would expect some of the Iraqi civilians are thankful he is gone and they thank the USA military for their new freedom.
The hijackers were based out of Afghanistan. It was an intricate battle to root out the terrorists .. and all those supporters of terrorism .. while trying not to harm the innocent. Many soldiers have died and suffered.
You have to be attacked by a nation state. Dude. Countries that have problems with terrorism hardly keep control of their main cities. Hard to image but that's like a third of the world.
BTW I have a head injury and worked on vets with head injuries and they don't make u kill dozens of innocent people. That story rubs me the wrong way. Sounds like some officers need some rededucation in Alaska.