Forum Post: Rod Blagojevich was about as pro 99% as a governor could have been.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 4:47 a.m. EST by alouis
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Does here anyone really think they're putting Rod Blagojevich in prison for corruption and "pay for play?" Do you think any governor, given the opportunity to name a US Senator would not want someone who is either a contributor, a political ally, or someone who can influence contributors in his own favor? Most politicans are not mega millionaires or billionaires. Even Michael Bloomberg, who bought three terms as NYC mayor gets down with the corrupt, and he doesn't even have to! Blagojevich fought Bank of America on behalf of low wage union workers:
Blagoevich fought so that every child in Illinois, and every family making less than $82,000 have health insurance.
Rod Blagoevich got free transit for senior citizens
Blagojevich tried to beat Big Pharma by importing medications for the people of Illinois from Canada, where medications costs as much as fifty percent less than they do in the USA.
Bloomberg, who says the thug NYPD is his private army, threw over $600 million to a well connected firm. This thug is being set up, like his mentor and employee Edward I Koch, another world historically corrupt NY Mayor, to be an esteemed "elder statesman" and possibly a Kingmaker in 2012. While Rod Blagoevich's little kids have to be told that their father, who fought for the 99 is going to jail for being a crook.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=6bf6cbb9bc5ad362&biw=1034&bih=532
Ubiquitous corruption favors the worst. Just about everybody in power has some kind of vulnerability to keep them in check. Blago's transgressions are minor compared to the big players. He was taken down because he got out of line. Similarly for Spitzer.
In a culture of universal corruption, the worst and most ruthless rise to the top. That's why I am so adamant about exposing the Bush-Clinton Mob. This isn't political hyperbola or sensationalism. Nor is it wild speculation. Anybody who takes a few hours to research, and a few days to reflect upon what they have seen will arrive at the same conclusions. The evidence is overwhelming.
We need to raise awareness of these matters, not so much to prosecute the guilty, but to expose the hidden forces keeping our government officials in check.
Blago was doing nothing more than any pol has to do to run for major office- unless that pol is independently super rich like Jon Corzine and Michael Bloomberg..
Blago's "crime" was trivial compared to those of the crooks who took him down. Imagine a crime so big that no one would believe it was a crime.
The generally perceived rampant corruption is nothing compared to the actual corruption.
Here's a concise expose on those "hidden Ziolinks"
Obama's Ballerina was complicit in all of this. It's amazing that Rahm Emanuel was given a position of such US National Security significance. He clearly has foreign loyalties. I didn't realize Emanuel actually served in the IDF.
If you aren't familiar with the role of Hillary Clinton in the Mena Arkansas cocain smuggling criminal enterprise, Bill to Hillary, "I'll shovel the snow if you do the laundry." All with the full knowledge and cooperation of Mossad Officer, Michael Harari.
The number of people brutally murdered to cover up these criminal activities is staggering. Look into Fahmy Malak, the Clinton family coroner. Death attributed to perforated ulcer, exacerbated by radical decapitation.
GOTTA love those two!
Monica was the coverup, not the scandal. When people started nosing around in Arkansas looking for the goods on Slick, he got a blowjob that drew 24x7 media attention to the First Penis. Clinton's partners in crime were the ones heading up the impeachment charade.
Yeah. Most I could figure at the time was as a coverup-for what I had no clue. Makes all sense now
American Drug Lords
Ignore the fact that this is posted by UFOTV. They had nothing to do with it's production. I've verified a whole lot of what's in the video.
In Search of the American Drug Lords
Could the assassinations and scandals that rocked America in the 60's and 70's have been perpetrated by the same people who caused the cocaine epidemic that swept this nation during the 1980s and which still continue today? See the results of a three-year investigation into the life and times of one of the most famous CIA agents and successful drug smugglers in America's history - Barry Seal.
