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Forum Post: Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure Superconductivity

Posted 3 months ago on Dec. 26, 2024, 8:42 a.m. EST by grapes (5232)
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Room-Temperature Ambient-Pressure superconductors are POSSIBLE and there may be a number of them: https://youtu.be/Hm-v4Eby0hk?si=Z5trGcmkaydef6Cj

The Age of Aquarius may be possible starting with a Transductor.



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[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 1 month ago


I wondered why I was interested in magnesium 2+ and titanium 4+ cations. I wanted to have the twisted-pair-telephone-line noise-resistant effect found in the early days of telephony when two insulated copper wires were twisted together to avoid external electrical interferences.

Maybe the real point of room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductivity for everyday higher-power-usage is to transmit power without loss, not really the transmission of electrically charged carriers per se. Neutral excitons which can migrate or "orbital-switch" an electron or hole across many atoms under an initial voltage can transmit energy to power as an example, light emission in persistent luminescence: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S002223131831562X. The persistence means that many excitons survive for a long time on the order of hours or even days. Superconductivity carried by excitons at room temperature and ambient pressure may be possible. Looking at excitons cited above in the link to generate excitons at the source, let them drift across the arbitrarily long distance via diffusion, and collect or harvest their energy via defect center (may be able to lase the energy out if some parallel mirrors are built properly and there is a sufficiently high exciton arrival rate) corresponds to looking at the AC version of everyday electrical power transmission. Maybe we already have something like this in long-distance optical fiber combined with high-energy throughput laser diodes. Sub-positronium-energy-equivalent long-distance transmission of power may be possible.

Strontium aluminate is a very interesting material with elements from the LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 insulators which created many new quantum properties in their interface. In the Japanese patent (US patent 5424006, June 13, 1995: https://patents.google.com/patent/US5424006A/sv) for long-lasting phosphor of 1995, europium was used as an activator (i.e. as a dopant) for the strontium aluminate to produce very long-lasting phosphorescence relative to the copper-doped zinc sulfide. Ernest Rutherford's experiment discovering the atomic nucleus used zinc sulfide to detect the recoiled alpha particles' angular distribution.

I was thinking of using europium to occupy the central space amidst the aromatic (i.e. benzene-like hexagonal) ring of a carbon nanotube or a graphene sheet before, because a europium atom can donate electrons very easily and shrink its size greatly, thereby distorting the lattice.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 1 month ago

"Individually, LaAlO3 and SrTiO3 are non-magnetic insulators, yet LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces can exhibit electrical metallic conductivity,[1] superconductivity,[2] ferromagnetism,[3] large negative in-plane magnetoresistance,[4] and giant persistent photoconductivity.[5]" from:


Here is a two-crystalline-hetero-structure material with a 2-D electron gas interface. There are diagrams showing the electron gaps' structure near the interface. This material is being studied in condensed matter physics to understand the origin of its numerous interesting properties. Strontium is in the same group as magnesium. Could substituting magnesium for strontium increase the critical temperature of superconductivity ? Can we observe Ti4+ ions' presence ?

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 1 month ago

Heisenberg's idea of letting the EXPERIMENTALLY OBSERVED spectral lines to drive his matrix mechanics via "virtual oscillators" having various frequencies is described in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcSMWC-2kew&t=432s

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 2 months ago

The model which can guide us in this endeavor is the communication theory model of transmitting symbols made of electrically charged carriers across a noisy communication channel.

kT is about 26 meV for T = 20 Celsius. As Heisenberg used spectral lines' energies as inspiration for his 1925 matrix mechanics, we can use electromagnetic waves to probe whether the bandgap is narrow or not by the re-emitted electromagnetic waves.

As we are looking for materials which satisfy the criteria to generate charged carriers via thermal energies, we can combine chemistry-lab-on-a-chip technology with phosphorescence screening to automate and/or quickly test various molal ratios and preparation methods in a highly parallel manner akin to what the genome-sequencing industry has done.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 2 months ago


A narrow bandgap can also be made by substitution of ferromagnetic elements with nearly identical atomic radii. In this case, iron and nickel are ferromagnetic elements separated by only two atomic numbers.

Iron zirconide FeZr2 and nickel zirconide NiZr2 can have nearly identical crystalline structures as the mole-fraction x of Fe1-xNixZr2 transitions from FeZr2 to NiZr2. The unconventional (in an environment rich in ferromagnetic metal atoms, ferromagnetism usually destroys superconductivity) superconductivity's appearing surrounding the mole-fraction x in Fe1-xNixZr2 with x = 0.5 from 0.4 onward to about 0.8 includes the range where the crystalline lattice constant 'a(Å)' and 'c(Å)' of FeZr2 and NiZr2 have the conduction and valence band squished together to achieve high-density-of-states near Fermi energy is probably conducive to superconductivity. This student-run experimental project proves that changing the interatomic distances (and thereby the probability of electrons' orbital switching between atoms) can bring about superconductivity.

We want long-range order to have the periodicity to get Bloch waves and yet at the same time short interatomic distance to allow the transfer of electrons between neighboring atoms (via orbital switching cf. Liu, Jerry Z. PhD, "Unified Theory of Low and High-Temperature Superconductivity," ZJL@CS.Stanford.EDU, Stanford, California) to effect electrical conductance.

