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Peoples' Inauguration Direct Action January 20 2017

Posted 8 years ago on Nov. 12, 2016, 10:56 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt (1) from Plainfield, NJ

We just received this tactical briefing from an anonymous source, check it out!

When in the course of human events the causes and purposes of life and liberty are directly threatened by an authoritarian demagogue, and when that demagogue ascends to control the federal government, that government is no longer a government of the people, for the people. Freedom loving people in the United States of America and around the world are duty-bound to oppose any and all actions this government takes until it is no longer directed by its current leadership.

Join us on January 20th 2017 as we begin the fight to end open hatred and fascism in America. Join us in upholding the promise, the obligation, passed to all Americans to alter our government when it becomes destructive to our life, liberty and our pursuit of happiness. Direct actions will include:

A people's assembly to elect and swear in an alternative American "government in exile";

Non-violent disruptions of inaugural events and gatherings, including banner reveals, flash mobs, and simply standing as one people in solidarity for the freedoms of all Americans, all people;

Testimony and the sharing of stories of hate, of racism and bigotry, our shared pain and our shared hope across America;

The announcement of the people's plan for the first 100 days of alternative policies for change;

Occupation of the National Mall in Washington DC and non-violent protest during the inauguration.

We will need your help organizing this, training participants in nonviolent resistance, advertising and disseminating information through the media, and just standing in solidarity. If you're in let us know by replying to this email and we'll get you involved.

May America always be the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

The Roosevelt Group. Freedom over Fascism.




Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

''Rejecting Dangerous Saviors: Can "The People" Save the US?, by Peter Bloom:

e tenebris, lux ...

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 8 years ago


Seems like an odd group to be bringing this to us but nice to see you "OccupyWallSt." Miss your posts. Perhaps Donald J. Trump has woken us all up again from the little nap we were having.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

''Perhaps Donald J. Trump has woken us all up again from the little nap we were having."!!! BINGO, bw!! That could well be a deep truth there & the Protest March in DC tomorrow could well be bigger than the crowds for tRUMP! Beyond hubris is history and hope & here's how and why ...

respice, adspice, prospice ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 8 years ago

Pankaj Mishra argues, in this excellent article that as a the Trump presidency shines a bright light upon racism and the way our system actually supports and promotes it, we, as a people, may actually come to terms with it and put it to rest. Only when Americans accept the fact that racism in America is a function of our democracy which pits people against one another, can we overcome it.

Here are some excerpts from his lengthy, but trenchant, piece:

"We are finding out that racism is not simply a product of ignorance, prejudice or arrogance; it endures, despite all our cautionary tales and resolves of “never again”, because its promise of social solidarity serves to assuage human fears and nurture hopes for the future. Racial exclusion, a response to the insatiable modern demand for equality, liberty and dignity, is bound up insidiously with the most virtuous ideals of liberalism and democracy."

"Many among the middle and the working classes today feel excluded from both the benefits of the welfare state and the bonanzas of the rich. They aim their rage at both an aloof technocracy and people they suspect of exploiting the taxpayers’ generosity. As in fin de siècle America and Europe, political opportunists try to capitalise on their fears by demonising foreigners, immigrants, refugees – all supposed parasites on the hard-working and cruelly neglected classes that should be weeded out."

"Several generations of anti-imperialist thinkers and activists, who intimately experienced the worldwide “industrial slavery” that Du Bois wrote about, repeatedly pointed out that those who promise equal rights universally enforce at the same time a global hierarchy in which those rights are reserved for some and forbidden to others."

"The arduous task of creating unity in diversity, among people riven by race, class and gender, never confronted the founders of the United States. Too many complex issues – such as the nature of human freedom and equality – seemed self-evident to them; and too many of their successors also concealed the self-evident contradictions in the American programme by banishing from sight the enslaved, colonised and dispossessed people whose resources and labour enabled the enjoyment of life, liberty and happiness."

"Certainly, genuine democratic equality under the Trump administration will be a more formidable challenge than ever before. But at least it won’t appear veiled by the illusions of the past – which may give present and future generations a better chance of bending the intractable arc of the moral universe to justice."

