Forum Post: Ron Paul's Book Abortion and Liberty 1983 The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education Board Members C. Koch G. North
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 9:12 a.m. EST by GreedKills
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Please take note of the board members of Ron's Foundation ;)
Abortion and Liberty
Congressman Ron Paul
Copyright © 1983 by The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data
About the Foundation
The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Inc. is tax exempt under 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. It was founded by Congressman Ron Paul of Texas, and publishes his monthly Freedom Report, available upon request.
The Foundation, from time to time, publishes papers such as this. It also hosts seminars and publishes their proceedings. For more information, write: The Foundation for Rational Economics and Education, Post Office Box 1776, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566.
Advisory Board of the Foundation
Dr. Petr Beckmann
Mr. John Chamberlain
Mr. Henry Hazlitt
Dr. John Hospers
Mr. Charles Koch
Mrs. Ludwig von Mises
Dr. Gary North
Dr. Murray Rothbard
Dr. Hans Sennholz
Anyone who supports abortion has no legal, moral, or practical defense against the deliberate killing of the newborn. Without a consistent resolution of this, we cannot achieve a pro-liberty, natural rights philosophy. I see no other way than to consistently protect life before as well as after birth. If we are to limit government’s role only to protection of life, liberty, and property, we cannot dilute this and confuse the issue by protecting life only in certain circumstances and reject the protection of innocent life merely because of the location, size or condition of certain human beings.
A Constitutional provision should never have been necessary, but now it is. Without this change in the Constitution, the division and dissension in the country over abortion will get worse. If we cannot achieve a clear-cut protection of all human life, in-utero as well as extra-utero, all life and liberty will be undefendable and the disintegration of our free society will accelerate. And yet merely changing the law, if not accompanied with a similar change in attitude, recognizing the value of life in a moral sense, would not achieve its intended purpose. It could even serve to precipitate more division and dissension. We cannot deny constitutional protection to the unborn, but we should not be complacent and think that this in itself solves the problem. The problem is fundamentally moral, not legal. The Constitution by itself cannot establish the proper moral attitude of a nation. The real change will not be achieved by the politicians, but must come from our moral and religious philosophers.
What Happened?
Medically there is no justification for abortion. Treatment of a pregnant woman for any serious disease need never be denied. The social pressure for legalizing abortion has prompted many physicians to complicate the issue of abortion by claiming a medical problem existed, and the court placated this group by declaring it to be so. However abortion must be treated only as a rights issue, not a medical issue. Legalization of an abortion has allowed a medical profession, once dedicated solely to health, to participate in the destruction of life with no loss of social respectability and without concern for its political consequences.
The physician eager to make large incomes by killing innocent life are a reflection on the whole medical profession as well as an indictment of our nation’s regard for individual rights.
Schaeffer and Koop in Whatever Happened to the Human Race? said:
Let it never be said by historians in the latter days of this century that—after the Supreme Court decided on abortion in 1973 and the practice of infanticide began—there was no outcry from the medical profession….Let it never be said that the extermination program for various categories of our citizens could never have come about if the physicians of this country had stood for the moral integrity that recognizes the worth of every human life….All Christians know why people are different and have value as unique individuals—sick or well, young or old. People are unique because they are made in the image of God.
What has happened to the human race? Why are we afraid of being people, of being human? Of enjoying the greatest blessings that life can bring—being alive and being people of love, tenderness, gentleness, care, and concern?
It is vital that we put first, not economics or efficiency charts and plans, but being people—real flesh-and-blood people. We are not to be materialistic robots who think and act like machines and will even kill to maintain their lifestyles.
There is no doubt the abortion issue is complex—medically, legally, and morally—but its complexity does not reduce its fundamental importance. The evidence is clear that a society that condones abortion loses respect for life itself. Without a high regard for human life, because it is human life, the defense of liberty is not possible.
To permit abortion at one day of gestation justifies it at two days; if it’s permitted one day before three months, it’s justified one day after three months; if it is permitted at one day before "viability," a nebulous term that has no meaning,
If being productive is acting in the image of God and a source of happiness, it’s no wonder that the "creativity" involved in conceiving new life is a source of great joy and happiness as well. Generally, children love babies, parents love babies, and a new child born into a loving family is the most joyous of all occasions. Its opposite, abortion, the extermination of new life, violates the law of God and is unnatural to man. When accepted, abortion causes periods of great social upheaval. There never has been and never will be such a thing as a "routine" abortion. Abortion destroys innocent life, and liberty is of minor consequence if life itself is not protected.
~violates the law of God and is unnatural to man~
“We are all at a table together, deciding which rules to adopt, free from any vague constraints, half-remembered myths, anonymous patriarchal texts and murky concepts of nature. If I propose something you do not like, tell me why it is not practical, or harms somebody, or is counter to some other useful rule; but don't tell me it offends the universe"~Jonathan Wallace
If they defend their point of view on practical, neutral grounds, I might be more willing to accept their point of view, but the moment they call me immoral for not adopting their beliefs, I just stop listening.
