Forum Post: Rolling Jubilee has already raised enough money to buy out almost $6 million of Americans’ medical debt
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 19, 2012, 2:22 a.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Cenk talks to Thomas Gokey, an artist who is one of the co-founders of the Rolling Jubilee movement, an Occupy Wall Street off-shoot that raises money to buy debt and then “forgive” what people owe rather than collecting on the bills.
Gokey says, “Most people in the United States don’t realize that there’s this shadow market for debt. When banks irresponsibly lend money and create these toxic assets, the government has actually stepped in and mandated that they get them off their books. They actually get a tax write-off every time they do it — it’s a mini bailout. Those get sold on the secondary market of debt buyers and treat this part of someone’s life, a little bit of their misery, as if it were a commodity, and they trade it back and forth with each other. But the trick is that when they sell this debt to debt buyers, they sell it for pennies on the dollar, and that’s what makes this project work. For just $5,000 we can eradicate over $100,000 of medical debt.”
This is so fucking cool.
Re. "Rolling Jubilee" - Great post and link to which I append : ; ;
"Rescue for the Few, Debt Slavery for the Many", by Dr. Michael Hudson : ;
"Debt and Democracy - Has the Link Been Broken?", by Dr. Michael Hudson : & .
Medical Debt ; Student Debt ; Housing Debt ; Credit Card Debt !!! All with 'Compound Interest' !! Crazy !
radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...
I'm looking forward to reading that Debt Resistors Operations Manual after work tonight.
As always thanks for the great links!!
"Modern Debt Peonage ? - Economic Democracy Is Turning Into a Financial Oligarchy" (with Dr. Michael Hudson) : .
I couldn't resist one last relevant link from the inimitable Dr. Michael Hudson and please spread that 'Debt Resistors Manual' about liberally.
pax, amor et lux ...
Great article. A good read if anyone has time.
"The old world of debt pyramiding to a fraudulent degree cannot be restored."
Re. 'Debt Jubilee' and for the sake of completing the full picture and also in case you or anyone anyone wants to kick back & 'watch' as opposed to 'read' on this 'Thanksgiving', I append, for your convenience :
"Inside Job" : [Working Link, may take a little time to cache],
"Inside Job - Behind The Heist" : & ... .
veritas vos liberabit ...
And with a great acceptance speech
"How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’!" - by George Lakey : .
multum in parvo ...
Succinct, true and a very good clip. In comparison to such a short clip, I append a far longer item, which you will have probably seen but which has a relevance I think as we are encouraged to be inured to The Grand Financial Crimes, which continue to cause such misery for so many in The U$A and worldwide :
Thanx for this good forum-post Trev and for all you do here. Solidarity !!
pax, amor et lux ...
Although I knew the first two links fairly well, they were all good. Your last link helped me put Strike Debt and its Rolling Jubilee intiative into a historic perspective, and in particular how creditors have used debt to enslave people for centuries and the consequences that followed.
On a side note the people in Strike Debt are the best of the best. They do need a little work on throwing a "rockn' dance party." That phase of the evening's program mostly devolved into more discussion with cool music playing in the background. No one complained though.
Solidarity @ : & - may they forever party on for The 99% +
''If President Obama really wanted to apologize to the American people he would not be focused on the fact that some have been required to drop poor insurance plans, but would apologize for the ACA requiring them to buy poor insurance plans that leave them paying 30 percent to 40 percent of the cost of healthcare if they get the most common silver and bronze plans. He would be apologizing that the ACA is a symptom of his administration which is dominated by Wall Street and other big business interests like Monsanto serving as food czar, the outsourcer General Electric serving as jobs czar and the Attorney General coming from a corporate law firm that represents the big banks and other business interests. We are not holding our breath expecting President Obama to apologize for these actions, but hope that others will work with us to build a mass popular resistance that can change the direction of the government and the economy. Change has always come from the bottom up, so we are not waiting for the top to acknowledge their own corruption.''
consilio et animis ...
OWS Rolling Jubilee buys $15 million of personal debt with $400,000. Nice.
Why don't we hear about this in US MSM? Why does it take a British newspaper to tell this story?
I knew from being on one of the Occupy email lists that Strike Debt was coming out with a major announcement in November, but WOW erasing $15 million of medical debt is incredible. This small group is not only Occupy at its best, it's humanity at its best.
And, it shows how a debt jubilee on a much bigger scale is possible.
Yes crowd sourcing for the benefit of people in need is a really neat and beautiful concept as is it shows us the collective power we have and it also shows that people care. The Rolling Jubillee will continue to take donations only through Dec 31st, 2013, which to be honest I am a bit disappointed and perplexed about, as I have contributed a small amount on a monthly basis for about a year now and would be happy to do so indefinitely. The abolishment of medical debt will go on through 2014 though with the money on hand. You can still continue to contribute to Strike Debt to cover the cost of outreach and administrative stuff and in support of their next initiative..."developing tactics to help build collective forms of power," and in particular shining a spotlight on the outrageous way our system has caused student debt to become the #1 debt in the country (approx. $1.2 trillion), with the hope of alleviating a small fraction of it.
"Aside from helping out thousands of debtors, the Rolling Jubilee has widely publicized the predatory workings of the debt-buying marketplace. As a result of our work, many more people now know the collectors have only paid pennies for the debts they harass us for in full......We hope that this knowledge inspires debtors everywhere to not just do what the lenders demand of them, but instead to use their leverage to strike a better deal - or simply refuse payment altogether."
Stike Debt/The Rolling Jubilee has shown us the power that we have when we work in a collective way. "As the old saying goes: If you owe the bank $100, that's your problem. If [however] you owe the bank $100 million, that's the banks problem."