So, perhaps some good will come out of the Trump presidency. As all things ugly are exposed, we can stomp them out.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

''A commons is an asset over which a community has shared and equal rights. This could, in principle, include land, water, minerals, knowledge, scientific research and software. But at the moment most of these assets have been enclosed: seized by either the state or private interests, and treated like any other form of capital. Through this enclosure we have been deprived of our common wealth." from your excerpt from this Monbiot article:

Thanx for the excellent comment & excerpts - from what was admittedly a very long article by one of my favorite contemporary writers. US/UK/EU are at a particular juncture in our history and transition & TPTB are going to take divide+rule to The Next Level in order to maintain their position & control over The 99%!

From which, I briefly excerpt .. ''For those of us who are committed social justice activists or organizers, the sheer scale of this march was awe-inspiring. It gives us hope, a necessary antidote to despair. And .. this is no time for despair.''

et caveat - divide et impera!

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 8 years ago

Photos of the #NoBanNoWall protests across the country yesterday and today which concluded in a Federal Judge placing a stay on Trump's evil, un-American, unconstitutional ban on 7 Muslim nations.


All 7 of which nations not one single terrorist has come from, but 6 of which we've been bombing.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

Trump's DHS head - John Kelly knows more about "The Seven Country Plan" than DJT does himself!!! The New Boss = Old Boss?!! Behind Trump's ''Shock and Awe'' policies .. lies The Old MIC & Empire!

e tenebris, lux?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

Either we can march 2 t ballot box or t battleground; there is no 3rd option.

theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/19/womens-march-washington-occupy-protest …

2 get representation Own government!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 8 years ago

Instead of a bright future starting 2day

We have 100's of 1000's of sane people protesting in t streets


as we should

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 8 years ago

Sounds like the vindictive Hag and the people who support her are out to start a color revolution here in the U.S.A. ; being that they can't bear to stand the fact that they were defeated in a popular election.

YEp, the evil oligarchy looks like is up to its old tricks: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article45828.htm

Instead of good folks falling for this old ploy, we should be all yelling "Yankee Wall Street scum go get lost."

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

The comment count on this post is 5 but there are 8 comments. The count was also wrong on the post of this comment: http://occupywallst.org/article/micah-white-rural-revolution-nehalem-oregon/#comment-1072198

The 5, 8 comment discrepancy may be related to not counting the most recent comments, of which there are three, fitting the difference. There may be a shunting of recent comments to be buffered for who-knows-what purposes. On trans-atomic scales, on which the comment count is, EVERYTHING happens for a reason or reasons so there must be something going on.

Saving this comment itself has bumped up the comment count immediately to 6 so the comment count's disconnection from reality may have recorded a past shunting or porting event.

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 8 years ago

Interesting. But as long as people are reading it; that is what really counts.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

''Women's March on Washington set to be one of America's biggest protests''by Joanna Walters

per aspera ad astra!

[-] 1 points by rocket88doowop (30) from Brooklyn, NY 8 years ago

I must escape to another planet, at least because of Trump, and it would have been the same if it were Clinton.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

''Trump’s Fascism Picks Up Where Obama’s Leaves Off'', by Ted Rall:

multum in parvo...

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 8 years ago

did i miss something here - bannon is going to cleanse the government??

"Steve Bannon is dedicated to cleansing government and the financial system controlled by all those who have reigned over the foreign regime changes, the transfer of middle class wealth and income to Wall Street, paper wealth from derivatives to hedge fund and corporate global leaders, trillions to the 0.01% elites, all of whom populate the Ultra Wealthy Class, a new feudalism of billionaires and millionaires.

Bannon’s life long credentials and work with Jews, Blacks, females and Muslims eventually helped stifle the Media excesses. But the vicious branding may stick long after the inauguration.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

Our people have voted for the administration of a live-virus vaccine so live viruses go in. If the immune system is strong enough, most of the viruses of the "swamp" will be killed off. Otherwise, there will be a raging full-blown disease much worse than the smoldering malaise before the vaccination.

