Forum Post: Righties Crying Wolf Trumps BigFoot!! Oh my Death Panels!!
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 13, 2012, 10:29 a.m. EST by JIFFYSQUID92
from Portland, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Righties despise government and public service. And to obstruct, defeat or sabotage government/public service, Righties will do anything.
Including crying wolf.
We hear it every year with Fox Lies' "War on Christmas," we heard it with Iraq's "Weapons of Mass Destruction," "Obamacare's Death Panels," and State-bankrupting "Cadillac Public Employee Plans." The list of GOP exaggerated false alarms are overwhelming (it's practically all they do when not outright lying) but this one over employer-provided medications for women puts them in the Floppers Hall of Fame! Move over NBA.
The proposed, not implemented, "plan" exempts churches ~ although DePaul University the largest Catholic university provides contraceptives to female employees, and Planned Parenthood (the new ACORN) doesn't provide free contraceptives ~ and wouldn't have taken effect until 2014. The issue is a red herring AND a Strawman. Because since 2000, employers and insurers have had to provide birth control as part of preventive care for all women by law.
Obama head faked and the Righties flopped, for everyone to see. So he gave the ball to insurers. Women get their due coverage and the church has given their blessings. But Republicons are still flopping on the floor waiting for a foul call.
As to government/service hating Righties, GOP, Republicons seeking governmental offices, it makes you wonder? Then you realize, these haters strive to show that government doesn't work, even if it kills them.
Make no mistake, Christmas-Destruction-Death Panel-Cadillac-Contraceptives are no more real than the elusive "Job Creators"!!! Move over Big Foot.
GOP = Fascism
60% of Democrats = Repubs in disguise
Litmus test for frauds in congress: Voted Yes on the Patriot Act, Voted Yes on the NDAA instead of removing horrid provisions, Voted Yes on the bailouts instead of coming up with a real solution.
That is just a simple test to find the frauds in congress.
You don't know what fascism is. But you are right about a simple test for finding the frauds.
I miss George Carlin's take on the world. He had a real talent for cutting through the crap in a very funny way.
He paid a price, a tab, that we all need to pitch in to. Any pitch will do...
Are there any drugs you are NOT doing?
So the world outside of the RW Hate and Lie Echo-Chamber seems like a drug high? I guess that makes sense. But you can't remember?? Of course not, you guys forget all contradictory truths and all your transgressions and atrocities. I guess that's just your survival instincts carried over from evolution.
Transgressions and atrocities, wtf are you talking about? I've never committed any transgressions or atrocities. You suffer from a mental illness which suggests that you should cry RACIST every time someone disagrees with you.
No one living in this country today has ever enslaved or been enslaved and you've got a choice, you can either get over it, or you can leave the country. But no sane individual is going to continue to allow black America to assert such ridiculous accusations.
My favorite is their howling about the deficit out of one side of their mouth, like they actually care about government debt, then insisting on tax cuts for the wealthy out the other. And if you call them out on it they'll give you some convoluted, Alice in Wonderland explanation about how those tax cuts magically don't effect the deficit. The only way it could get any more incredible is if they claim an angel visited them and gave them magic tablets with the whole thing written in an unknown tongue.
So true for so long. What the hell is wrong with people?! Nevermind, I know. They get just enough votes to make it seem real.
Did you hear or see Bitch McConnell squawking? How many inbred hillbillies can there be in his state to keep him in office?? (Hillbilly Taliban)
Terminator was repeated locally last night and I mentioned you to someone on here, and here you are, SC.
I think there is some kind of righty agenda to keep OWS apolitical. It's just more voter suppression from the crowd that brought us the Iraq War, Halliburton, and the financial crises.
No, keeping it this way allows others to feel comfortable to join the movement without worrying about being accepted based on their party preference. I have never seen an organized attempt to cast out or ostracize anyone for having a political agenda. Just that OWS itself will not adopt one.
That's fine if the whole point of your movement is just to be inclusive, but if you stand for something you inevitably exclude people.