Tonight is a night to celebrate though so Strike Debt is having a "Rolling Jubilee Dinner" followed by anouncements and discussions, and then a "rockn' dance party." And I'm waiting to hear back from friends to see if they want to meet me there.
Very nice. I think what we can also garner from this is that our government is fully capable of offering a debt jubilee, on some level, to the American people for say, student loan debt, mortgage debt, credit card debt, you name it. It's doable. A lot of the money loaned was funny money anyway and the lender's were lending money that didn't really exist. If this society is going to go on in a healthy way something has to be done on a grand scale about all of the debt facing the American people.
Thanks. Agreed, there is so much good that could be done with the money that we fork over to corporate and banking crooks. Slowly people are starting to realize where our government has its perverted priorities. As the momentum grows, so will the anger.
Shining a spotlight on a few of these inequities has been one of Strike Debt's major accomplishments.
Here is the brilliant Richard Wolff succinctly explaining how Americans got into all of this debt in the first place, courtesy sff:
I really like this.
So...............Do You get big name perks?
Nope, not a one.
OH - omg - aAHhahaha....where did you find that clip of me?heHeehe
I thought it was funny.
So seriously - no perks? It's not just me? Fame - such a fickle thing.
Not a one.
Damn - do we have a union boss?
Nope. Not that I'm aware of.
Well . . . aw hell ....what are franchise players like us doing - with nothing nailed down? Who's my agent? anyone?
I know, right? What the hell.....
Did you sign a contract? I didn't. Does that mean I am better off(?) or worse off? Oh man....................
We got nuttin' out of the whole shebang. Nothing gained and nothing lost.
I'm ok with that.
The assholes in this world "do" know how to push my buttons. You 2 hey?
[-] 2 points by GirlFriday (10211) 2 minutes ago
My anger seems to know no bounds. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Me too - I didn't sign on for fame or recognition - I signed on for anger at having been stepped on all my life along with everyone I know/knew - and for a better world for all going forward from here.
My anger seems to know no bounds.
wouldnt it be better to take this money and buy homes for the homeless?
From the Forbes article on the matter:
"I would also, and no doubt to the profound distress of the originators of the idea, insist that it is a profoundly conservative idea. It was the great conservative philosopher Edmund Burke who pointed out that civil society really worked not by bureaucrats directing everyones’ efforts, or politicians demanding that this or that be done, but by the actions of the “little platoons” of society. That is, us, ourselves, in voluntary association, getting to grips with the errors and omissions of the universe around us. In the UK these days it is derided as a Conservative (ie, political party rather than philosophical strand) idea called the “Big Society”. The idea that it isn’t the state (or “State”) to which we should look for solutions but us, the people. And note very importantly: us the people collaborating voluntarily."
"Which leaves me with a final point. As I’ve said, this is the first Occupy Anything idea I’ve heard which makes even a modicum of sense to me. And it does indeed make great sense to me: if you think that lowering other peoples’ debt burdens is a good idea, which I do, then doing it voluntarily and at 5 cents on the $ sounds just absolutely fabulous to me. You’re spending your money as you wish: what could be wrong with that? But the icing on the cake for me is that this one and only decent Occupy idea is a profoundly conservative one, relying as it does on those little platoons. It isn’t Progressive, it’s not liberal (in the modern sense although it certainly is in the classical liberal or libertarian sense) it is conservative. And isn’t that wondrous? That the only time the progressive liberals of Occupy get something right is when they’re not progressive liberals?"
it's not a conservative idea. It's not a liberal idea.
It's just an idea.
Read what he said and the context he said it in.
"In the UK.......derided Conservative....idea......"Big Society"..that it isn't the State to we we should look for solutions but us, the people....collaborating voluntarily".
In opposition to "Big Government", which "in the modern sense" is typically a Progressive/liberal idea.
It's called opinion. And he has a right to his just as you do to yours.
What it is, in spite of those that will twist and spin to claim it, is a profoundly Occupy idea.
All the BS others want to put forth in an effort to claim the idea is nothing more..........................Bullshit.
If it were anything else, they would have already been doing that exact thing, but they are not.
Occupy is.
The article is bullshit.
You do realize that the "idea" is based upon a profoundly HEBREW practice called "Jubilee". Right?
And here I thought it was based on Grandma's cherry "jubilee"
That's just a word.
A word that fit.
You really can't ascribe it to the Hebrews.
It's still a thing done by Occupy.
The article stands as bullshit.
The Occupy Strike Debt website attributes it thusly:
"What is a jubilee?"
Pretty good PR, eh?
It stands that those "faiths" are still not actually doing this thing.
Occupy, on the other hand is.
Writers, write about traveling to the stars too, yet only actual astronauts go there..
I think it's a great idea no matter where it came from. What I have trouble with is calling people who declare that they are going to the stars and ask people to give them money to do it, and yet have provided zero proof/evidence that the money being donated really is being used to build a space ship, or that they are qualified or capable of actually flying it-astronauts.
You'd don't. Fine with me. :)
anyone can fly a ship
it's not that complected
A space ship? Well then apparently it's not much of an accomplishment. Don't tell shooz. .
driving is more involved because it isn't open sky
3 months drivers ed for an hour three times a week.
NASA space shuttle training......???
not as much
That makes two things we've agreed on so far!
Shhhhh...what will people think?
I don't care to speculate.
Three things! Now you're scaring me....
Must be the holidays..................LOL.........................:)
Progressive/liberal love big Gov and their free handouts. How is that food stamp pres workin for ya??
property love the rent they charge and the resources they sell
You would call Reagan and W progressives?
I wouldn't and they both loved huge government.
In fact the current food stamp usage is a result of the repercussions of Bush's policies.
Coupled with the behaviors practiced by people like Romoney.
If I needed food stamps, I would have to say he's working pretty well.
And that's the way it is, Betsy.