Forum Post: Roil The Waters
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 7:03 p.m. EST by JCroft
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
J. Croft
Scum rises to the top. When you leave scum alone, it festers. It festers, stinks and eventually poisons everything in and around. That’s what has happened in America.
We the People of America… our parents, grandparents-or you perhaps-were sold a package of lies about the system of government and the general condition of the society that the enemy has crafted for us.
The enemy are scum of course. Career police officers longing to harass lowly civilians-or hurt them serve career bureaucrats who couldn’t hack it in the real world so they climb whatever government molehill is handy to lord it over lowly civilians. Career shyster lawyers fill the elected public offices to write their laws, administer their laws, and WHEN you find yourself facing the legal machine they’ve built they force you to hire some ringer shyster lawyer to offer a pretense of a defense. All to enslave you.
Atop all that scum are the banksters , major shareholders, and corporate chair room seat warmers who collectively pull the strings on both the government and corporate entities that comprise the United States. (1, 2)
Ah yes, the corporations. Given personhood by the “supreme court”(3). Driven the family farm and the mom and pop stores into quaint anachronism they’ve made us addicted to their goods and services, then dependent, and now we’re as enslaved to them for our very sustenance as we’re enslaved to the dictates and taxes of the various organs of the United States government.
I mean, let’s break it down: Say your productivity for one hour equals 20 dollars-doesn’t matter what you really make, just… go along with it…
So you have 20 dollars and you work for a wage. Doesn’t really matter what or where but out of that 20 bucks you’d best not do it with A 20 dollar bill because 19 of those 20 dollars of your productivity, the fruit of your labors are going to be pocketed by your boss before you’re even going to see it.
So you got one dollar for the 20 dollars of labor-oh wait, now the government’s going in and taking out in taxes before you even get that bill, damnit. Okay now you’re going to have to get change, and after all the withholding done on your paycheck before you even see it you got maybe 50 cents. Believe me the IRS will make damn certain you pay that 50 cents, bitch.
Forget the quarters. Everything in America that’s corporately provided is taxed at several levels. Gas, food, insurance, housing, smokes, what have you but by the time you get down to what you actually can carry around in your pocket… maybe 20 cents or so… well, maybe you can afford housing, maybe even a home. Renting no matter how you do it because on your deed for your home you’re listed as TENANT. Because if you don’t pay property tax the scum county sheriff will evict you from your home and the home you’ve dedicated a lifetime to servicing a mortgage to gets bought up by some scum local developer or ‘investor’ for pennies on the dollar. So either way, you rent.
Basically after you pay your rent, utilities(taxed), gas(hella taxed), food(taxed, probably making you diabetic), you JUST MIGHT have some pennies over.
Now get this: on that 19 dollars you’ll never, ever see, the corporation will likely pay maybe five dollars if it’s a smaller company. If it’s part of a larger corporate structure however the expenses and costs are dumped into one section so there’s no tax, and all of the physical possessions like land, building, equipment are leased from another subsidiary whose costs exceed profits somehow and there’s no tax-leaving the corporate entity that manages the whole hustle to rake in the money because it’s a multinational and manages through legal chicanery it probably lobbied… paid some congressmen off… through literally its own tax laws to not pay one red cent. It pockets that 18 or even 19 dollars of your productivity.
You think a multinational corporation just banks that 19 dollars of your productivity? No, they invest that in stocks we can’t get in on because we’re not “qualified investors”, real estate, and investment vehicles you and I will likely never have a chance to even know about.
Oh yeah, banks. They take everyone’s money to “safeguard”, offer you a few percentage points of interest-then take your money and use it as collateral to generate about a hundred times that in loans, take the income from those loans and invest… you heard of derivatives right? There’s about 1.6 quadrillion dollars worth of those investment vehicles-which are financial fictions based upon other financial fictions like loans, real estate, bonds, etc.
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