Forum Post: Ron Lawl and continental currency
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 3:30 p.m. EST by paulg5
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In a debate the other night Ron Paul said something to the effect that after the revolutionary war was won all continental currency was destroyed and no more paper money was issued....what a crock. Banks printed their own currency from after the revolution until the late 19th century when a national currency was created.
What's new? He's like all of the GOP: stupid.
Because someone does not agree with your methodology does not make them stupid. This statement actually makes you look stupid.
Ron Paul is a joke. All theater.
We we now know who's incompetent for the presidency: Ron Lawl. :D Seriously, he is a joke.
He seems cranky...or just hates America.
Ron Paul is just like the rest of them. Good on some issues and absolutly sucky on the others.
He doesn't know what liberty is. It's best to leave him in Texas where stupidity is encouraged.
Again, like below, fallacious
And he also wants to de-regulate: woooo now the banks will finally get their due! not... He goes against this movement's goals.
This is a fallacious argument. I dont think you know what Ron Paul advocates.
I agree with FUCKTHEGOP they are all stupid. I have to admit in 2010 I was part of the "Stupid" GOP. Never again ........I mean NEVER EVER How stupid I was to vote for the very people who cares more about the Rich than the unemployed. Obama got my vote in 2012. And I just mat switch parties to be a Dem.
An awful lot of energy is spent around here bad mouthing Ron Paul. What about the communists, socialists and Marxists that spread their filth throughout this movement? All of the above political parties are the enemy of freedom and liberty. There has NEVER been one example of a successful socialist system, unless you call violations on human rights, police control and failed command economies success.
not interested in more ron LOL trolling.
Ron P lovers GTFO!
he is a stopped watch. Good two issues
What a socialist movement this has become.
Businesses also had their own currency, maybe thats what we should go back to! Fuck the federal government, fuck the banks they clearly have everything screwed up.
I hate freedom too.
ron paul is the only honest politician in the whole field, including that lying militarist corporate puppet barack obama. you sound like a republican idiot operative. get a brain.
The only problem is he either lies to suite his needs, or unknowingly distorts the truth to impress people which is even scarier!
lets see, he wants to abolish income taxes, get rid of the fed, end foreign intervention and the terrible burden on humanity that these costly wars imposed on humankind that the oligarchy plans so that they may reap the dizzying profits from arms sales and the benefit they can receive from subjugating the worlds population and you are nitpicking on some detail that you know nothing about and probably just googled to get your misinformed info from. you sound like a republican operative. Ron Paul IS OUR BEST HOPE FOR FREEDOM!
Oh forgot to mention.....I collect obsolete currancy!
ahhhh....sorry your right! Thats all he needs is a tight red leotard; cape and a wheel chair with some rocket engines on it an we can call him super geezzz!
Come on your kidding me right?
his passionate views on many serious issues that plague humankind such as the wonderful privately owned Federal Reserve which charges you jackasses 4 cents on your precious OBSOLETE dollar just to print that piece of dogshit i take very seriously. get rid of these scumbag who are ripping us off. If you're so into currency you should educate yourself on how it works... uh... or DOESN'T in the case of that fiat garbage toilet peper that the dollar will be in a year or two. (not that it already isn't garbage) Ron Paul is the only politician courageous enough to put it all on the line and risk everything. And if you know anything about history such as the hit on JFK, you'll know that when you take on the fed you risk your life. So I find Dr. Paul to be quite a bold and courageous man saying a lot of things that so desperately need to be said and stood for. The Question is "Are you kidding ME! Are you saying it's a good idea and has worked out well this idea of a privately owned federal reserve? Think it's a good idea, do ya?
!. If the fed is privately owned name it's owners?
I smel bull shit!
the truth is the gold standard and destruction of the unions, and privatization of the safetynet would be a gift to the people who created the fed. he is just another faction of the ruling class along with the neocon, and neolibs. we dont want to be coopted by obummer2012 or ronpaul
For every stupid, pro-corporate, anti-public argument that either Dem or Repub makes, Paul cleans their clocks. He's hated on both sides. But yes, he's said quite a bit of dumbassity too, which hurts his credibility.
Another huge blow to his credibility, is that he's running on the GOP ticket. That means a sociopathic asshole for a VP if Paul wins. :( The GOP are a gang of sociopaths and arrogant jerks, and I don't want to see them gaining any more ground.
Sorry Ron, one vote of No Confidence for you and all other Repubs!
The Dems aren't much better, a pack of lying twofaced neocon weasels on the take. Ohbummer is especially guilty of that, and those crooks have got to go! A vote of No Confidence on them!