Forum Post: Rocky for President ?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 23, 2012, 7:48 p.m. EST by SparkyJP
from Westminster, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just for the record - I'm posting this FYI. A 3rd party candidate has now entered the presidential race named Rocky Anderson. You decide whether you want to support him or not; but I do agree with his stand on most of the the issues (that are also seem to be synergistic to OWS's) and I have a strong desire to have a candidate without a D or R by their name. Below is a short blurb about him with some links for your research. I just found out about him and thought I'd share. BTW - I'm still researching too.
Most of us are fed up with the one-party political system in which both Democrats and Republicans are controlled by the same corporate and defense interests. We believe that the leadership of this country should be non-partisan, not bought, and thereby fully representative of public opinion in all its dimensions: on economics, tax, health, foreign policy and all other political issues.
Many prominent politicians, activists, and citizens have reached out to Rocky Anderson this year to call for the organization of a powerful, independent, broad-based coalition, and for him to run for President. We want YOU to learn about Rocky - a courageous man who has lived his life deliberately and with an unrelenting passion to hold true to his values of compassion, peace, and justice.
Rocky is far from a reconstituted candidate who is saying things at odds with his history or taking positions on issues for the first time, but a record of solid, principled commitment to compassion, peace, fiscal responsibility, and justice that conforms to what he says as a candidate and to what he will do as President.
Rocky & Policy
"Our public policy makers stand in a position of public trust - not just for the present but as stewards for those who come along in the future."
-Rocky Anderson
Economic and fiscal policy: Rocky supports increased tax on investment income; immediately ending the Bush tax cuts; cutting defense spending significantly; offering tax incentives to firms who hire US workers and disincentives to those that dont; splitting up too big to fail banks; and he opposes hiring ex-financial executives as advisors to the president on economic policy.
Healthcare: Rocky supports a system of universal healthcare, which would cost far less, be far more efficient, cover everyone, and achieve better outcomes.
Foreign Policy: Rocky has been a leading and unflinching opponent of the wars of the Bush-Obama Presidency.
Civil and Human Rights: As a lawyer, Rocky fought successfully to challenge abuses by government agents. As Mayor, he implemented an innovative restorative justice program. Named by HRC as one of the top ten straight advocates for the GLBT community, Rocky proposed marriage equality beginning in 1996. After completing two terms as Mayor, he founded High Road for Human Rights.
Environment: Rocky was named by Business Week as one of the top 20 activists in the world on climate change. As Mayor of Salt Lake City, he independently implemented the Kyoto Protocols and exceeded them by 48% (he attained 31% vs 21% as in the protocols => +48%). Rocky knows the solution to the climate crisis is not, as Pres. Obama calls it, clean coal. Rocky knows we must stop burning coal and destroying forests. Rocky will make climate protection a major U.S. priority – and provide sorely needed international leadership.
He is running on the The Justice Party Here is the Justice Party Prospectus and Action Plan:
RockyOccupyslc Rocky Anderson
Rocky Anderson MSNBC Daily Rundown - 2012 Run, Justice Party
I really wanted to make post to support Rocky, but thought it'd be against the forum rules, but since someone else started one... If you support the ideals of OWS, if you truly want to battle the control the 1% has over our government, Rocky is the only choice. Don't vote for the Republican wing or Democratic wing of the Corporate Party. Vote for Justice!
Thank you
I don't know much about him, but if he actually believes in what he says, and is not just playing to the movement; then he has my vote. I want to see if his views on the issues has remained constant through time or if he flip-flops. I believe he actually is sincere - I think it's just me. Once bitten - twice shy.
So far he's the only guy I'd vote for.
Not that it would count. It wouldn't. They've hacked the elections, they tell us who "won". Until we deal with that, elections are completely pointless.
I'll be voting for Rocky too. I don't think it is pointless to vote for a third party candidate. It does send a message to the major parties that we are fed up with their b.s. It sends a message to the candidate that we appreciate their efforts in standing up for principles, even though they won't win this time. It can also lay the groundwork for new parties to gain legal party status under state laws.
IMO, the action that would be truly pointless, would be to vote again for the same guys who keep screwing us over.
I'm not as concerned about a third party candidate (Ross Perot got 19% of the vote even after he dropped out of the race) as I am about the point that Nordic brought up. The people that "own" this country, have too much skin in the game; to allow the people to decide elections and the candidates are more than willing to put their vote up for auction. Although I think the game is rigged - I'll still keep voting (by mail) - but never for a D or R.
diebold voting machine flips votes -
Maybe the only real answer is a Direct Democracy -
Cheers :)
Yeah we're in a real Catch 22, because the only way we can get Democracy back in this country is to get the votes counted correctly.
