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Forum Post: Romney Offers Vouchers For Vet Health Care!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 9:53 a.m. EST by arealpolitik (154)
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It might be possible to create a voucher system for Veterans’ health care and other benefits!

That is what Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney hinted during a Veteran’s Day campaign event in South Carolina recently according to news reports.

Part of what Mr. Romney is reported as having said about a voucher system for Veteran’s Benefits was, “Sometimes you wonder if there would be some way to introduce some private sector competition, somebody else that could come in and say, you know, each soldier gets X thousand dollars attributed to them. And then they can choose whether they want to go into the government system or the private system with the money that follows them.”

The candidate is reported to also have suggested that his idea for these vouchers was like what happens in Florida where people have a voucher that goes with them…

Well, folks, I am a Veteran and I say that I am definitely not in favor of any kind of privatization of the Veteran’s Health Care– none at all, Nada, zilch!

I do not like these so-called “Voucher” plans that allow people to go out and purchase a private insurance plan that is supposed to do the same or similar things that are done by Medicare and Medicaid.

I don’t like the so-called voucher plans because I have a feeling that when someone takes their vouchers out to buy private insurance, they are never going to get benefits equal to their government-sponsored health care.

I don’t like privatizing health care for Veterans or for Civilians or for anyone else because every financial expert that I have read so far insists that voucher plans save nothing for the consumer in the long run and, in fact, can actually drive costs to individuals up over a period of time. (Insurance premiums tend to rise, after all.)

I get my health care from the Veteran’s Administration health care facility near to my home town. I have been going there for years now and I have never had any complaints about either the quality of service or my ability to access the services I need.

I personally don’t see the need to screw around with our more-than-excellent Veteran’s Health Care System by privatizing it in any way. As I see it, that would create far few benefits for Veterans and far more opportunity to some private insurers to get even more wealthy than they are now…on the backs of our Veterans.

I think such an idea is revolting!

I would say to all Republicans and Conservatives, “Leave our Veteran’s Health Care System alone! It is good as it is and there is no need to be messing around with it!”

The American Fighting Man and Woman make exceptional sacrifices every day they are in uniform. They deserve the very best. As a Nation, we owe them the very best.

Read more: http://www.thejeffersontree.com/romney-offers-vouchers-for-vet-health-care/



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