Forum Post: Ron Lawl..Can He Win?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 11:12 a.m. EST by commonsense9
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Main stream media ignores him even when he's wins in their polls. But does he have a chance of becoming President? And how do Black people feel about Ron Lawl?
Ron Paul epitomizes the saying "the truth shall set ye free, but first it shall piss ye off". A chance? yes of course. Everybody, even me, has a chance, however slim...
Ron Paul thinks the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a bad idea, thinks racist attitudes toward black men are justified, is supported by supremacist organizations like Stormfront
He kept donations from white supremacist organizations
He quoted KKK founder on the House floor
He's participated in photo ops with the son of the founder of Stormfront, and KKK members have been involved in his presidential campaigns.
He is unabashedly anti-choice, and has defended big government attempts to limit women's reproductive rights.
Citing a series of small examples like photo ops and representing them as indicative of the whole? Isn't that what they call "propaganda"?
And he would have dumbasses like you shot
He makes a point about civil rights that, for example, it should be up to a business owner to serve whoever he/she wants in his store/restaurant. He adds it could be a bad business decision, but it should be up to the owner. He's making a statement about limited government, and basically a theoretical statement, not a reality or practicality statement.
He doesn't have a chance. Ron Paul is like a radical enlightenment movement. He's brilliant, and right about everything, but being right and being popular are two very different, almost counterpoised things.