It's possible that our live shrimp has decided to jump out of the frying pan into the fire but that's its freedom, a rigged democracy sprung into action. We'll just have to see what happens - it's still too early to tell. Everything is stable and fine in extremely high-speed photography except that everyone has a tremendous apparent longevity. The gondola business may thrive in Manhattan, too, how romantic. We can just hope that Herr Drumpf really means his "drain the swamp" campaign slogan and not ends up like Reagan (or my Mom [God blessed me that her hand-held mirror was broken by my neighborhood-girl babysitter]) putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.

Look and think (with top nuts, not wal-nuts, not go-nuts) before taking a Great Leap Forward. Keep on monitoring results (free speech is needed here - the First Amendment is the fountainhead of U.S. superiority) and change course if necessary.

omnia vincit amor

MIA Thermopolis, I'll wait for you.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 8 years ago

OMG ~ U absolutely did "miss something here" flip! Namely ... The Correct Link!! Ooops and sorry!

Here is the right link ... followed by another by way of contrition & which I think may quite amuse U:

e tenebris, lux ...

[-] 2 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

No escape to another planet is possible now or in the foreseeable future. Tar your heels and stand your ground, lest you be known as a coward.

[-] 0 points by BrentWeirick81 (-85) 8 years ago

The working people of the country won today. All of you coffee shop ideologues are the only people who have free time to march. Do you all march in your different affinity groups. Blacks over here, Mexicans stay separated from the Salvadorians, LBGT over here unless you are LBGTQQ. Catholics not allowed unless you support Planned Parenthood. Working people not allowed unless you are for exporting jobs.

[-] 0 points by BrentWeirick81 (-85) 8 years ago

The working people of the country won today. All of you coffee shop ideologues are the only people who have free time to march. Do you all march in your different affinity groups. Blacks over here, Mexicans stay separated from the Salvadorians, LBGT over here unless you are LBGTQQ. Catholics not allowed unless you support Planned Parenthood. Working people not allowed unless you are for exporting jobs.

[-] 0 points by BrentWeirick81 (-85) 8 years ago

The working people of the country won today. All of you coffee shop ideologues are the only people who have free time to march. Do you all march in your different affinity groups. Blacks over here, Mexicans stay separated from the Salvadorians, LBGT over here unless you are LBGTQQ. Catholics not allowed unless you support Planned Parenthood. Working people not allowed unless you are for exporting jobs.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 8 years ago

i guess you were not at the march to day - like i was. lots of comingled groups. and i am glad you took my advice and stopped calling us ivory tower types. i do like coffee but not so much coffee shops. we all work silly so why not cut the shit and talk about issues. lets see if your boy follows through with his talk. lets see if your life is better in 4 years. if it is i will vote for him - not much chance though - the billionaire for the working man - ha!

[-] 1 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 8 years ago

What the hell did I write, below that is, I edit this here, the working people won? We shall see, hope it is true. I think the stupid and unpricipled and uneducated, and dividers won here, the cheaters, who jerrymander political lines to keep power, and destroy voting rights,

So yea, the little guy, who believes what dictators tell them, they won

hat may be the lesson, not united in true democracy, but divided we face consequences . I will link a good article, The pendulum will swing back hopefully 2018 will have a united opposition with some proposals and message, and leaders, if the dem party can open its mind, and not be beholden to past payer players, which has been its downfall once again, and the people's downfall, it was not populist with Hillary, she had not united SANDER's to her as running mate, but distanced herself, to her regret.


The road s long, look at civil rights, we will overcome someday

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 8 years ago

Funny how most all of that violence we have been seeing lately is being perpetrated by those "nonviolent peace loving" types who are protesting against Trump about what they say Trump is all about (as if they really know.) Are they that pissed about an administration who dropped more bombs, droned more people, created more economic havoc on multitudes around the world not being able to pass the torch on to a successive admistration ruled by the same power cabel? So, much for principles.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 8 years ago

孔子在《礼记》里讲“饮食男女, 人之大欲存焉。“

食色性也, 死生之地, 存亡之道, 鸡犬不寧, 不可不察也。

Be ours to share an active peace.

Pax Ale-Mania