Forum Post: Ron Paul’s Greatest Interview
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 4:05 p.m. EST by surplusunit
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 4:05 p.m. EST by surplusunit
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As posted on Ron Paul's Website: (since taken down, apparently)
Excerpted from "Rush is Right about Ron" from Ron Paul's website:
Limbaugh chuckled with the caller a bit, but then got serious as he outlined Paul’s budget proposal, quoting Kevin Williamson, who wrote an article about the proposal for National Review Online:
Ron Paul is about to show the Republican presidential field what a serious fiscal reform plan looks like. He is going to propose $1 trillion in real spending cuts. He is going to propose immediately freezing spending by numerous government agencies back to 2006 levels … Beyond that the EPA would see a 30% cut. The Food and Drug Administration would see a 40% cut. Foreign aid would be zeroed out immediately. And he would take an ax to Pentagon funding for wars. Medicaid, food stamps, family support programs, children’s nutrition programs would all be block-granted to the states and be removed from the mandatory spending column of the federal budget. Some functions of the eliminated departments, such as Pell grants, would be continued elsewhere in the federal bureaucracy. The federal workforce would be reduced by 10%.
What this indicates is something, folks, that we have got to face, if we are serious about this. Fooling around the margins isn’t going to get it done. A 2% tax cut here, or a 3% tax variation over there is not going to fix what’s wrong. Genuine, big spending cuts are the only thing that is going to bring us back … Limbaugh then said something interesting: that Paul’s ideas were just conventionally conservative ideas. Explained Rush:
Now, these are not really Ron Paul’s ideas. On this program I myself have suggested freezing spending at 2008 levels. Let’s freeze spending back to Clinton’s years. Paul is stealing that idea. Cutting the EPA? We’ve long been an advocate of this … eliminating whole bureaucracies. But nobody on our side has ever seriously proposed this and Ron Paul is going to.
You want to open a dialogue w/ RP supporters? Sure. But understand who Ron Paul is aligned with (and clearly agrees with): one of the worst, racist, radical neo-liberal conservatives of our time: Rush Limbaugh. A man who basically hates everything that #OWS is for. If you want to know about Ron Paul's "Plan for America," take a look then decide for yourself: --What's in it? Cuts. All cuts. Tax increases on the richest? not so much. In fact, the Bush Tax Cuts for the Wealthy continue unabated. If you're a corporation, you're loving Ron Paul's plan! Here's one of my favorites:
Ron Paul's Tax Policy Lowers the corporate tax rate to 15%, making America competitive in the global market. Allows American companies to repatriate capital without additional taxation, spurring trillions in new investment. Extends all Bush tax cuts. Abolishes the Death Tax. Ends taxes on personal savings, allowing families to build a nest egg. (Source:
Sorry, folks, I'm all for accord, but I'm equally interested in doing homework and presenting the truth. And in this case, the truth is that Ron Paul is all about protecting the wealthiest 1%--the front page of his website even says so. But hey, don't take my word for it, it's there in black and white:
Ron Paul's Regulation Policy Repeals ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and SarbanesOxley. Mandates REINS-style requirements for thorough congressional review and authorization before implementing any new regulations issued by bureaucrats. President Paul will also cancel all onerous regulations previously issued by Executive Order. (Source:
So, he'd repeal Dodd-Frank, which requires the SEC would regulate credit default swaps: Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act addresses the gap in U.S. financial regulation of OTC swaps by providing a comprehensive framework for the regulation of the OTC swaps markets.
So...Ron Paul would repeal regulation of Wall Street. Nice.
put down the ron and back away slowly or i kill your memes.
stop listening to exxon oil and republicanism and use your brain. i LOVE ron paul hes my one and only NOT EVIL republican i know of. the road to hell can still be paved with his good intentions. STFU WTF? This is about getting rid of ALL the republicans and ALL of the Democrats. If you are not on board for REAL change and want to land us a half mad science denying oligarch just crazy enough for them to control and just stupid enough to try republican economics- you are nuts.
You know i am all for ending the fed. HOW we do that is more important than merely doing it because the civilization is one organism and its econmic systems are organs. Play doctor like a mad fucking half genius insane brilliant wingnut republican... and your patient would expect to do as well as a 5 year old trying to do real live surgery after being smoked up on crack. You are not and he is not a system doctor. I am. And all you or he has for us is mor eentropy; not hard solutions. Now STFU and start working for a new party inside of OWS. I want YOU to tell me what office YOU are going to run for. GROK?
And let me be loud and clear over here. i love ron. but if you ron paulians don;t get the clue quick i will be forced to END him from THIS space. Don't call the lightning. just take Ron back out of OWS and i won't cook his campaign alive with fire from the sky. GROK?
I got no beef with ron. i love ron. STFU and get ron out of my court or i will take his platform by line item and SORT the genius from the WINGNUT. LIVE.!/prometheus.pan!/prometheus.pan?sk=photos!/note.php?note_id=10150438889880833!/note.php?note_id=10150409084095833!/note.php?note_id=10150398121910833
it actually sounds like you are on crack, or did you forget your meds again.. or listening to michael moore yet again? fuck you dude, please, you have no clue what your toxic vomit that you spew everywhere is doing to hemorrhage ppl out of this movement after they read too many responses like these
yeah, no. I studied psychology, systems theory, game theory, sociology, i know exactly how much this does hurt us en masse and i know exactly how that compares to bleeding people due to ron paul supporters. Our choice is ron paul supporters killing us softly or me standing up to what really ammounts to political parasitism. they can have their ron paul over in ron paul sites. OWS is not going to en masse support ron paul, they are trolling. Its tiem for thefoot to come down and i am the entity that brings it. sorry if that leaves you thunderstruck. i know it will turn people off. me turning off ten people versus them turning off 100 people is a fair deal to make.
Toxic vomit? lol. I have needed severity and i'm the adult. If anybody can;t hang with that they need to take a good long hard look at themselves in the mirror and then maybe open a game theory textbook.
I wish you could see that this doesn't help RP. It's one thing to be obnoxious to the establishment. But OWS is the average American and with these obnoxious posts I'm afraid the average American is being turned off to RP.
Bruno doesn't qualify?
Ask your cultleader this question posed by Michael Moore: "When my father worked at GM, if the company prospered, we prospered?"
ok and then ask your cult leader michael moore how he made his millions. it wasn't because the government socialized his profits it was because he got to reap the rewards of what he produced because he gave something of perceived value to everyone.
and then ask him he would want the goverment to take 50 to 80 percent of his earnings since he thinks capitalism is such a bad idea.
are you a rahtard btw?
I do notice your ducked my question. Brain injuries must run in your family or you cannot tolerate Socratic dialogue.
brain injuries don't really run in ppl's families it kind of happens to you after you are born. just a little fyi, rahtard. but to answer your first question: No, michael moore's father did not reap the reward because he accepted the wages that GM offered to him. if he wanted to reap the reward he should have purchased the company's stock with his savings. ok, rahtard? now answer my question
You better get used to it, because Capitalism is toast.
They pay their ceo's bonuses, they should pay their workers better wages. If they don't unions or the government should make them.
whatever you say, rahtard..