Forum Post: Romney is just an obscene example of the 1%
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 7, 2012, 1:37 a.m. EST by sato
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Romney shows how the system allows the 1% to exploit the tax code for massive gains. I can't stand the guy. On top of that, he has the nerve to call it "being successful". He is only successful at exploiting a failed tax code written to the 1% advantage.
i hate it when rich people take the honor unto themselves of representing me. How dare them, the bible says, they sure as hell wont be going where I am either. Thank God life is temporary and all rich people die, I get one comfort out of this, and that they cannot take their riches with them. If there is one rich person in heaven, im turning around and leaving!
Well I wouldn't suggest you do that. Because if Heaven is what the Bible says it is. Then all who enter there will be blessed ( or rich ) by Heavenly standards. That is where true prosperity for all will be real. So in a way everyone there will be rich and in being so, no one will be rich.
Why has that tax code not been rewritten to be more fair?
Because of it's inherent debt bias. There's tax incentive to be in debt. Debt is the biggest business there is. Eliminate the debt bias - eliminate the problem.
Top 1% have 50% of the wealth and 90% of that was inherited. Kind of sheds a different light on all those lectures from the 1% about us "getting a job" and our "laziness" and wanting "handouts".
To some of the most misguided among the 1%, black is white and white is black. They simply take whatever it is they do, accuse YOU of doing it and then call it a day. It's so absurd you couldn't write this stuff.
And to those who might say, "Look, Mitt is being sincere. He really believes he's in the right." I say, I think you might be right and that makes this even scarier.
Many among the 1% actually believe their own bullshit. They've been listening to it, spewing it and repeating it for so long that they have long forgotten that most of their success comes from lots of luck and a tax code written just for their benefit. Instead of being grateful, some of the worst of the 1% oddly lecture us on the various ways to be like them. No thanks.
If you haven't read Kurt Vonnegut's book "God Bless You Mr. Rosewater" I highly recommend :)
What do you think Obama is ????
really...the top 5% of the taxpayers pay over 50% of the revenue that the treasury takes in from income tax. 5 percent paying over 50% now that is exploiting the top 5% if you ask me. Equal taxation on every dollar made by every person...that is fair.
money comes from many sources besides being earned
property ownership comes to mind
what holds this country isn't the 1%. Most of his revenue is untaxed or in a foreign bank. He earns more because he has more safe havens that we do. Of course he can make 10k bets because he saves(earns) millions thanks to the benefits of a broken tax code designed for the 1%. That isn't fair at all.
Don't blame him for it though. Most sane people do everything legally possible to lower his tax rate. Why wouldn't you?
If you were in his position would you give more out of the goodness of your heart? No? I didn't think so. You hate him because he has more than you? Write him a letter and ask him for a slice. I'm sure he'll oblige you. How fucking stupid are you? Selfish greedy little whiner is all you and your ilk are.
Thank goodness obama and all the other demcrats in congress are poor and not rich and part of the 99%.
Well, at least he can't be bought!!!
He cant be Bought?.. Actually, he formed the tax code and Corporate laws to suit his need for MORE Personal Profits!
.. Then , goes out and Asks everyone to make him President so his Buddies can climb on his Golden Band Wagon.
We havent had a 'Real' candidate to vote for in nearly 70 Years. Every single one of them are hand picked by Corporations and their Banks.. Anyone that would be FOR the Citizens.. is NOT given the Inside Network of Money.. not support. ... We should all be aware of this, and act accordingly when it's time to vote.
... I have been doing a 'Write In' for the last two Elections. It's been my own Protest against Criminals running the Show.
Ronmey's career of M&A has eliminated jobs and created wealth for the last men standing. That's the business he's in. He games the system, preys on the the assets, with predatory lending practices, and sucks the last dollar out of the companies that hired him. HE"S ALL AMERICAN!
It's time to start making fun of Romney's bird brained, Sesame Street, Mormon religious cult.
I could care less about his religion if he seemed like he would be a good president, I would vote for him. But, his interests as a president will be clearly to favor the 1% and extend any benefits he may be getting like this failed piece of sht tax code.
not really. leave religion out of it.
It's easy to see who the spineless, supine cowards are. They are the ones who say, "leave religion out of it". Cluck cluck cluck, chicken boy.
Go drink some douche shit brain. Make some fun of your daddy, the Muslim convert to christianity.
I second that.
I'm a Biologist and Atheist, Jesus homos. Go pray (beg) to your girly, long haired, dress wearing, boy loving, S&M loving, Jesus Christ butt fucking dick sucking god.
Aren't you special. A real live scientist. An atheist too. You should be in a protected class.