Forum Post: RIP Steve Jobs
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 1:06 p.m. EST by ForTheWinnebago
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"Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking."
- Steve Jobs
RIP - Steve Jobs way to backdate options...
guilty - so if he were alive would he be part of the one percent you are ready to hang?
Just askin'
No, wealth in and of itself is not the issue, in my opinion. It's the way in which the wealth was gained and the value of that individuals work to society.
Does creating esoterically valued financial instruments really impart any value to society? (no)
Does changing the entire fucking field of computation? (yes)
I look up to Steve Jobs as one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the last 100 years, 338 US patents, innovating the personal computing field, and creating products which became the standard in their respective fields.
The tech industry has very little government involvement (as opposed to "green energy," finance, auto, etc) so I have less of a problem with tech in general.
Can you get back to me on the back dating and SEC fraud please?
What exactly do you want me to "get back to you" about? It was an internal company issue, charges were filed, people left the company, Jobs surrendered his options before they were even exercised.
It was not internal and they were forced to settle the case... so this isn't an example of "corporate greed"? Or is apple too cool for that.
I don't give a fuck about "coolness." The fact that some people are susceptible to marketing and brand worship is their own fucking problem.
It is an example of corporate greed, but they didn't put trillions of dollars of tax payer money at risk, nor did they go crying to the government for emergency liquidity programs. I don't really get your point.
Isn't one of the core beliefs of your "movement" unfair taxes for corporations? and corporate greed? PS Watch your language the whole world is watching.
The fact that part of the world takes issue with the word "fuck" is their fucking problem for being so fucking sensitive to a fucking word. In conclusion, fuck.
I am not part of any movement, I am simply speaking my opinion, whether my opinion overlaps with those of a "movement" is of coincidence. I use something called "thinking" much as Steve Jobs indicates to do. I don't adopt preconceived paradigms and then form my opinions in those boxes.
Also, I am adamantly against off-shore tax havens and don't give a fuck if you are Apple or Goldman Sachs or Union Labor Worker Dogooders of the World. If a US based company earns foreign income abroad, they should be taxed at the highest US corporate tax rate, no tax holidays, no discounts for repatriation.
Aww adorable impersonation of George Carlin.
So are you still in love with Steve Jobs?
And how do you plan of getting those off shore assets home?
Or should we just say "fuck it" ?
Probably just say fuck it and sit back and watch the world burn, I'll bring marshmallows and Jameson.
Cool, I like both.