Outfits and individuals who are very shady seem to almost be allowed to expose a lot of the crimes of the PTB. may be a seat of the pants operation, but Hopsicker seems pretty much on the up-n-up. He used to be an MSM producer until he figured out what was happening in Mena and that he could not report on in through the MSM. He's not new to tracking the kleptocracy. Here's his Masters of the Universe about the Federal Reserve banking Swindle:
I'll checkitout... On another subject, though no doubt related-have you read Bollyns book "solving 9/11"?
I've been following Bollyn for years. yes.
You're in the minority. Interesting connection re: defense for Blago was prosecution on Bollyn. For those who haven't figured out WHAT happened on 9/11 there's no better account as I've found.
I'm not sure he is correct about all of his speculations, but his research is typically good. He took a poison pill once regarding what hit the Pentagon. I regularly follow up on his assertions, and find corroboration.
He is capable of error like anyone, though what i note is his commitment to facts. He doesn't draw conclusions without supporting evidence, doesn't rely on speculation, or require readers to trust his judgement. His research is thorough, and while I have also seen what may be mistakes or inconsistencies, it seems he is committed to the truth. Hard to say that of any journalist.
It's easy to "fight" for the 99% with someone elses money. Give me your tax dollars and I will fight for you. I will fight for you so that it buys me votes, it doesn't matter if we can afford it, but I will fight.
labor creates all wealth
But in an unrecognized way. Labor is a pittance cost to the 1%. We are paid little simply to keep us powerless. The 1% define their wealth as land, oil, gold, things only the wealthy can truly profit from. If you labor, you are a slave, with gilt flaking off your chains more and more every year.
Another post that proves BOTH parties are corrupt and sleep in the same bed.....greed and power. Blago may have had a few good points, but the ends dont always justify the means, as he found out. He in time would have been far worse then what we have now, given his fondness of using strong arm tactics.
I believe he threatened to remove Illinois State funds from Bank of America, because the state could not secure a loan from BoA.
According to what I've read he fought BofA for other reasons.
Thank you, now I remember.
Illinois Gov. threatens Bank of America
By Wendy Ponds
(AXcess News) Chicago - At a press conference Monday morning, Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich (D) said his administration would suspend doing business with Bank of America if credit wasn't reinstated to Republic Windows & Doors, a Chicago North Side business which closed down after its financing was suspended by the bank.
Gov. Blagojevich said the State has hundreds of millions in dealings with Bank of America and that it got taxpayer money from Washington but overlooked those same taxpayers when they were in trouble.
Union workers had staged a sit-in on the factory floor on Friday that drew national media attention and today Gov. Blagojevich stepped in defending the Union workers in agreeing to meet with union representatives and Bank of America.
"The state of Illinois will suspend doing any business with Bank of America until credit is restored to the company," said Gov. Blagojevich. "We're going to do everything possible here in Illinois to side with these workers."
Gov. Blagojevich said the State would be in Federal Court on Tuesday to try and get the workers the money they're owed.
In response, a Bank of America spokesperson said "the bank wasn't responsible for any funds Republic owed its employees," which suggests that a court battle will be at hand.
But Bank of America wasn't expecting Gov. Blagojevich to stand up for the union employees and suspend doing business with the bank.
Blagojevich said Bank of America received billions in funding from the government at the expense of taxpayers and that the Bank hadn't lived up to its obligations to help businesses when he threatened to cut the bank off from doing business with the State.
The workers have become an icon for American workers everywhere after being affected by the recession. On Sunday, President-elect Barack Obama said Republic should live up to its commitment to its employees, implying that he backed Governor Blagojevich's move in supporting the hundreds of workers at the door and window company. So far Obama has not commented on Blagojevich's threats against Bank of America.
Now we have a better idea about why the governor is going to jail. And we want to tutor Russia, Venezuela and God knows who else in democracy.
The U.S is killing people in 7 countries at this time, but it is only for their own good according to the government and the media.
Good they probably deserve it. I wish it was 8, I hope the majority are A-Rabs.
"Killing" them? Not really, we're teaching them democracy! (not)
The Revolution has a new theme song!
The Revolution starts here!
Ah, music