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Forum Post: Ron Lawl Supporters = ?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 12:33 a.m. EST by nuclearradio (227)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

After talking to enough Ron Lawl Supporters, I have decided that they largely fit three demographics: 1) College-age children of upper-middle or upper class parents bamboozled by the Right Wing media, who have discovered that they have a conscience about corruption and war for the first time, and so turn to Ron Lawl as a Libertarian. They do so because they want politics to have a conscience about the failures of politics and human suffering, but also want the ability to be on the same side of the aisle as their wingnut parents. They also want to feel good about being rich and staying rich. That's what Ayn Rand was all about.

2) Poor souls taken in by the Alex Jones Prisonplanet mind set, which IMHO has many good views and a lot of facts at hand, but addresses these facts and views with an absolutely insane set of solutions.

3) Disenfranchised moderates from all over the political spectrum.

I think group 1 should rejoin the Republican Party and spend time changing it from within. Groups 2 and 3 should straighten out their heads and field a new political party.



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[-] 1 points by LogicalReason (6) 13 years ago

You understand your statement is invalid with multiple contradictions, correct? Or is this satire?