Forum Post: RonPaul wants to legalize pot , end war , and kill regulation that is murdering our economy
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 20, 2011, 7:21 p.m. EST by guiltyspark
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And people hate him for it. (this is true , there are actually people who think he wont make a good president , even people who want to give nogboma another chance after he signed their human rights away)
The only thing worse than a brainwashed conservative who wants to go to war with a country because they said something negative , is a brainwashed liberal who hates obama but still wont vote for ron paul because
A. He is a christian , and apparently this matters in a general election in 2011 , even though every single president in history has been christian , since you pretty much have to be christian to win the presidency.
B.Because they think federal regulation is some sort of safety net that keeps our country from collapsing into corruption. Pro tip , regulations are created by lobbyists in congress and are designed to be anticompetitive for the little man. Go ahead and try to prove me wrong , i dare you to try to start a buisiness right now and come back and tell me regulation helped that process of getting a buisiness of the ground. Regulation is only a safety net for the people who have enough money to deal with it.
C. They still cant get over the fact that their 1 in a million landslide canidate barrack obama FUCKED THEM IN THE ASS and signed their human rights away. So as result of said butthurt take it out on whatever non liberal person they see, even if the canidate they are bashing has quite a few liberal views .
Deregulation is like playing a Baseball game without rules. The one with the loudest voice (most money) makes the rules for himself and he wins. As you can see that is what is happening now and our country is going down the tube. look at the new provety level in our country, brought to you by the deregulation of Wall Street by way of K-Street. We do not need Ron Paul or his son in our goverment it is that simple.
"brought to you by the deregulation of Wall Street"? Just take some time and research on this, Wall Street is regulated by FRB, DOD, OCC, FDIC, OTS, NCUA, FTC, HUD etc. And I tend to think different, with all these regulation, only the wealthy corporations have the money to lobby and hire lawyers to find the loopholes in these regulation. Small business have no chance here and thus are perishing. Moreover putting regulations has been one of the main reasons why companies are setting up their plants and offices offshore.
as i said "Regulations do hurt small business, but they also prevent big corps from say strip-mining national parks, dumping toxic waste anywhere they want, or stop putting labels on what they sell."
we need to remove the drive of destruction for profit before we can ever think of removing the regulations!
"but they also prevent big corps from say strip-mining national parks, dumping toxic waste anywhere they want, or stop putting labels on what they sell."
'dumping toxic waste anywhere they want'... FALSE... they can do exactly that when it comes to some things... Yes this article shows them fixing the problem but no one will pay for the already done damage.
'stop putting labels on what they sell'.... FALSE ...
'prevent big corps from say strip-mining national parks'... FALSE ... not exactly the same but directly related and close enough. watch this...
If a company has enough money, or enough lobbyists, or enough bought senators, then they don't have to care about the common everyday person. that is the TRUTH.
And if you remove the regulations then they wont need all that money to ignore you. They wont need to pay people off to commit such crimes. Open your eyes!
and because Monsanto managed to make it a regulation you are not to label products non-GMO is NOT the same as them being able to sell something without ANY labels. There is a big difference. Would you be fine if none of the food you buy had an ingredient list at all or clothing did not say what it was made of?
You give examples of how they are forcing thru the cracks of the dam with their wedge of money, imagine what will happen if you remove it altogether. You are just asking for a flood of damage, and once the damage is dun as you said yourself “no one will pay for the already done damage.”
He also wants to close:
the IRS EPA FCC FDA Social Security Workman's Comp the Food Stamp program Unemployment Insurance Medicare Medicaid VA Hospitals USDA FTSA Fannie Mae Freddy Mac Pell Grants (All fed student loans/scholarships)
and many other gov't "entitlement" programs
There is just too little thought in what you just said.
I like that some of our rivers are still somewhat clean due to regulation. Prior to regulation in mining in Idaho the miners just dumped the toxins into the rivers. It is now considered unsafe to even swim in lake Coeur d' Alene due to heavy metals. Due to regulations, workers have been made more safe in the workplace. Maybe you should work in an industry that doesn't have regulations on worker safety before you say how over regulated business is.
Ron Paul is a mad man in the disguise of a sane person.
The war on drugs has cost this country billions and thousands of Mexicans their lives. I think something like one halff of those in prison are there because of drug 'crimes'. Cops are big on busting users cuz they get federal funding and rico laws gone wild, they take your property. BIG CORPS make big bucks selling to prisons, staffing prisons, etc.
As Paul told a crowd somewhere....if heroin was legal does that mean you would try it
The WAR ON DRUGS must en d
"....every single president in history has been christian..."
Thomas Jefferson must be ROLLING in HIS GRAVE right now... He was in fact EXTREMELY critical of Christianity (simply google "Jefferson on Christianity").
The more he loved Jesus, the more he detested the catastrophic Christian distortions and betrayals of the Mster's teachings.
Dude pot is bad for you. I smoked it for a long time, then I stopped. Sure it feels good and is not as bad as everything else. It just slows your potential down.
