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Forum Post: Ron Lawl OWS Scared of Losing Handouts

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 12:55 p.m. EST by GreedKills (1119)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Ron Lawl's true colors are shining through... Please don't fall for this Classicist's BS

Ron Lawl, Tea Party Godfather, Says ‘Occupy’ All About ‘Handouts'

by Anthony Terrell and Domenico Montanaro

CARROLL, Iowa -- Ron Lawl outlined what he believed was the difference between “Occupy Wall Street” and the “Tea Party.”

Rightwinger Ron Lawl on the Occupy Wall Street protesters: "They’re scared to death they won’t get their handouts." “Some are demonstrating, because they’re scared to death they won’t get their handouts,” Paul said yesterday. “And the other half are demonstrating, because they’re sick and tired of paying for it. I’m on the side of sick and tired of paying for it.”



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[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago


he should stick to talking about ending war

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

Funny that comment Ron made in Iowa this past weekend sounds a lot like the 1992 Newsletter article which Paul did admit to writing in 1996 but denied writing it in 2008. This man hates the poor with a passion, a true disciple of Ayn Rand.

The controversial newsletters include rants against the Israeli lobby, gays, AIDS victims and Martin Luther King Jr. -- described as a "pro-Communist philanderer." One newsletter, from June 1992, right after the LA riots, says "order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks."

[-] 1 points by dissenter (2) 13 years ago

Are you on the side of the ones who just want handouts? Because even in your selective quote, he says "and the other half..." I am one of the other half who is sick of the handouts to the rich AND the poor.

[-] 1 points by qazxsw123 (238) 13 years ago

yeah, i want to know who is doing the hacking... freaking scary to be under surveillance

[-] 1 points by qazxsw123 (238) 13 years ago

Ron P.A.U.L.

[-] 0 points by qazxsw123 (238) 13 years ago

Ron P.A.U.L.

[-] 0 points by The1capitalist (87) 13 years ago

What the F@ck if you try to write Ron P-au'ls name you get Ron Lawl

[-] -1 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

You can type every other politicians name here BUT not Ron P A U L ' s.

The mods don't want anyone promoting him... just in case what he says makes sense

There's no agenda here is there ?!

[-] 0 points by The1capitalist (87) 13 years ago

Ron Lawl

[-] -1 points by Republicae (81) 13 years ago

To be honest with you when you listen to most of the OWS people appearing on YouTube, they are talking about what they want, completely free college education...that would be a handout. How about all those who are speaking out about guaranteed income....that's would also have to be a handout since that is not the way a market works.

Hey, I'm also tired of paying for people who I see everyday, who are fit and yet they are drawing some type of disability check or some type of government assistance. I'm sick of the fact that many of those very same "disabled" people were able to get government education checks upwards of $5000.00 earlier this year, buy computers to "go to school" and yet, never actually follow through with that education which wouldn't have done them any good anyway because they get a month check from the government which I pay for because I work my ass off between 65 and 80 hours a week. I pay 35% of my income to the Federal Government, I then pay another 6.2% in Social Security and another 1.45% for Medicare, not to mention State and local taxes, excise taxes, sales taxes, fees, licenses, property taxes, etc. In fact, 89 days our of every year that I work all the income that I produce during those days go to paying all the taxes I "owe". The other day, I had to speak to an IRS representative who had the audacity to actually say that why should the IRS pay me if my company would reimburse me for certain expenses. Well, my company doesn't reimburse me for all my expenses, but what got me was that the agent assumed that the money we were talking about was, in fact, government money, it was not, it was and is my money, I EARNED it, I give a good portion of my life each and every day to EARN a compensation for my life-time that I invest in my job. It is not the money of the government, nor is it the money of anyone else.

Sorry, but Dr. Paul is correct, all you have to do is listen to most of the OWS protestors to see that they are wanting more from the government, more from the producers of this country, more handouts, more "help" and he is right, the other half are protesting because they are tired of paying for the nearly 50% of the people in this country who don't pay taxes and who usually get "earned income tax credits" which pay them more then they even paid into the system.

[-] -1 points by bronxj (150) 13 years ago

"Investigators probe how and why a disability pension was awarded to nearly every LIRR employee who asked for one

Eleven people, including two doctors and a former union official, face federal corruption charges in a long-running probe into an alleged fraud of the Long Island Rail Road's pension system that may have cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, authorities said Thursday.

Federal and state investigators made the sweeping arrests across Long Island Thursday morning.

The 11 defendants include orthopedists, consultants, pension administrators and LIRR retirees."

Full Story: http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/132683463.html

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

I'm so glad you posted this article because it proves it's not the poor but doctors and other professionals who are greedy and corrupt. Doctors just like the good Dr Ron Lawl not minorities or poor people which Ron Lawl hates with a passion ; )

[-] 1 points by bronxj (150) 13 years ago

There are honest and dishonest people in every profession and walk of life. However, systems that are set up to be easy to "game" will be gamed.

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

It's the professionals who game the system like Doctors and lawyers. They are the ones who make the MOST out of being a crook not the poor. Ron should worry about others in his own profession instead of using the poor as a scapegoat.

[-] 1 points by bronxj (150) 13 years ago

No argument that professionals such as doctors and attorneys are the most equipped to game the system; however a system that is easily gamed should be fixed. It is not only unfair to those of us that foot the bill for fraudulent claims it is an insult to those who receive such benefits legitimately.

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

Fixed not trashed, I totally agree.
