Forum Post: Rockefeller, Morgan, War
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 8:59 a.m. EST by OccultWallStreet
from Brooklyn, NY
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Even the Austrian economists of Mises institute Murray Rothbard admit the role of financial giants as war mongers: "During the 1930s, the Rockefellers pushed hard for war against Japan, which they saw as competing with them vigorously for oil and rubber resources in Southeast Asia and as endangering the Rockefellers' cherished dreams of a mass "China market" for petroleum products."
"The Morgans, in contrast, as usual deeply committed to their financial ties with Britain and France, once again plumped early for war with Germany, while their interest in the Far East had become minimal. "
Nobel prize laureate Krugman: "World War II is the great natural experiment in the effects of large increases in government spending, and as such has always served as an important positive example for those of us who favor an activist approach to a depressed economy."
House of Rothschild proclaimed," I care not who sits on the throne,who controls the money supply controls the country,and I control the money supply." Rothschild Mother said if my boys didnt want war there would be none..This family with Rockefeller,Bush control 500 trillion in assets,and they did not make it legally..Seize their assets and distribute to the people of the world the ones these transnational stole it from..
Isn't that an antisemite conspiracy theory?
is not a theory its on record..
oh you hide behind race card,a criminal is a criminal,war profiteering is crime against humanity
Which race?
Hey at least Rockefeller saved the whales.
"It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking." Ron Lawl