Not much of a doctor, that Mr. P.
I wonder where he was educated and licensed?
Not sure but I'll find out sooner or later. What I like is that Charles Koch was a member of his board yet his apostles act as if Ron is the Koch industries worst enemy.
Considering the Kochs co-founded the official libertarian party, it's not so surprising.
The link lies in the multi-pronged marketing/PR the Kochs love so much.
You have to wonder how much they have poured into off shore accounts for Mr. P. and son.
I'm certain this is being done by Koch and others under the table or perhaps through employees. That guy Adam Koresh has been taking money from foreigners in Canada, Sweden and other countries then he donated that money to Ron's campaign. I believe Ron Paul's campaign has put a stop to it but who knows for sure.
Only one simple question-
How many years is a woman imprisoned for after she has the newly illegal abortion?
The problem I have with pro-lifers is that they only seem to value the unborn child's life- not the quality of life in utero or after birth. They also don't value the living mother's life and don't seem to care if she dies in a back room alley abortion clinic. They don't seem to preach about mothers who smoke, drink or do drugs doing pregnancy. What about parents who subject their children to physically, mentally or emotionally unhealthy family environments? What about women and men who are forced to have children who cannot afford them or care for them? We have millions of kids sitting in foster homes and orphanges so why don't the prolifers spend more time promoting adoption so that those living kids can at least have a better future that fosters a more well adjusted and successful human being? My other issue with prolifers is that many of them use birth control which they believe is morally acceptable but the morning after pill isn't? They need to take a course in embryology before they can make a well informed decision. Granted, I don't believe that anyone should just carelessly live their life and then repeatedly pursue quick fixes...whether it's abortion, bankruptcy or any other easy way out. But, abortion for most women is not an easy choice and the scars of it live long if not forever in their hearts.
It's all an act to feel good about themselves. There have been studies that show forcing a woman to have child causes hormone/chemical reactions in her body which could cause life long harm to the baby. It is not as cut and dry as it seems.
Let me state that I would not want to abortion a child I fathered but in the end it would be my wife's decision not mine.
Yes, you're very correct about how a woman's mental state affects her physiology and how that in turn affects a child's genetic development. I'm not an expert on this topic and actually got a D in Genetics the first time round but I do know that there have been studies done on the Dutch population that illustrate your point.
Hopefully, a couple could work through the decision making together without feeling that one of them is more correct than the other. I agree with you that women , like all humans, should have the right to choose what to do with their bodies. But, I also believe that a man has the right to say, ' Hey, I am willing to raise this child by myself' and have that hold weight as well- given that they are equally accountable for the pregnancy. It annoys me that we expect fathers to pay child support for children that they perhaps didn't want or couldn't afford but when the father wants his child and the mother refuses, that seems unjust to me. Before folks climb into the sack, they should know how their partner feels about such matters. But, we who have hormones all know that reason can sometimes fly out of the window as soon as we touch.
Great post and I agree 100%!!! Thank you for your reply.
Many woman die due to illegal abortions in my eyes that is a life sentence.
So you advocate-
If a 12 year old is raped by her father, and has an abortion, she should go to prison for life. Is that your position?
This post is to prove if Ron Paul had a chance to over turn Roe VS Wade he would in a heart beat.
Dude I'm on your side. Check out my post to your thread. I remember back alley and clothes hanger abortions...
Me too and my mother's college dorm mate killed herself with a coat hanger. My boss years ago told me that she got pregnant in college out in SF, CA and that in order to get an abortion, she had to prove she was mentally insane. SO, she attempted suicide and spent time in a psych hospital that performed her abortion.
Those are the good old days Ron Paul fails to mention....
Surely, these folks are well aware of these dire consequences but prefer to ignore it for neo-religious-politics. Abortion is one of those topics that can be used to manipulate a rather large population of voters..." Either you're a Republican or you're a baby killer". Did you notice how popular teen pregnancies became after the Palin birth? I think they even created a reality show about teen pregnancies. It's pretty sorry and sad reality when kids are told to abstain from premarital sex but then glamorize teen parenting in politics and media.
It's OK if it's their kids, then it is just a mistake but, when a poor teen happens to have baby she is doing so for welfare money. I hope the people of OWS are reading into these attacks. Many racists and classicists hide behind State rights and the Constitution as Ron Paul does.
So Paultards I thought Ron Paul was not associated with the Koch brothers yet he was a member of Ron's Foundation??? There is a new T-Shirt at Prison Planet....
Fascism kisses and hugs Ron and Rand Paul every night before they go to bed.
Get them while they last ;)