And the only way we can get the votes counted correctly is to get people in office who will fix the system so that the machines can't be hacked.
Kind of a problem.
That's why we need to force the issue with nonviolent protests, strikes, whatever it takes. Like what they did in Egypt to DRIVE THESE CROOKS out of our government!
Seriously nothing else is going to work. The people in power have no interest in letting us have Democracy back. None whatsoever!
The people in power have spent a lot of time and money to get us where we are today. They will NOT just cave and walk away. They will fight us with the government; corporations; the military and police at their disposal. The only thing we have in our favor is numbers ............ and the fact that since we employ congress ..... they can also be fired. We CAN have a peaceful revolution!
Our government is not going to just hand control of the country back to the people. We will have to make a formal demand to have control of our country peacefully and methodically handed back to the people, as is our right. This country belongs to the people and no one or anything else. Our government doesn't own us, we own it. We are responsible for our government because we created it. We will make that formal demand by declaration...
"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will…”
Frederick Douglas
That's why I support a Direct Democracy - It is based on our current system, however it returns power back into the hands of the people. Self representation. Go to this page and scroll down to Government 2.0 to see a diagram of this concept.
"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress & the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." ~ Abraham Lincoln ~
Join us and be counted....
In conclusion; we do indeed have a Catch 22 situation. The question is what we do about it. Short of an all out violent revolution (which no one wants) or an organized peaceful revolution; our only other recourse is to be content with what we have; and remain servants of the 1%. It's collectively our choice.
PS - (This comes from the Declaration of Independence) “All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness… it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security”
I say decide the president by debates held in each state. Let those who want to vote Come to those debates. Make it 5 debates in each state that require age group admission. This gives one venue the chane to house all who wish to attend. also it clearly makes the candidates address the issues of the country, openly and fair across the board. Not just speak about middle clas or seniors bt address all issue directly to those they affect. Decide by the old audible cheer, not a hidden system of a select few.
sounds good
Our public policy makers stand in a position of public trust - not just for the present but as stewards for those who ,.,
is not wrapping on the screen I get scroll sideways
Thanx - Fixed it:)
"""""Rocky will make climate protection a major U.S. priority – and provide sorely needed international leadership"""""
That right there tells me he is a programmed drone IDIOT. Yes the climate is warming, but it isn't because we start our cars in the morning or have a nice coal fire in our homes.
Shhh, don't discourage them!
You're half right. You're right in the fact that the Earth goes through natural heating and cooling cycles but the problem is the amount of change in such a short amount of time.
Conventional science says we should be entering a cooling cycle but the opposite is actually happening and like you said ..... at a rapid rate. The millions of tons of hydrocarbons being pumped into the atmosphere ever since the industrial revolution has to have a cumulative effect on our climate. The earth's natural balance can be tipped and once we pass that threshold, humans will not be able to repair it. It took the earth millions of years to lock up all of the carbon that we are now releasing back into the atmosphere in just a little over a century. Besides we're running out. That's why we have to squeeze oil from sand and frack the earth for natural gas. (-: My 2 cents :-)
Would you mind telling me where I can find that information because it appears I'm a little out of date on my information. The last I heard it was just a normal heating cycle heating far too quickly. Please and thank you.
Here is one source:
1:40 min video:!
There are many sources out there if you choose to look. Try Google
I too would like to hear a FACTUAL answer.
No - What you would like to hear are statements that support your argument and label them as factual, irregardless whether they are or not. Show me your "facts". Just calling people idiots doesn't qualify as a fact.
I don't debate 'facts" with people who use the "not a word", "irregardless". Does that mean in regard to? For every little panic based, emotionally based FACT that you can find online, there are others that show the contrary. To think little old Human Beings can cause the earth to warm and/or cool to catastrophic levels is rather arrogantn narcissistic, and naive. But it does make for some great emotions and cna scare people into supporting an agenda. Much like religion.
I just love the "facts are for idiots" bit. It tosses the need for actually thinking right out the window. Allow me to present some pesky facts.
Now if you can show the average temperature has not risen or even fallen, please feel free to post it. Your favorite fact-free commentary page will not qualify, I'm not as dismissing of fact and source reputation.
How about this long-term fact?
It still shows an increase in temp. You do realize that, right?
Yeah, part of a normal cycle. I sure am glad the trend isn't going down. I hate cold weather.
LMAO. word to hating the cold weather. I didn't go into the cause, just that it is a reality. There are definitively know cycles that are ignored by the enviro-extremists. But on the flip side, the data does show the latest cycle is outside the normal range and we are the likely cause of that.
No where near enough data to prove why either way.
Not heating up fast at all. Look at this chart...