Many things are bad for you, but we don't need the government making all the choices on our health and regulation for us.
you are right. You should know the difference.
Demon rum comes in many forms; including the self righteous attitude that seems to demand we all must have the same beliefs. Don't forget paint we stop selling paint? There is always someone to tell you how to live your life...
Actually in Wisconsin, you have to show ID to buy spray paint (show you are 18+). I'd say sinking this low should show us we should maybe start focusing on the causes of problems rather than legislating against the end results.
another goddamned repelican
he would abolish FEMA
the repelican party is DONE
Ron Paul is a fraud and a shill, and everybody knows it. Sorry to break it to ya.
Libertarianism is a social disease.
You know what is going to be great?
Watching him lose.
Hey, guilty. Take a cue from the good doctor and take a breath before you launch into attack mode. You play right into the hands of those who will say anything to discredit Dr. Paul. You do him no service with your name-calling and foul language, and just serve to prove the assertion that Dr. Paul's supporters are all trolls. It's not true, but posts/threads like this play right into their assertion.
Another minion of the diminutive evil troll king, luaPnoR, throwing troll dust in our eyes... Spreading the social disease of libertarianism.
Deregulation is not a good thing. Regulations do hurt small business, but they also prevent big corps from say strip-mining national parks, dumping toxic waste anywhere they want, or stop putting labels on what they sell. How would that be good? Also remember, it was deregulation that allowed the banks to do what they did to dig this hole in the first place.
we need to remove the coruption before we can remove the regulations.
"but they also prevent big corps from say strip-mining national parks, dumping toxic waste anywhere they want, or stop putting labels on what they sell."
'dumping toxic waste anywhere they want'... FALSE... they can do exactly that when it comes to some things... Yes this article shows them fixing the problem but no one will pay for the already done damage.
'stop putting labels on what they sell'.... FALSE ...
'prevent big corps from say strip-mining national parks'... FALSE ... not exactly the same but directly related and close enough. watch this...
If a company has enough money, or enough lobbyists, or enough bought senators, then they don't have to care about the common everyday person. that is the TRUTH.
And if you remove the regulations then they wont need all that money to ignore you. They wont need to pay people off to commit such crimes. Open your eyes!
and because Monsanto managed to make it a regulation you are not to label products non-GMO is NOT the same as them being able to sell something without ANY labels. There is a big difference. Would you be fine if none of the food you buy had an ingredient list at all or clothing did not say what it was made of?
You give examples of how they are forcing thru the cracks of the dam with their wedge of money, imagine what will happen if you remove it altogether. You are just asking for a flood of damage, and once the damage is dun as you said yourself “no one will pay for the already done damage.”
I agree that deregulation is not good. I am just also pointing out that regulation makes it tough for the little guy while the big guys can still get through, once you introduce a little corruption. And that is a problem
Your "B" is straight from Koch Brothers politics. You are a pawn of the 1% and you don't even know it. First step is American History, last century.
Libertarians want pure property rights, do they not?
it means you are wrong
Um are you retarded? Do you have any idea how america works ?
Thats how its supposed to be , if you create a sucessful buisiness you are allowed to grow it.
you must be one of those commie faggots who creeps around occupy trying to spark your little che guevarra revolution of your own
People who own natural resources can sell them , in fact they have to to be able to get more of it.
For example i have land in the west that is targeted for oil. I get calls all the time from companies wanting to buy it. GUESS WHAT. im educated and know how much its worth , they dont come close to what its worth so i dont sell it.
You sure love bringing up cock.
Pro tip , the kock brothers pay to lobby congressman on a daily basis to mold regulation.
Like i said , until you grow the fuck up and understand that unless you are rich already its nearly impossible to start a competitive buisness because of these regulations.
Koch Brother have numerous think tanks and magazines that CLAIM to help "the little guy" against regulation. It is a charade to get people to walk away with the message, "Regulation is bad". The elite hate regulation IN GENERAL, but love regulation when it stifles their competition.
regulation stifles competition
So does lack of regulation. Ever heard of a monopoly?
Ever heard of a privately held company ?
probly not since just getting out of middle school
None of what RP says makes sense. Vote away. You can't convince us that he isn't a weird nut. This is what you want to represent you when the shit hits the fan?
one or another. it is not going to change the main control .
Why are so many detractors of this movement suffering from an anal fixation?
It's hard to take such statement seriously.
I support Ron Paul, but I don't think he will get the nomination. He's too out there. So, we could pump his rhetoric, but it won't matter. So, my thought is to post this stuff somewhere else.
I think it a rather sad reflection when marijuana becomes a national Presidential issue.
Ron Paul wants to take away Oxycodone from people in pain.
Try to smoke pot when your nervous system is sending pain signals throughout your body and see far you get. Or brain cancer eating away your brain bit by bit..... that would like treating third degree burns with butter...If Paul thinks that will replace true painkillers he is no doctor at all SMH
Stop your ignorance, do some research, smoking pot has little more than relief benefits but if consumed it has proven to kill that brain cancer eating away.
