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Forum Post: Right Wing War On Infants And The Elderly!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 10:29 a.m. EST by arealpolitik (154)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

By: John Liming

Conservatism seems to be the great American Champion of anti-abortion legislation. To some super moralists this is probably a good thing. Others may see these laws as promoting Big Government intervention into individual liberties by the very party who claims to be against Big Government. That might bring up the idea of someone being a little “Hypocritical” in some folk’s minds…my own for one.

In any event, there are bound to be lots of new infants born as a result of these anti-abortion measures—many of them to lower income families who need some kind of assistance with food.

That is where the “Special Supplemental Nutritional Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is supposed to come in.

Well guess what I have heard?

I have heard reports that House Republicans have taken measures that will reportedly negatively impact at least half a million women and children by reducing funding for the WIC Program from somewhere around $7 billion to somewhere around $6 billion for the year, 2012.

While that may be bad news for the women and children who will suffer deprivation and increased need because of Conservatism’s “Generous” heart, it will surely make some of the 300,000 millionaires and billionaires happy because it will surely mean extra bucks in their already over-stuffed jeans. That is the way I understand it anyways. Correct me if I am wrong.

Hey! The women and the kids aren’t the only ones under attack by those Republicans either. The Elderly are getting their share of Conservative “Love” too.

Besides the cuts to the WIC Program, the guardians of “Family and Moral Values” are also reportedly attacking The Emergency Food Assistance Program by slashing it’s budget by almost $64 million and another $38 million from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program.

I mean really now folks…what better way to “Save Money” in the national budget than to take it out on the poor, the kids and the elderly?

Isn’t it a fact that those needy people could have been rich if they had only gotten off their lazy backsides and got a job or took better advantage of the great opportunities that the American Economy offers equally to everybody?

I hear a lot of that kind of mindless nonsense coming out of the mouths of a lot of those afflicted with Conservatism. I think they believe that if someone is not rich in America, it is their own fault. So, I guess because of that, the poor and the elderly and the helpless kids are fair game for the Obstructionist Budget Whackers in Washington, right?

My question? “WW JD?” (What would Gee-Zuss do, anyway?). These actions are coming out of the political arena that claims the Moral high ground all the time, so…how “Christian” is all this attention being paid to the needs of the needy?

Is this really the way to balance the budget? On the backs of those who can least afford the extra burdens being thrown at them by these heartless cuts? Is that the “Gawdly” thing to do and is that the “Righteous” way of going about it?

What about those subsidies to the giant oil companies? I hear that those oil giants are posting record profits this year. If that is the case, why do they still need the U.S. Taxpayer to subsidize them? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Instead of taking food out of the mouths of kids and women and elderly people, why not just cut back some of that free money flowing to the oil companies in the form of those needless subsidies that we are all paying for? How about that?

It just doesn’t make sense to me, folks, that the political faction that makes claims to their “Values” and their concern for “Family and Morals” has to stoop to such measures as penalizing the poor, the kids, the women, the elderly, the Middle Class and the lower wage earners instead of putting the brakes on some of those big tax cuts the wealthy have been enjoying for so long now.

Read More: http://www.thejeffersontree.com/right-wing-war-on-infants-and-the-elderly/



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[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Obama cut 500b in medicare to insure the middle class.

[-] 1 points by danmi (66) 13 years ago

If you libtards want a socialist society then I suggest you should move overseas where there is an abundance of it. You liberal rejects will not be missed, Bye

[-] 0 points by Durandus (181) 13 years ago

The greatest of the moral laws? "Love your neighbor as yourself." "Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the earth." ~Jesus. What a libtard he was, eh?

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

What about all the taxes we pay on our oil? The government profits off oil many times more than the oil companies. Abortion is murder against the uttermost defenseless. You see no problem with murder of the most defenseless in our world? If someonen is cheating on their taxes, you have a bitch. When companies legally pay less, as every individual filer does as well, what is your complaint? As I have repeated on this forum many times, I will repeat again. Government is to blame. They set the budget, they decide to raise or not raise taxes, to borrow to fund government or not. It is governments fault we are in the boat we are in. Government. Get it? Government are the creeps and the real crooks.

[-] 0 points by bill1102inf2 (357) 13 years ago

Good, if WIC and welfare for breeders stopped people would actually start getting and staying married again instead of popping out kids for checks. You would see fatherless births in teh poor communities come to a screaching halt. All the people in the poor communities have kids IN ORDER to get gov money, its not like this happens by accident, it doesn't - thats a liberal fantasy.

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

[-]bill1102inf20 points 4 minutes ago

Good, if WIC and welfare for breeders stopped people would actually start getting and staying married again instead of popping out kids for checks. You would see fatherless births in teh poor communities come to a screaching halt. All the people in the poor communities have kids IN ORDER to get gov money, its not like this happens by accident, it doesn't - thats a liberal fantasy.


Breeders??? Isn't that racist term for Mexican women???

You know what I know many white neighbors living on Long Island who collect Workers Comp, SSD and get food stamps while working off the books. You should see the McMansions they live in. What about those folks do you have the same hate for those crooks???

[-] 0 points by bill1102inf2 (357) 13 years ago

no its a term for people who have kids to collect pay checks.

and yes, those people are crooks too

[-] 0 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

Do you have proof of this??? Perhaps these people are Catholics and are forced by their beliefs and their Church not to use protection???

[-] 1 points by bill1102inf2 (357) 13 years ago

What dont you get? Welfare momas get MORE $$ for NOT being married, and the $$ goes UP with every child. If the father agrees to pay CS on the side, they get cash on top of that. They get $$ for their place to live, $$ for food, $$ for electricity, AND spending money, why do you think "WE TAKE EBT" is on the door at gas stations and hair salons???!!!! when you see women out during the day not working, HOW do you think they are able to do that!!?? Think those girls at the mall during the day are RICH??? LMAO, they are on WELFARE!!! Not use protection? WTF!!! There are so many free condoms, free birth control, free iuds, FREE EVERYTHING available so people dont get pregnant, THEY DO IT ON PURPOSE so they dont have to WORK!!

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 13 years ago

And this all fact or is it propaganda from the Blaze web site?