Forum Post: Roberto Saviano at Zuccotti Park!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 12:43 a.m. EST by TheGiops
from Roseville, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Occupy Wall Street will welcome famed Italian journalist in hiding, Roberto Saviano, who will be discussing the profound correlation between the worsening of the economic crisis and the skyrocketing businesses of criminal organizations this coming Saturday afternoon.
Saviano presence in the italian mass media is huge, he is the 1%!
A self promoting attention whore that the italian establishment use as a flag to represent the the "change". He is an authority that must be questioned!
In this video he expressed hatred and despise not only for the young people who reacted to the violence of a fascist and racist police during the student protests in Italy but also for all the activists who are "puffing their joints"! Saviano, get a life!
So many links and articles explains the mistifications of this all italian Media Character but they are all in italian...
Risposta di Valerio Evangelisti a Roberto Saviano
Il Centro Peppino Impastato diffida Saviano
Roberto Saviano denuncia per diffamazione Liberazione
Vignetta di MAKKOX
Hello 99%, check the links below and find out why "WE ITALIANS" don't want SAVIANO to represent us in OCCUPY WALL STREET. Please raise ur voice when he is gonna be on stage
THIS was a real Italian hero, although he wouldn't stand for being called a hero. Kudos to his loving memory.
Urgent appeal to OWS about Roberto Saviano - please circulate, share, tweet /via @wordpressdotcom
Take care with saviano, after riots in december 14 of the last year he said that there was two hundreds of "imbeciles", "idiots" who meant to struggle with violence "against the movement". His words divided the movement and now italian movement is paying consequences, italian movement is weak, in Italy people is trusting and waiting policies of new government, and all of us know that measures will be of suffering and pain for the working (and not employed ) class. Saviano is on the same side of Monti, as he said. Take care, mediatic esposition can turn against you. I wish I were with you, Support OWS
This is Saviano's article about Rome 14 dic 2010:
Things people don't know about Roberto Saviano
Listen here. this is an exceptional occasion for #OWS to get UNBIASED media exposure to foreign news stations, that will definitely be present and will not be shut off by the cops. It's easy to badmouth someone and undermine his credibility, to undermine the potential outcome and make it look like it's only an occasional gig. Looks to me like you are trying to discredit Saviano because of one of two reasons: You are paid to do that, or you are afraid of what may come out of it. Which one is the real one?
This is a coward accusation. Important italian students group signed a petition for having him banned by OWS. He's just trying to recreate a 'juvenile' look while in Italy no one has ever invited him to speak about movement or students..just the biggest mainstream newspapers, to say that "you must make a revolution, but: a) supporting isreal b) respecting the law c) supporting bankers" Aahah! this is ridiculous..please, ask why in London he was denied any protection..because there is NO RISK for him! only in italy he goes around with bodyguards, and NYPD believed this joke..why he's "HIDING in secret location", while he went in a banker's villa?? (read the link above)..please, do not ever repeat we are paid..this is soo offensive..
We are not being paid, Roberto Saviano is to promote his new book coming out for Christmas, published by Mondadori owned by Silvio Berlusconi & co. Ask Roberto Saviano about his postions on Israel and Palestine, ask him to talk about Berlusconi's ties to the Mafia and let's see if he'll answer... he won't. He is the 1%. This is the fact.
"You are paid to do that" isn't a good argument. Everyone can check the sources we posted
Either you don't know squat about Saviano, or you are paid for badmouthing him.
Not at all, believe me: I've got lot of articles and video supporting my opinion. I'd like to share with you, if you are able to understand spoken and written Italian. By the way, can it be enough (at least for some doubts about him) the only fact that Roberto Saviano's publisher is Berlusconi?
So benissimo che Mondadori ERA l'editore di Saviano. Sono Italiano quanto te, ma sto vivendo in prima persona (Qui in USA) la situazione. Un'occasione di esposizione mediatica e' sempre la benvenuta.
Saviano non si vede mai nei movimenti italiani, dico mai, e a nessuno viene in mente di invitarlo, giustamente. Parlare di mafia senza parlare di capitalismo, anzi, difendendolo, è da stolti imho.
