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Forum Post: Ross Perot could be running with his same 1992 platform and you people would still trash him

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 12:06 p.m. EST by FrogWithWings (1367)
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Some because he wasn't either on the Dem or Repub ticket, others because you seemingly are too dense to get it, and maybe a few more because good common sense escapes you.

If he were running today, his supporters would be on the emptywheel and sb1867 list of domestic terrorists, just like Dr PauI's supporters are.



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[-] 1 points by randart (498) 13 years ago

Well, first ya gotta lift the hood to see what all the pinging is in the engine. Then ya have to roll up yer sleeves and change a tire or two before ya can get the car back on the road.

I;m the kind of guy that rolls up my sleeves to change engines and tires so the car runs again. Ibitty, bibitty, boo. Y'all know what I mean?

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

I think OWS is a signal that people are fed up with red or blue mechanics tinkering with the engine. Clearly they have ignored the rust rotting out the cab which we ride in. Fire the mechanics and prepare to fully restore the vehicle, it's a pretty nice ride

I have to agree with Frog

Meet the team of new mechanics in Philadelphia July 4th 2012


[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Their new webpage, it's a bit more informative and I think interactive, I haven't looked at it too closely yet, sorry.


[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Thx for the heads up. I was wondering why they don't have a forum but after some of the crap that goes on here I figured they didn't need that right now. In case you or anyone else is wondering about me speaking so strongly and incessantly about this Declaration, it's because aside from some radical allbeit interesting ideas on OWS, people need to sit down at their kitchen tables and GA's and have a very serious discussion about whether to support this or not. There's more riding on this than I think most people realize and time is very very short. Kudos to the working group for pushing ahead.

I have tried to make a few points crystal clear. Nothing is going to change the fact that the next President is going to be a RepubliCrat. 2) The existence of an NGA will hold sway over the next election that'll make the TP influence look like, well, a kids tea party, and 3) the NYCGA is in clear violation of their own principles and the only way to clear the accusations is to publicly endorse the 99% Declaration ( no other option this late in the game)

I've stated previously that we all owe a huge +1 to the folks from Liberty Park but they must not continue trying to play god. Let it go. The NGA will be practically the only thing people, and, all the media, are talking about and the DGA's will give everyone a voice.

Occupy Liberty Bell and Occupy Independence Hall

See you in Philly : )


[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

You are welcome...I've been quietly presenting the 99percentdeclaration for about 2 months, I've found that for me doing so quietly works best, I actually got a few people to read the darned thing!

The NYGA, while it has presented against corporate influence in politics appears to have it's own agenda, whatever that may be. That said, I still believe that we, all of us who wish to see positive change, can work at the same purpose with different methods. A 'two front war' if you will.

I do think the various Occupies do a good job of creating public awareness, I also think that the public can have an impact.

We used to do what we called rolling boycotts, when I was in trucking. We'd have a large group not purchase fuel in a state for a week, even with IFTA (fuel tax sharing) such an action had an impact on the revenues of the state boycotted, and didn't harm too badly the small business owner, although the larger concerns, such as T/A and Flying J Fuel Centers felt an impact.

We'd also refuse to load or unload for certain companies, sometimes we'd block out an area of the country to refuse service to.

We didn't have 100% cooperation, but we did make enough of an impact that we got what we needed.

We, the people, can organize 'rolling boycotts'. Refusing to purchase certain products, or frequent certain businesses.

We'd have unimaginable power, IF we could all work together toward a common goal.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

Absolutely! I totally support the Occupy foreclosure idea, it's really smart. Similar (clever) activities to keep the heat on while the preparations for the NGA proceed will stoke each others efforts. Philadelphia will be one WILD place come July 4th.

We do have unimaginable power, gotta get smart and accept it and then use it. Unity as you point out is the key. But it's got to be said loud and clear. NGA has to support (smart) occupations, occupiers have to support smart politics. United we stand. We Are The 99%

[-] 1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

Great, glad to see rational people coming around! Most people do not even know that Philadelphia was originally our nation's capital, DC did not even exist until the second, post-civil war, bankruptcy.

[-] 2 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 13 years ago

I imagine most people are rational in their everyday lives but we all go a little snakey sittin' behind a keyboard. I wish people would drop their defense of the status quo for just a few minutes and think about what's going on and what's at stake.

This DC/bankruptcy is something the NGA needs to have high on their to-do list. It's something the 99% need to learn and deal with from the sounds of it. thx


[-] 1 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

Well, Perot pointed out our debt was a real 4 trillion dollars in 1992 and showed America why. He pulled no punches about throwing the money changers out of DC and to the point of destroying both houses to be replaced with electronic town halls for all reasonable persons to vote.

I'd call that a ground up overhaul, including even new fender gaskets and muffler bearings, after all the NUTS and bolts had been scattered all over hell's half acres.