Forum Post: Rules for Protesting (simple)
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 2, 2012, 1:52 a.m. EST by occupypuppies
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Stay out of the street. Keep off private property. March in an organized style so it does not look like a riot about to break out. Train protesters not to heckle the police. If a person does not know the law and/or does not intend to follow it, do not let such person lead or participate in your protest. Hold training sessions for protesters before each march, where they learn how to stay on the sidewalk, how to respond courteously to police presence. Do not allow others to bring megaphones to your protest, because such people can quickly overtake your protest and turn it into something you do not want. Train protesters to be aware of agents provocateurs and agitators in a crowd. Consider training and certifying protest leaders to ensure they know the law and lead protests in safe and legal manner.
LINK: Occupy Peace: Failure to Disperse and Bail Amounts in California...
AND here are some basics on how to get arrested...pretty thorough--most important thing is to have phone numbers and for most people, preplanning how they will pay their bail is a good idea. Occupy Peace: Arrested at a Protest: How to Plan for It