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Forum Post: Rove vs Tea party = OWS success measured by extremists failures

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 3, 2013, 8:42 a.m. EST by owsarmy (271)
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[-] 2 points by Buttercup (1067) 12 years ago

Republican's eating their own. Always fun to watch the vicious little rats on the right consume eachother. Pass the popcorn.


[-] 2 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Joe Walsh!!! got his ass kicked by Tammy Duckworth. This is gonna be a good show.

[-] 2 points by Buttercup (1067) 12 years ago

I know funny right. Walsh v Rove. Can you even think of a better match up! Rove helped build this mess. What Rove buildeth Rove can taketh away. Or, the party self destructs. Either way it's all good.

[-] 2 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Rove just put out an ad against Ashley Judd. I guess they are scared shit for McConnell. They should be.


[-] 2 points by Buttercup (1067) 12 years ago

Wrap it up, spank it on the butt and file this under desperation.

[-] 2 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Lol. very funny. it's gonna be a very good show. We should go to their tea party sites and egg them on, no?


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Tea party hasn't learned, I like their strategy. run "severe conservatives" That's the ticket!


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

i submit it has been the efforts and success of Occupy that has made this come to pass. I think further we will see progressives supporting the most extremist Tea Party candidates in repub primaries in order to get the most akin/mourdock like wacko to run against. It's very entertaining to watch.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

i won't argue with that. The truth is the "repelicans" are in the midst of overreaching in their move to the right. It is inevitable. It has been suggested Dems went too far left in the 70's and are only now beginning the recovery from their lurch right.

I suppose my exaggeration of Occupies affect on repub failures is mostly wishful thinking. Whatever, it's still fun to watch.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Yes, some sort of political judo is called for. Sensei!

[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

1st enemy - anti 99% corp 1%,

2nd enemy - extremist republican tea party

3rd enemy - corrupt Democrats who support anti 99% policies

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

I have to be honest. It is all about the cash. I see no victory with Rove still standing and merely reinventing himself with a new group of people.

[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Roves superpac had the most money. So he will still have lotsa money and we'll just hve to work on having him report his failure.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Hope that isn't your town. Good pic otherwise.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Breezy point isn't far from me. I did help staten island with Occupy Sandy but I think you might wanna specify that it was repelican congresspeople (who hate ny & the northeast in general) who fucked around with our relief.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

As a NY'r I saw all my reps screamin at repelicans. I also saw LI Repelican Peter King, and NJ Gov Christie screamin @ repelicans. The vote in the end was most telling.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

he did. but he started as a dem switched to repelican, then to independent, so I don't know what you wanna call him.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

He is most definitely a 1%'r. And not a good one as far as I could see.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

And I submit all ny politicians (D&R) vote for wallst interests. Just as oil state (tx, alaska, Louisiana) politicians vote for fossil fuel interests. This is the dilema and corruption we must eliminate.


[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Agreed. money is the root of..........

[-] 2 points by WSmith (2698) from Cornelius, OR 12 years ago

All states want and need revenue so they can provide services for their citizens and businesses to create maximum happiness and prosperity. Greed and cruelty can throw giant monkey wrenches in states' works, and solicit concern from humanitarian politicians, like JFK: "He was appalled by the pitiful conditions he saw (in West Virginia), by the children of poverty, by the families living on surplus lard and corn meal, by the waste of human resources…" despite great wealth in natural resources, and re-instituted the food stamp program; and LBJ's War on Poverty. The Dem Congress then legislated to make the Food Stamp program permanent, in contrast to the Con Congress who attempt to legislate to make the Bush tax cuts for the Rich permanent. Weird.

[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

This should please all Occupiers because it is our constant efforts of pushing the national dialog towards progressive principles that has hurt the opposite extremist tea party most of all.

The enemy is devouring itself! eating their young! We are winning.

It will take years of hard work to force change, but defeating the opposing extremist ideology had to be done first. Even that task has only just begun. but this is a great sign of progress on marginalizing the opposing extremists.

[-] 0 points by thegreatsquare (16) 12 years ago

The reason Rodney Dangerfield was an assman is because people told him he was an ass, man!

Likewise, the GOP is left to consider what they are after the last election because they know they can't win elections by acting an ass.

[-] 2 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Tea party is right! Republicans are too progressive. I concur, best strategy is to run real conservatives. "Severe conservatives"!

[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

They can wonder if they like. If asked I think many might tell them that they are the willing puppets of extremist pro 1% corp oligarchs, and proud pushers of anti 99% policies.

[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Do you think the media perverted the image of grass roots tea party people like they did Occupy?

[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Not really. I think the tea party showed themselves for what they are. I think they offered the opposite extreme of what Occupy offers. And I think the country is slowly being moved towards occupies progressive principles. We should see this as confirmation that our support is growing. Do you agree? Are you pleased?

[-] 1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

I think that government and multinational partnerships are very bad things.

I also think the government is spending us into eternal slavery and robbing the future.

Most TP agree with that. I dont think that SS and Medicare should be cut or removed, which I differ with them on (Im for voluntary SS and Medicare for all who want it).

Ive spoken with many TP at various political functions. Some are on point, and then there are the hill billy maniacs which I cant stand.

[-] 2 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

I suppose you can support TP if you like. I do not.

I believe SS, Medicare are not in trouble, must be expanded, and the guarantee should never be eliminated (except for the wealthy)

I do not think the economic problem is too much spending. It is too little revenue (cause of wealthy taxcuts) Raise taxes on the 1%, cut def budget, cut corp welfare, get economic demand up by helping the working class and the deficit/debt goes away.

I've engaged with many TP people and they all seem like angry, uneducated, selfish, hateful people. The opposite of OWS supporters.

What do you think of Occupies position on SS, Medicare, big corps, taxes.?

[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

I agree that it would make more sense to simply tax the multinationals like they should be, and cut the defense, and we would be fine.

But they wont do that. They refuse to do that. So in effect, they are spending us into oblivion.

I campaigned for candidate who wanted medicare for all, so that my belief on that. If people want SS, they should be able to get it. However, they are currently using that tax money for many many other things, and Im not into giving this body my money to invest for me. No thanks.

I would prefer a simple tax code, no loopholes whatsoever to hide in. I think that would take care of a lot.

As far as big corps, Im a mass decentralization guy. I want to shop at the local hardware store, not HomeDepot. I want to shop at the local electronics store, not BestBuy. I want to have my elected leaders living near me, not hiding in DC. I want the technology we have today, with the accountability and justice of the past.

[-] 2 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

Well I suppose everyone is entitled to their views.

As far as tax code I would never remove ta loopholes for the working class. But I do agree we should eliminate loopholes, shelters and deductions for the wealthy.

For me that is a pretty important distinction. You don't make that distinction.?

Do you agree with the whole concept that we should have the govt, economy work for the 99%? That these institutions have been taken over by the 1% for the 1% exclusively.?

[-] 0 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

I would eliminate all of it. Just lower the taxes on the middle class then. Once one loophole gets in there, the idiot politicians put another one, and then another, etc.

Before you know it, you have 76 thousand freakin pages of total bullshit.

Im pretty sure just about the entire nation thinks the gov has been hijacked.

[-] 1 points by owsarmy (271) 12 years ago

I agree. The whole country knows the gov has been taken over by the corpRATions. Raise taxes on the 1%, cut taxes on the 99%.