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Forum Post: Ron P a u l Fire

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 3:32 p.m. EST by RPF (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I feel that this movement would be more effective by working/funding the campaign of Dr. Paul instead of the court system through fines and fees...Want to send Wall St a message??? > get Ron P a u l elected...no fed and no profiteering from war...be the mosquito before the lion that attacks.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by notaneoliberal (2269) 13 years ago

Personally, I would rather they hadn't done the RP exlcusion thing on this site. The thing is RP is a so called "free market" guy. The ows people have stated that they oppose "neoliberalism". That would exclude RP. I doubt that a very high percentage of the readers of this site even know what neoliberalism means. I recommend everyone research it.

[-] 1 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

OWL wants this too bad...they are going to screw it up

[-] 0 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

that's just terrible...who is doing this???

Ron Fire Paul For President 2012!!!!1

[-] 1 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

The powers that be are SCARED that P A U L will get some traction in this movement.

They don't like that there have been a lot of pro P A U L posts.

They say they don't want it to be a political movement but they don't censor anyone else.

You can use the edit button and update to show correct spelling.

[-] 0 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

Ron Lawl, Rick Perry

[-] 0 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

i wonder if the "front runners" have this problem? Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Herman Cain

[-] 0 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

Ron P A U L 's name has been blacklisted from this forum.

There are many posts here about the censorship specifically of P A U L.

You can edit/ delete your post and space out his name or do a search and find other solutions.

[-] 1 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

thx...do you know who is doing it?

[-] 1 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

Whoever is moderating here.

[-] 0 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

let's try this one...Dr. Ron Lawl...or Ronnie Paul....R Paul

[-] 0 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

check that out...it is being manipulated!!!

[-] 0 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

let's try this: Ron Lawl, Ron Lawl, Ron Lawl...Dr. Paul

[-] 0 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

Cain comes out all right

[-] 0 points by RPF (3) 13 years ago

why does it say "Lawl" instead of Paul???