Forum Post: Rockefellers ~ This RULING Elite Family Makes Massive Decisions About Our Lives
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 10:37 a.m. EST by Renaye
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Meet The Rockefellers.
This insane family is involved in everything; Banking, Almost all the pharmaceutical corporations (Big Pharma), oil industry. These Inbred degenerates are the top echelon of the RULING Elite and need to be ousted!
Actually now that I think about it AIDS only affects gay people, promiscous people and drug addicts.
That sounds like an awefully convinient virus for someone who was pro-eugenics.
The best way to control the opposition is to lead the opposition.
insane family? have you ever heard of hard work? you fucking loser
And interesting enough they are liberals. Imagine that.
They pretend. In actuality, they have no allegiance to anyone or anything but themselves. That's how the Ruling Elite ( the .01%) manage to control playing both sides, called controlled opposition.