Forum Post: RT-USA is the only TV outlet giving OWS the coverage it deserves
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:30 p.m. EST by MossyOakMudslinger
from Frederick, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
RT-USA has been covering OWS from day one. Alyona Minkovski, Lauren Lyster, Christine Frazao Tom Hartmann and Max Keiser have all been providing daily or regular coverage and analysis from day one.
They get a wide variety of guests on their programs both from inside and outside the movement with excellent discussions on the events pertaining to OWS.
RT is proving to be a great medium for getting the OWS message out. It is worth a watch by anyone interested in the OWS movement. The programs are available on YouTube too.
Anyone really interested in the inner workings of the Wall Street- Banker crime nexus might tune in to Max Keiser. He is a former Wall Street stock trader with a background in high frequency trading and the ripoffs associated with that mode of trading and possesses a great understanding of the global and national impacts of the current banking crisis. A very important resource for the movement IMHO.
anyway..........just wanted to let folks know in case they might not have.