Even our own government admits this.
My dad has 5 herniated and 3 ruptured disks and without pot he would have to take at least twice the medication he is now. He claims pot helps those nerve signals you are crying about. He also says it helps with the mental stress from the years of pain, allowing him to avoid taking antidepressants.
Ron Paul has plenty of reasons not to support him, so at least use real ones. Regulations do hurt small business, but they also prevent big corps from say strip-mining national parks, dump toxic waste anywhere they want, or stop putting labels on what they sell. How would that be good?
Pot will not replace the powerful painkillers need by some to get by. Pot is useful as a supplement not a replacement. See how your dad does on just pot alone and get back to me. Been there done that...
Have you ingested any amount of concentrated sap like shown in the video I posted? Did you even watch it? If not then do not tell me you have been there. Again smoking it is NOT ENOUGH!!! Studies have shown that YES pot can indeed replace even the most powerful painkillers, and it works to repair damage not just mask it or allow you to ignore it!
If we had access to enough to make our own steady supply of oil we would be doing so. But as long as it is illegal we cant risk such an operation.
Talk to me when YOU live in pain like I have for 20 years. I don't go by Youtube videos I deal with the real pain daily...SMH!!!
ok i will get my dad to talk to you himself if that is what it takes for you to open your eyes. Will that be acceptable?
that video did not start on you tube, so why is it when ignorant fools are faced with info they will not except they try and discredit the source? I posted more than just you tube videos, what do you think of the government study? Do you think they are making up lies and supporting something they are trying to keep criminalized?
Do some research with sources you trust and find out the truth.
I know with my own body I don't need your Dad to tell me anything at all. Unless it YOU who is suffering you have no clue. I have done research for 20 years, you go do some research geez get a clue!!
like i said earlier you are just pulling dumb shit out of your ass
Typical Paultard.....
typical cripple crying about how shitty his life is and demands he be pampered by the government to maintain his painkiller addiction
[-]guiltyspark1 points 10 minutes ago
typical cripple crying about how shitty his life is and demands he be pampered by the government to maintain his painkiller addiction
This is what I love to expose about Ron Paul Cultists. Such hate and such lack of empathy for their fellow man. By the way I don't get any government assistance and I do have insurance but I still care if anyone in my condition suffers because of cheap little Randians like you and Ron Paul. rEVOLution my ass!
The greed comes from both ends.
Really??? thanks for the insight, I think....
Well I agree with the general idea of the movement that corporate greed and political greed is one of the problems of the country. However, another problem is the sense of entitlement the lower classes have and how even on this forum I have heard people wanting to redistribute the wealth which in essence is taking from those who have because you have not which is also greed.
Do you know the meaning of entitlement??? Are you one of those people who follow others in a store to see "those" people buying food??? Yep those poor people are really living high on the hog. Nice try hiding your racism and classism....
Self Entitlement: The self appointed fact of having a right to something. What they hell are you talking about?
No you said entitlement. Not self entitlement epic fail!!!
Yes you are correct. I just figured all of you educated adults could have figured out what I meant. Way to be a literal fuck.
LOL Nice job trying to rob people of what they paid into.... psychopath :)
winning in iowa , its only the beginning
Huckabeeeeeee remember Huckabeeeeeee maybe Ron will get a show on Fox.
no he doesnt
Oh yes he did... in an interview on CNN a few months ago sorry.
Funny considering he has publically said that his personal beliefs dont interfere with his job (IE even if he hates abortion he wont legislate for it)
I saw the interview live a day or so after the debate when said he would legalize heroine. He was starting his back track and wanted to look like a hard ass against prescribed painkillers...nice guy.
he never backtracked on anything , you simply dont have the intellectual capacity to understand that.
Painkillers are retarded... Only should be given at the hospital and never be allowed to be taken home. We did find without it for a long time. This is my opinion.
I have two ruptured discs three herniated discs my lower lumber region. Arthritis in my hips and up my spine which cause me to herniated another two discs in my neck. Should I be able to get help for my chronic pain which I have had to deal with for 21 years now???
I would have to research how pain works and what the study on that type of injury is to give you a honest answer. Haven't had those problems though. However I am a recovering heroin addict and I know what dependency means.
Good luck with your recovery!!! People who are in pain do not get high when they take the medicine as directed. I don't want to lecture about chronic pain but please look in to it. I understand where you are coming from as it must be tough to get over an addiction. I wish you all the best, I truly do.
It was tough at first. Then I had that spirtual awaking thing people speak of. Where I suddenly understood the meaning of life. I am finally happy and trying to help the human race. Drugs are but a faint past that built me up to the man I am today. I thank you for your kind words. I will look into it. I do know even doctors fail.
Imagine my medical bills for twenty years in the hospital!!!!!!!!!
what does your constant bitching about your fucked back have to do with ron paul? If anything electing him will allow you to buy painkillers over the counter
LET HIM DIE how's that for one ;)