Forum Post: Occupy London:Are they wasting their time?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 2, 2012, 4:10 a.m. EST by philosophicalranter
from Wandsworth, England
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Occupy London:Are they wasting their time? By MIRA TEKELOVA (POSITIVE MONEY)
“All over the globe people are rising up and demanding their rights in a worldwide rally of discontent as protests inspired by the occupywall street movement spread around the world, see what is happening in OccupyLondon.
Occupy London invited ex-investment banker Simon Dixon toaddress the crowd and give some forecasts on the future of banking, his perpective on what needs reforming, the consequences of our current system and how to implement the reforms. Occupy Londonwere shocked by what came out.”
Here is a guy who backs up much of the information I havespoken about numerous times in my blogs. See below:
In shorthand, there is a depression ahead. There is moredebt in the world than there is money. Every pound/dollar borrowed is anotherpound/dollar carrying interest. The system is completely flawed and has beenfor over a century. This is also why the Eurozone will eventually fail and why thereis a real danger of a world war. If you have savings in one of the major banks,now is the time to pull it out and put it somewhere safe. Somewhere that isn’t gambling current account savings, such as a local savings and loan or co-operative. Life is about tochange. How bad depends on what happens next.
I admire the Occupy group for its efforts to wake people up.I believe it is having a better effect in America than it is over here in the UK. I do think that the message gets diluted and stereotyping hasn’t helped them. I would love to seem them collectively get behind Ron Paul now. He might not appeal to them on all issues but he is the only hope they have, the world has, of an America that is honest and respected again. He is the only candidate advocating peace and to end of corruption practices in government. Ron Paul will reduce spending and government intervention. Isn't that appealing to the Occupy movement?
If you follow my blogs this is one of the main reasons I have my eyes firmly routed to the American presidential elections coming up in November 2012. I feel that America have very dangerous, deceitful and corrupted leaders and establishments and their government especially is based on greed, self interest and how to sustain their crooked system. This is why Republican representatives will not even back their own candidate, Ron Paul, because he will not endorse the lies and will expose this abusive government. Republican runners would prefer Obama for another term rather than lose their corrupt system. Under the current administration, war and overspending is inevitable to continue and a major world war is becoming more and more feasible.
This is why I fully back Ron Paul for president. I am not a conservative myself but he is the only person who is insistent on pulling all military out of the Middle East, ending the Federal Reserve and doing away with legislation that allows the government to arrest, detain and even assassinate anybody without trial. He is against FEMA, Patriot Act, NDAA and SOPA, legislation disguised to look as if they protect Americans but is set up to control and oppress America. America is a fascist country now and the American people need to wake up and see what the rest of the world are seeing. If anybody other than Ron Paul represents the Republicans on January 3rd, or if Obama is still in power after November 2012, then I worry that if a world war hasn’t already begun, then it will be a serious consideration.
The Americans who believe aggression gets the job done are wrong, wrong, wrong. Ron Paul doesn't back any side other than America. He can see (LIKE ANY RATIONAL PERSON IN THE WORLD) that being involved in other countries' mess actually harms your country over time. You need to get the hell out of the Middle East as well as everywhere else and let them sort themselves out. Where required the UN and NATO should be the 'World Police' so to speak. Trade and diplomacy should be your biggest weapon and avoiding military intervention and aggression, which is usually instigated by want, at all times. US foreign policy and economic policy is killing the world and you idiots who believe you are stood shoulder to shoulder with your elite ruling power will be nothing more than a footnote when the shit hits the fan.
I can never get my head around why Americans believe that their government go to war on their behalf. Why do they keep voting in the same old warmongers. I was listening to the Ron Paul campaign earlier and thinking how at last America had a potential leader who was against war. Then I realised that the American public probably will not vote for him because he DOESNT advocate war and control. War is created for wealth, land and resources or to excuse a weak economy or for power over the weak or to reduce the surplus population. Ron Paul is the only hope America and the world have of avoiding war that may become a world war. Make no mistake Obama will bring more insecurity to the world if he remains in government. Are people aware that 40,000 more laws are to be introduced in 2012? America is a dangerous place now. It can only get worse.
I can only imagine that the people in the Middle East would benefit from the US withdrawing from the whole region. Doing so would allow the countries the opportunity to talk with each other and act accordingly. The US can help to create peace instead of division and thereafter negotiate their own interest without coercion or bullying. The presidential elections will be watched around the world and Ron Paul is already known in the Middle East for his foreign policy and would stimulate confidence. Ron Paul is the only possible leader at this time who would be able to do this. His sincerity and integrity would shine through. Can the same be said about Mitt Romney and company?