Forum Post: Ron Lawl fighting for your rights even has you fight him
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:36 p.m. EST by uslynx81
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 11:36 p.m. EST by uslynx81
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ron paul on taxes fails to identify the original method used to deal with this and how it is written in the consitution which is that the cognress chall print and coin the money and regulate the value thereof. "Fair" tax is just an oligarch con scam to get their dupes to fight for ending income tax and shifting the tax burden to the poor and middle class.
Ron Paul is an isolationist extremist and a racist, and he does not offer leadership here outside of paranoid delusions and mandates to deal with immigration which could never be enforced. We need real immigration reform, fascism is not the kind of immigration reform that we need.
Ron paul is a corporate shill and a tool for "free market capitalism" in fact he stands for many things that OWS absolutely opposes, he believes that we have a free market system and that it comes up with solutions. Thats nonsense. We have a caste war system which has kept the solutions off the table, and thats all that he does here; keep the solutions off the table while offering us free market capitalism as a nonsensical non solution.
"In fact, much of the “pain at the pump” Americans are now feeling is due to federal policies designed by environmental alarmists " It is not being an alarmist to point out the fact of ecological meltdown due to useing fossil fuels. Hes calling us NAMES in order to invalidate us, when hes the ignorant corporate shill. "to punish traditional energy production – like oil, coal, and natural gas" all of which should have been simply ended 50 years ago when they became obsolete, or at least 40 years ago when we KNEW from HARD SCIENCE that needed to be done. " – in hopes of making energy sources they favor more “economical.” The absolute lie here is stunning. the reverse is whats going on. he and other evil pricks are keeping far more economically viable solutions off thetable by waging an information war and lying to the public about what is and is not viable and true and real about energy.
"* Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington."
On THIS point alone, ron paul is clearly a mad man. How are we going to hold them accountable the laws his corproate cronies hav made make it almost impossible for us to hold them accountable, now he wants to remove the EPA?
He is a stupid evil mad man, period.
"* Repeal the federal tax on gasoline. Eliminating the federal gas tax would result in an 18 cents savings per gallon for American consumers." and in essence amounts to subsidizing gas, when we should be taxing the heck out of it in order to push to get off of it.
"It’s time for a President that recognizes the free market’s power and innovative spirit by unleashing its full potential to produce affordable, " all of his options listed and his total energy strategy are for continued consumerist energy- not renewable green cheap energy- hes keeping us trapped in expensive energy.
"environmentally sound," there is nothing environmentally sound about any of this, in fact ron paul is a walkingecological disaster. " and reliable energy." and these consumerist forms of energy must deplete and thus are not reliable, in fact they must run out- so sooner or later we MUST go to renewable forms of energy.
EVERY detail of this presentation is WRONG and EVIL shilling FOR corporations.
Yeah it's about time every just shut the fuck up about Ron Paul and Obama and start focusing on the real issues around here. Ron paul is a "pro life" anti woman and anti choice wingnut, who thinks we should control womens bodies in order to end abortion. While i agree with the general principle of ending abortion, that should be done via social economic justice, not making laws that make a womans womb the property of the state.
This is not a right remedy, its a clown circus. While his list of things to do is mostly good, whats missing is obvious. No mention of universal single payer. No mention of getting corporations out of health care. no mention of getting rid of insurance companies.
Ron paul is pro corporation and pro republicanism and pro privatization. So the actual truth is that Ron pauls total positions on this aside from the ones he lists are an insane and evil batch of evil nonsense, which would seriously harm the American People. "legalizing sound money" means in essence returning to a gold standard. this idiot and others like him simply can not come to terms with the simple fact that there is not enough gold in the world to represent the money, by four order of magnitude. While I certainly agree that our money system is corrupt and broken, it is patently impossible to return to a gold standard- even putting this out there proves gross arrogant ignorance of simple absolute FACTS.
"allowing off shore drilling" which is a formula for death of our oceans, which would cost us a hundred billion dollars when that money would be better spent on geothermal power, in short ron paul is a shill for big oil and corporations, and has no regard for the truth about science facts regarding energy or a meaningful evolutionary energy path for our country.
"natural gas vehicles" again- ignorant, stupid, evil, there is no reason to have natural gas vehicles other than to trap people in natural gasconsumerism. we can go all electric and pay less than a dollar a year for electricity using geothermal and electric vehicles. Instead we have ignorant republicans clinging to assorted FUEL centered systems in order to keep us all addicted to those fuels.
"eliminating income and capital gains taxes" in other words, more tax breaks for the rich, more tax burden on the poor and middle class, more class warfare against the people. "A pro American Defense policy" We need a pro HUMAN defense policy, all this pro american stuff is THE PROBLEM.
"capital gains taxes punish you for success" no, they tax success fairly instead of letting the successful off the hook. These taxes are taxes rich people pay, so ron paul is fronting for RICH people- and trying to shift the tax burden onto the poor and middle class- and spinning and lying and propagandizing capital gains tax by calling it a "punishment"
I don't know where you get your information, I'm sorry your parents failed you. Its the nanny state you were raised in. I don't blame you, don't worry.
Rawn Lawl 2012!
Wow they are filtering his name out of this
Because the Paul fanatics are out of control. They have been trying to hijack the Occupy movement since the beginning. You have to seriously try hard to get banned from these forums. The fact that anything has been done speaks volumes.
who the he!! is Ron Lawl?