Difendere la legalita' non e' mai sbagliato. E comunque, Saviano e' una personalita' di spicco, quindi un'occasione mediatica che sarebbe meglio non perdere, no?
si vede che ragioniamo per priorità diverse...
Si, io ragiono per quel che si puo' prendere. Tu sei prevenuta.
No, documentata: è diverso. E con una certa autonomia di pensiero.
Bisogna vedere da dove prendi e chi ha scritto le documentazioni. E, credimi, come autonomia di pensiero me la cavo abbastanza, grazie. Comunque, adesso sono le tre di mattina, in California, e io vado a dormire. G'Night!
le mie fonti non rientrano nell'editoria berlusconiana, poco ma sicuro...
The 99% of Italy does not want Saviano at OWS. He is UNDESERVING of the ethic depth of the movement. This is the best response about him: VITTORIO ARRIGONI speaks about Roberto Saviano, with English Subtitles. NO SAVIANO AT OWS!!!!
Dear friends of OWS,
Why inviting Roberto Saviano (writer) in OWS is a big mistake?
Saviano was the author of the much admired 'Gomorrah' an introspective tale of death and dignity inside the world's most powerful organized crime, Camorra. But shortly after Saviano became an icon of repression and mainstream culture, frequently attacking the italian Occupy Movement.
Indymedia Italia InfoAut Global Project Italian Revolution 15OCT Università Occupata UniNomade Unicommons
How is he any worse than most of our so-called presidential candidates now braying nonsense on politican forums all over America?
No Saviano at OWS! Roberto Saviano is not loved by the Italian movement, he is a police advocate and rejoiced when they arrested demonstrators. - "The Repubblica newspaper published an open letter by Roberto Saviano (investigative journalist and author of the best-selling book Ghomorra) siding against the students. Forced to remain in hiding from the Mafia, the writer has until recently been held in great respect by many young people. Now he is insistently demanding that the students refrain from overstepping the limits of the law during their protests. In doing so, he is assuming that the violence emanates from the young people, and not from the heavily armed police and rabid paramilitary units." SOURCE: - "Roberto Saviano, the writer of the bestseller “Gomorrah” (you’ll have heard of the movie!), wrote a letter to the “left-wing” newspaper La Repubblica, in which he attacked the students using the same old refrain we already know: The police’ violence was horrible, but it was the violent protesters’ fault. A few black sheep ruined the whole peaceful movement, and so on…" SOURCE: Now Saviano support the new italian government,Led by Prime Minister Mario Monti, a Goldman Sachs's man! SOURCE: Italy: The cabinet of Mario Monti—a government of the banks
Scusa, chi ti ha detto che gli Italiani non apprezzano Saviano? Who said that Italians don't like Saviano? He is perfectly right in saying that NOBODY should overstep the limits of the law. So?
The ITALIAN MOVEMENT don't like Saviano. You see that for every government is illegal also to camp, so we don't care about this false dichotomies legal/illegal. Change the world IS illegal!
To all the ones that are trying to destroy the image of the only italian guy that is trying to change Italy and to give a real contribution to our democracy. In the open letter of December 14th 2010, Roberto was not calling all the pacific protesters "idiots", but he was going against the violent protesters that destroy whatever the other thousand of pacific protesters wanted to pacifically say to the italian government. Roberto Saviano published with Mondadori that's true, but to me this look like more a challenge that Saviano throw to Berlusconi than a "secret" alliance between these two. And finally i would like to know which one of us has ever infiltrated mafia/camorra and wrote a book about what everyone in that country knows but no one had got the courage to say just because of the fear to be killed...he did it and he needs PROTECTION, our solidarity and our respect. He is one of us,he is trying to do what anyone ever did in Italy, he should inspire us indeed.
I think it's great that he will be speaking today. I wonder why people think that he is hated by Italians...when he talks about respecting law and order he is trying to make the movement stronger...there is no point in violence, except to make everyone talk about the violence forgetting the arguments, the reasons behind the protest. Violence just helps who wants to shut your mouth. I don't think he is a very privileged person...since he cannot live a free life. Anyway, lets see what he has to say.