It was why I was eyeing graphene with its long-range order with its Wigner-Seitz cells being able to accept osculating atoms with their strong interaction with the neighboring carbon atoms. The carbon-carbon graphene bonds function as if they are electrically conducting wires/bridges (breaking over a long distance the rounded symmetry of the electrical field surrounding the atom under the influence of a voltage; for example, a europium atom/ion can be electrically coupled to a farther-away-than-the-carbon-atoms oxygen atom/ion via exchanging electrons with the nearby-perimeter carbon-carbon -ene bonds) connecting far-apart atoms forming the high-density-of-states near-flat filaments in the dispersion diagram.

Europium atom snugly fits the hexagonal space in the middle of the carbon atoms forming a benzene-like ring. Calcium and oxygen atoms can also fit snugly into the space.

Using cobalt which lies between iron and nickel in the periodic table may expand the area of superconductivity. Weak magnetic materials (e.g. copper, magnesium, or scandium which is the least magnetic element) may allow stronger superconductivity by weakening the ferromagnetic influence around, which suppresses superconductivity but may be required for imposing long-range order. Using a less magnetic materials with long-range order such as graphene can trigger superconductivity if the interatomic distance is varied in a "magic angle" moivre lattice pattern for example to make more patterns of interatomic distances such as in twisted stacked graphene layers of "twistronics."

The key to room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductivity is a NARROW bandgap (e.g. achievable via inversion of conduction and valence bands allowing their high-density-of-states on their band edges to nearly but not merge to make nearly flat, i.e. nearly same-energy, filaments of allowed electron quantum states on the energy dispersion diagram plotting energy E v. wave_number) and nearly identical lattice constant in two different crystalline structures leading to the bandgap being on the order of kT.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 2 months ago

Censorship impeded much relevant information posted online so this promising area of breakthrough for humans (with minimal electrical energy spent on maintaining a strong electromagnetic field to confine plasma, nuclear fusion's net energy yield may become positive and unleash nearly infinite amount of energy from sea water's heavy hydrogen, deuterium) should be shut down ?

Oh, maybe Intel corp. will make the breakthrough, right ? Or maybe IBM which had made the copper integration into semiconductor-chip manufacturing breakthrough before and then lost its lead to Taiwan ?

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 2 months ago

Silver selenide also has a narrow bandgap of 0.15eV: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver(I)_selenide (and multiple phases with a transition temperature at 130C) while a graphene-like structure in the form of various diameter carbon nanotubes has two allotrope with different conductivity properties: one insulating and the other being a semimetal with osculating conduction and valence bands at a cusp structure. These are all narrow-gap semiconductor/semimetal candidates.

Bandgap and the relations to the Fermi energy can be manipulated by quite a few different methods: laser light, magnetic fields, pressure, temperature, electric voltages, doping, etc.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 2 months ago

Tin is a topological insulator with the gray-tin and white-tin transition at 13.2C (room temperature) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_insulator

The white-tin surface layer was reportedly superconducting.

This single chemical element in PURE form has a narrow bandgap for its gray-tin phase of 0.08eV which is close to the thermal energy available near room temperature of 0.026eV. The inversion of the bands can thus occur in the energy levels near high density of states allowing the white-tin to have a high number of electrons to conduct electricity.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 2 months ago

For the random thermal motions of molecules and atoms to link up the top of the valence band to the bottom of the conduction band nearing inversion, the band edges should be within a few kT of each other's high-density-of-state filaments. k is Boltzmann's Constant and T is absolute temperature in Kelvins.

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 2 months ago

Last year saw the discovery of forms of superconductivity: https://www.wired.com/story/new-superconductive-materials-have-just-been-discovered/

The key to achieve room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductivity is the inversion of the conduction and valence band structure. When the two bands' edges are at nearly the same energy level, They can merge their high density of states near the lower edge of the conduction band with the same near the upper edge of the valence band to FORM very nearly flat filaments in the dispersion diagram plotting electrons' energy v. momentum.

These near-flat filaments allow superconductivity because electrons can bunch up together in them to exchange energy with each other should some of them experience a collision. The partner(s) of the collided electron takes up the momentum to replace the collided electron in the near-flat filament.

Inversion of band structure as the conduction band and valence band nearly merge is the key to generating superconductivity.

Ferromagnets can have very hot Curie temperatures, well above room temperature so the mass-coherent action of electrons is likely possible at room temperature. Two different atomic lattices being close together but with different band structures can create the inversion of band structure conducive to high density of states in the near-flat bands.

As electronic band structure is UNIVERSAL in atomic or molecular lattices, there are MYRIAD possibilities for the inversion of band structure as we pair different band structures to create near-flat filaments. Then we just need to almost jam-pack these filaments to create superconductivity. We can't have them fully packed because the electrons can't change momenta to conduct electricity. We need them to be heavily populated so that there are many partners for the collided electron to exchange momentum with.

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 3 months ago

It's time to usher in the Age of Aquarius with global collaboration.

Those were the days in the post-Watergate (hellish in NYC but internationally halcyon in nuclear-armed-power relations after the U.S.A. had warded off an impending nuclear war between the Soviet Union and Red China) years of the 1970s: https://youtu.be/QO9A9u4GyGc?si=yeh-ZTY98EzNIcG9