You do realize how Alice and Wonderland it is to say we have a club, anyone can join and it stands for nothing? The fact is OWS is involved in a lot of political activism. It has defined goals etc. I really don't care if you want to admit that just so long as people are encouraged to vote.
You seem angry and to be missing the point, and to have forgotten the nature of the question I was responding to. I stand for something and I presume you do as well. We are in support of the same struggle because of the alice in wonderland approach. Just because you don't understand immediately what I have said, doesn't mean you should respond with knee jerk reaction and give in to frustration.
What about the elusive GA?? If it was any more USSR it would have to be a strip in Mad Magazine. I'm going with it, but it's freak'n weird.
Speaking of voting: The Vote is going to be my new subject of interest. No matter what else Occupy does, it, we, has to transform into a national "Get Out The Vote Machine!!"
We also have to condemn our 1% opposition.
And we have to get camera ready. No more Woodstock. Loud and clear signs and clean American flags in every conceivable shot of Occupy.
Now who do we speak to to get this going, like, yesterday??
Now, hit it! HitGirl.
That's Terminator work. Good ideas though. Me, I got to go to work. That's why I'm only on the forum either in morning or night when i get home. Monday I was off.
Hit it!!
Probably about as many as douche drinking suckbutt Harry "Ass" Ried's state. Harry needs to go see a speech therapist, or an AA meeting, to help him off the booze.
Oh, I see, typo.
You meant "Boner," the weeper of the House for hopefully just a few more do-nothing-but-obstruct-and-sabotage months. You can't blame him for being a complete drunk, though, the guy got where he is handing out Big Tobacco bribery checks, the gilt must be overwhelming.
Harry is just too damn polite.
Someone should just walk up to Bitch and slap him right there on the Senate floor for the whole world to see, his awful lies have a limit!
You can add in the NRA guy, saying Obama is attacking gun owners by not attacking gun owners.
They've all gone King George Krazy!!!!!
When do we learn?
Suppose you want to give $1000 of your money to feed the hungry. Would you be better off giving it to the Gov in the form of taxes, or your local church?
The best that the Gov can manage is to get $ 0.27 on the dollar to intended welfare recipients while a typical private charity provides $ 0.90. Many are closer to $0.95.
$ 0.27 on the dollar, not only is that a disgrace it's immoral. Face it. The Gov is inept.
that video is racist.
Not as much as Bitch McConnell!
but still racist.
You don't know what racism is.
Conservatism is not a race, it's a mental illness.
George Carlin is sooo right!!
Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!
you follow comedians for your political views. I understand.
Is Rush Limpaw a comedian or just a rancid hog?
are you trying to say you follow rush limbaugh also? come out of the closet jizzysquid.
There it is, the rightie gay in-u-end-o. Is that talking point 2 or 7? I can never remember.
come out of the closet wrt political leanings. the fact you think it was gay in-u-end-o so speaks volumes. TP#23 FTR.
Is everyone who disagrees with you a liar?
How come you don't know that liars are liars??? HMMMmmm?
You can't answer the question?
Is everyone who disagrees with Rush Limpaw a liar??
You can't answer mine.
Your post was so full of lies I wanted to see if you have any contact with reality at all, thanks for making it clear you don't. :)
So anything that does not agree with RW rhetoric is lies????
You don't know that RW rhetoric is ALL lies?
Pick "a lie" and let's discuss it.
He listed quite a few real humdingers in the OP. Or didn't you notice?
Pick one and let's discuss it like mature, intelligent adults.
Nope. they're right there in the OP. And I have no desire to go through another fruitless argument with fact-challenged minds.
Allow me to interpret; you're tired of having your ass handed to you. :)
The ass part is right: I'm tired of dealing with them.
My goodness. Such an ego!
My goodness. Such an ass!
No answer there. Oh, you are from New Jersey? That is my answer. How's Snookie?
Try Google or Alternet, I don't teach anymore.